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Infinite product's question

Given a pair of strictly increasing functions $f,g:\mathbb{N}\to \mathbb{N}$ define: $P_N(f,g)\doteq \left(z\in \mathbb{C}\mapsto \prod_{i=1}^{f(N)}\left(1+\frac{z}{v_i(N)}\right)\in \mathbb{C}\...
user39115's user avatar
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ideals in the disk algebra

Let A be the disk algebra, of continuous functions on the closed disk holomorphic on the interior, with sup-norm denoted || . || . Let x be an interior point of the disk. Does there exist a ...
user35486's user avatar
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Absolute convergence of logarithm of polynomial with positive coefficient ($\ln G(z) = \sum\limits_{i = 0}^\infty {{q_i}{z^i}} $)

Special problem: Let $G(z)$ be a probability generating function(pgf, the $z$ can be seen as real number or complex number), that is $$G(z) = \sum\limits_{i = 0}^\infty {{p_i}{z^i}} ,(\left| z \right|...
1 vote
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Fractional Derivatives Of Sums

I have a question regarding the definition of a fractional derivative. I've searched, but I can't find a definition of fractional derivatives that explain the concept in terms of an operator on some ...
Rick Farr's user avatar
23 votes
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Which smooth compactly supported functions are convolutions?

If $f,g$ are smooth functions with support in the interval $[-r,r]$ for some $r>0$, then their convolution $f*g$ is smooth with support in $[-2r,2r]$. My question is about the converse: Given ...
Gandalf Lechner's user avatar
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The dual space of the Dirac measures on an Abelian group

Let $G$ be a Hausdorff locally-compact Abelian group and $L^2(G)$ the Hilbert space of two-integrable complex functions on the group. Question. What would be natural vector space $\mathcal{R}$ of ...
Juan Bermejo Vega's user avatar
4 votes
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status of Invariant subspace problem on Krein Space

What is the status of Invariant subspace problem on Krein Space? What sort of developments have taken place in this area.
Koushik's user avatar
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definition of accretive operator

A relation T with domain and range in a Hilbert space is said to be accretive if the transformation $ (T − \lambda)/(T + \bar \lambda\ ) $ with domain and range in the Hilbert space is contractive for ...
Koushik's user avatar
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Analytic continuation for PI(1+z^(4^n))

How to do analytic continuation for following function? $$f(z) = \prod_{n=0}^{+\infty} {(1+z^{4^n})}$$ Evidently it satisfies $f(z)f(z^2)=\dfrac{1}{1-z}$...
Lwins's user avatar
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hayman's result for $ A^2(D) $

Consider injective homolomorphic functions $f:\mathbb D\to \mathbb C$ on the unit disk $|z|\leq 1$, normalized by the conditions $f(0)=0$ and $f'(0)=1$. Thus for $|z|\leq 1$ we have $ f(z)=\...
Koushik's user avatar
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Stone Cech compactification for exponential map

Recently I met with a problem related to Stone-Cech Compactification theorem in Furstenberg's famous paper "non-commuting product." I try my best to understand Stone-Cech compactification theorem by ...
yaoxiao's user avatar
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complex contour integral calculation after Möbius transformation

Good day to everyone. In my scientific research I've got stuck with a contour integration problem. I would like to evaluate the following integral: $$I=\int_0^{\infty } \frac{e^{\frac{\alpha -\mathrm ...
Caran-d'Ache's user avatar
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Composite families of formal power series over $\mathbb C$ as algebraic variety

I was led to prove that the set of composite families $(f_j)_{j \leq k}$ of germs at $0\in \mathbb C^m$ of a holomorphic function (composite = sharing a common divisor belonging to the maximal ideal) ...
Loïc Teyssier's user avatar
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A parametrix for the $\bar\partial$ operator adapted to a holomorphic foliation

Let $X$ be a compact complex manifold with (regular) holomorphic foliation given by a holomorphic subbundle $\mathcal F$ of the tangent bundle. The foliation induces a filtration on differential forms....
user36504's user avatar
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Question on Hartogs's Extension Theorem

Does Hartogs's extension theorem hold if one replaces the word holomorphic by analytic (of course still in several variables)? For Hartogs's Extension Theorem see here:
bernard's user avatar
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Polynomial growth of Fourier transforms

I am looking for a theorem that guarantees the polynomial growth of a function $f$ defined by a Fourier integral, that is, when $$f(x)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}F(y)e^{ixy}dy.$$ I am only interested in ...
Kevin Smith's user avatar
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Nth root of a matrix as an analytic function?

