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14 votes
2 answers

Is there a square with all corner points on the spiral $r=k\theta$, $0 \leq \theta \leq \infty$?

I've posted this question on Math Stack Exchange, but I want to bring it here too, because 1) the proof seems missing in the literature, although they are some sporadic mentions and 2) maybe it ...
rgvalenciaalbornoz's user avatar
90 votes
5 answers

Does this property characterize straight lines in the plane?

Take a plane curve $\gamma$ and a disk of fixed radius whose center moves along $\gamma$. Suppose that $\gamma$ always cuts the disk in two simply connected regions of equal area. Is it true that $\...
Alessandro Della Corte's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What curve of positive curvature minimizes distance from the origin, given length and total curvature?

Let $\textit{F}$ be the family of $C^1$ curves in $\mathbb{R}^2$ of fixed length $\bar{l}$ and fixed tangent's turning angle $\bar{k}$. What are the curves of positive curvature in $\textit{F}$ ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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