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Questions tagged [crossed-modules]

9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Stabilisation of crossed modules?

D. Conduché has introduced a notion of a stable crossed module ("Modules croisés généralisés de longueur 2", JPAA 34 (1984) pp155–178, doi:10.1016/0022-4049(84)90034-3, Def. 3.1). Is there a ...
Matthias Künzer's user avatar
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Geometric realization of crossed square

Given a crossed square of groups, you can "totalize" it and get a 2 crossed module in the sense of Conduché "Modules croisés généralisés de longueur 2", then you can apply his ...
clovis chabertier's user avatar
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Explicit examples of 4-cocycles over finite 2-groups

By a (finite) 2-group $X$, I mean a finite group $G$, a finite abelian group $A$, an action of $G$ on $\operatorname{Aut}(A)$, as well as a 3-cocycle $\alpha\in H^3(BG, A)$. They are also equivalent ...
Andi Bauer's user avatar
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Concerning the definition of a 2-crossed module

Question: Is there some generalization of the definition of crossed-module which appropriately fits into the holonomy-considerations I am interested in and has, as an example, the generalization of ...
cheyne's user avatar
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Local-to-global philosophy for crossed modules

In the survey Groupoids and crossed objects in algebraic topology Ronald Brown made after Corollary 5.17 (p 30) an very interesting remark I not fully understand. He stated that this Corollary 5.17 ...
user267839's user avatar
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On 2 crossed modules

Let $(G,H,\alpha,\tau)$ and $(H,J,\alpha',\tau')$ be two crossed modules of groups. It is given that $Kernel(\tau) \cap Image(\tau')$ =$e$. For every $h\in H$ does there always exist a $j_h \in J$ ...
Adittya Chaudhuri's user avatar
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Lie Algebra of Aut(GL(n,R))

What is the Lie Algebra of $Aut(Gl(n,F))$ when $F$ is either $\mathbb{R}$ or $\mathbb{C}$? Is it enough to consider the injection via Hochschild: $Aut(GL(n)) \to Aut(\mathfrak{gl}(n))$? Edit: The ...
cheyne's user avatar
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Crossed modules quasi-isomorphic to a quasi-abelian crossed module

This is a follow-up of this question, where the definition of a quasi-abelian crossed module was given. Namely, a crossed module $\partial\colon F\to G$ is quasi-abelian if the embedding $\partial_Z\...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Postnikov invariant of crossed square

Is there a reference where Postnikov invariants of the classifying space of a crossed square have been computed ? I am especially interested in the computation of the third Postnikov invariant $B\...
clovis chabertier's user avatar