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31 votes
4 answers

Counterexamples to differentiation under integral sign?

I'm exploring differentiation under the integral sign (I want to be much faster and more assured in doing this common task). So one thing I'm interested in is good counterexamples, where both ...
bort's user avatar
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Naive definition of surface area doesn't work?

A first stab at a definition of surface area might go like this: Let S be a surface. Select finitely many points from S and make a bunch of triangles having these points as vertexes. Add up the ...
Steven Gubkin's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Can the integration of integrable sections of a measurable function of two variables ever result in a non-measurable function?

I spent some time searching MathOverflow for a problem that would resemble the one given below, but it turned out to be a rather futile endeavor. I was led to this problem in my attempts to construct ...
Transcendental's user avatar
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Prove or disprove the positivity of the ess inf of a singular function

Consider a measurable radial function $u:\Bbb R^d\to(0,\infty)$ such that $$\int_{B_\delta(0)} u(x) d x=\infty\quad\forall\,\, \delta>0.$$ I would like to prove or to disprove that there exists $r&...
Guy Fsone's user avatar
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