Let $A$ be a $k \times k$ invertible matrix over complex numbers. If it possible to write its nth root as an analytic function (i.e. power series in $A$)? EDIT: Complex coefficients can be functions ...
Piotr Migdal's user avatar
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Blaschke condition on upper half plane

if f is in $H^{1}$ the Hardy space with integrable norm, and if f is not identically zero, then the zeroes of f (certainly countable in number) satisfy the Blaschke condition.Can any "Blaschke ...
Koushik's user avatar
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11 votes
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Complexifying a real Banach space and its dual

A standard way to define the "complexification" $E_\mathbb{C}$ of a real Banach space $E$ is to define a complex linear structure on $E\times E$ by (1) $(x,y)+(u,v)=(x+u, y+v)$, (2) $(a+ib)(x,y)=(ax-...
Fred Dashiell's user avatar
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bivariate polynomial

Hello, Let $p(x,y) = \sum_{m=1}^M\sum_{n=1}^N a_{m,n}x^{m-1}y^{n-1}$ be a bivariate polynomial where $\{a_{m,n}\}$ are complex. If $(x_k, y_k), k=1,2,\cdots, MN-1$ are roots of $p(x,y)=0$ where $|...
Frank's user avatar
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18 votes
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Spectra of elements of a Banach algebra and the role played by the Hahn-Banach Theorem.

This problem was posed on Math StackExchange some time ago, but it did not garner any solutions there. I think that it is interesting enough to be posed here on Math Overflow, so here it goes. Let $ \...
Leonard's user avatar
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Constructing the imaginary part of a holomorphic function

Hallo, Let $f: U \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be a analytic function, where $U \subset \mathbb{C}^{n}$ is a open set (paracompact, starshaped or convex i.e. sufficiently nice). Does there exist a function ...
hapchiu's user avatar
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Corona Theorem in several variables

Hallo, I have read about the Corona Theorem (see link: From this one ca deduce that: Let $f_{1}, ..., f_{n}$ be holomorphic bounded functions on the unit ...
hapchiu's user avatar
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About principal values and Wirtinger derivative

Let $K$ be a compact of the plane of Lebesgues measure 0 and $\Omega$ a domain containing $K$. Denote by $E$ the vector space of functions that are holomorphic on $\Omega - K$. I'm interested in ...
Albert's user avatar
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Books on real and/or complex analytic functions on Banach spaces taking values in Banach spaces

I'm looking for good textbooks on the subjects. If you know one(s), please let me know.
Makoto Kato's user avatar
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holomorphic extension of a function [closed]

hi, I have the following question: let $U \subset \mathbb{C}^{n}$ be some open set containing zero. let $\tilde{U} = U \cap \mathbb{R}^{n}$. assume we have a real-valued analytic function $f : \tilde{...
bruno's user avatar
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Analytical predicate for integers over complex numbers

A complex number $z$ is an integer if and only if $\sin(\pi z)=0$. It follows that a complex number $z$ is an integer if and only $\sin^2(\pi z) = 0$. So for a real analytic function $f$ and any real ...
Stephan Wehner's user avatar
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Almost analytic continuation

Let $f\in S^{\alpha}$ for some $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}$(which means that f is smooth and satisfies $|D^{\beta}f|\leq C(1+|x|)^{\alpha-\beta}$),a function $\tilde{f}$ on $\mathbb{C}$ is called an almost ...
user23078's user avatar
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Analytic continuation of instantaneous eigenstates of a time-dependent hamiltonian

We are considering the instantaneous eigenstates of an analytically time-dependent hamiltonian and I would like to know how legitimate it is to extend them to the complex plane. Specifically, our ...
Emilio Pisanty's user avatar
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In Fourier Transforms: Positive Definite Functions, Bochner's Theorem, and Derivatives

I've been reading about Bochner's Theorem lately, but when I apply it to the derivative of a function, I seem to get a contradiction with the theorem. "Bochner's theorem states that a positive ...
Robert's user avatar
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An asymptotic series for the digamma function

As we know, there is an asymptotic series for the digamma function when $z>0$ is a real number. $$ \psi(z)=\ln z+\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}{\frac{B_n}{nz^n}} $$ $B_n$ is the first Bernoulli numbers. How ...
Lwins's user avatar
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What classes of functions are closed under all rescalings?

Let us denote by the symbol $\mathcal{G}$, a group of functions $f: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ (with the composition operation) that is additionally closed under all affine change of variables ...
Euplio M.'s user avatar
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A specific projection and compactness on the Bargmann-Fock space

Let $F_2$ be the Bargmann Fock space defined as the space of entire functions $f$ on $\mathbb{C}$ such that \begin{align*} \int_{\mathbb{C}} |f(z)|^2 e^{- |z|^2} dA(z) \end{align*} ($dA$ is just ...
Joshua Isralowitz's user avatar
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Laplace Transform: Are there theorems similar to the Bernstein Theorem?

