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Derivations on the continuous functions of a manifold

For a manifold $M$ a vector field is a derivation of the algebra $C^{\infty}(M)$ of smooth functions on $M$. What happens if look instead as derivations on the continuous functions of a manifold. I ...
Dave Shulman's user avatar
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Splitting of tangent bundle

Is it possible to give an example of $n$ dimensional manifold with the property that the tangent bundle $TM$ cannot be expressed as Whitney sum of two subbundles? It is certain true for two sphere; it ...
truebaran's user avatar
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Is there a relationship between tensor (or form) bundles and iterated tangent/cotangent bundles on a manifold?

Let's say we denote by $T^{(n,m)}M$ the vector-bundle of rank $(n,m)$ tensors on a manifold $M$ and by $\Lambda^pM$ the vector-bundle of $p$-forms on $M$. Is there a relationship (perhaps a ...
Kensmosis's user avatar
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