Bernstein's Theorem states, that if a function is completely monotonic, then it is the Laplace transform of an $L^1$-function. (E.g. Widder, "The Laplace Transform", Chapter IV, Theorem 19b) Are ...
florian's user avatar
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Reversed disc algebra?

Take $U=\mathbb{D}_2\setminus \overline{\mathbb{D}_1}$ ($\mathbb{D}_r$ is the open disc centered at 0 with radius $r$) and consider the space $A(U)$ of all functions on $\overline{U}$ which are ...
JSanderson's user avatar
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The space $H(D)$ of holomorphic functions.

A very natural example of a nuclear Montel space is the space $H(D)$ of all holomorphic functions on the open disc topologized by the family of seminorms $$p_n(f)=\sup\{|f(z)|\colon |z|\leq 1-\tfrac{...
RogersFR's user avatar
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What is the orthonormal basis for the Bergman space on the disk?

[EDIT by YC: the original question's title asked about a basis for the Hardy space on the disk. It is clear from the actual question that what was meant was the Bergman space.] In arXiv:0310.5297, ...
john mangual's user avatar
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Invertibility of frame/sampling operator on Bargmann-Fock spaces

Let $F_\alpha ^p (\mathbb{C}^n)$ for $1 < p < \infty$ and $\alpha > 0$ be the Bargmann-Fock space defined as the Banach space of entire functions $f$ such that $f(\cdot) e^{- \frac{\alpha}{2} ...
Joshua Isralowitz's user avatar
15 votes
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What holomorphic functions are limits of polynomials?

Let $\Omega$ be a connected open set in the complex plane. What is the closure of the polynomials in $\mathcal{H}(\Omega)$ the set of holomorphic functions on $\Omega$? The topology is the usual ...
Olivier Bégassat's user avatar
12 votes
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Parametrisations for null temperature functions: nonuniqueness of solutions to the heat equation

Disclaimer. I expect this is a highly open problem, but maybe I'm wrong and someone has come up with some answers besides those given here. In any case, all information appreciated, thanks! Definition....
Zen Harper's user avatar
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Reference for complex analysis jargon

I am not a (complex) analyst but it seems that some of the questions I am working on are related to the following concepts: logarithmic capacity transfinite diameter Green's function of a compact ...
Hadi's user avatar
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Compactness properties of plurisubharmonic functions

I'm quite interested in this topic, but the main text on Several Complex Variables say little of nothing about it. Here are my questions, and I'd be grateful of any reference or information. Let $\...
Pietro Majer's user avatar
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Factorization in the Wiener algebra on the unit disc.

Consider the Banach algebra $W^+=\ell^1(\mathbb{Z}^+)$, viewed upon as the analytic functions $f$ on the unit disc $\mathbb{D}$ such that $$\|f\|=\sum_{k\ge0}|a_k|<\infty$$ where $$f(z)=\sum a_kz^k$...
AD - Stop Putin -'s user avatar
38 votes
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What, exactly, has Louis de Branges proved about the Riemann Hypothesis?

I know this is a dangerous topic which could attract many cranks and nutters, but: According to Wikipedia [and probably his own website, but I have a hard time seeing exactly what he's claiming] Louis ...
Zen Harper's user avatar
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Inverse of a function defined by an integral

Hi, I have a function defined by an integral as follows. $$ z=f(w) = \int_0^w \frac{(\zeta-a_1)^{\alpha_1}(\zeta-a_2)^{\alpha_2}...}{(\zeta-b_1)^{\beta_1}(\zeta-b_2)^{\beta_2}...}\ d\zeta $$ where $w$ ...
Mermoz's user avatar
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Let a function f have all moments zero. What conditions force f to be identically zero?

Throughout, let $f$ be a Lebesgue measurable function (or continuous if you wish, but this is probably no easier). (Questions with distributions etc. are possible also but I want to keep things simple ...
Zen Harper's user avatar
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L^2 space of holomorphic functions with given weight

Hi folks, what is known about the $L^2$ space of holomorphic functions of 1 complex variable with the scalar product $\langle f, g \rangle = \int dzd{\bar z} \frac{ {\bar f(z)} g(z) }{(1 + z{\bar z})^...
Daniel's user avatar
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Universality of zeta- and L-functions

Voronin´s Universality Theorem (for the Riemann zeta-Function) according to Wikipedia: Let $U$ be a compact subset of the "critical half-strip" $\{s\in\mathbb{C}:\frac{1}{2}<Re(s)<1\}$ with ...
M.G.'s user avatar
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