Questions tagged [convex-analysis]

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Separability of Minkowski Sum of well-behaved sets

Let $A$ and $C$ be non-empty simply connected and connected subsets of $\mathbb{R}^k$ and suppose that $C$ is convex. Then is the Minkowski sum $A+C$ separable?
ABIM's user avatar
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$\arg\max$ in the dual norm of the nuclear norm

Given a matrix $X \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n},$ then the spectral norm is defined by $$\left \| X\right\| := \max\limits_{i \in \{1, \dots, \min\{m,n\}\} }\sigma_i (X)$$ whereas the nuclear norm is ...
Santiago Armstrong's user avatar
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A complete metric space with some convex-type property

Let $(X,d)$ be a complete metric space with this property: for each $x∈X$, $r>0$ and $y∈X$ with $d(x,y)<r$, there exists $z∈X$ such that $d(x,y)+d(y,z)=d(x,z)=r$. I want to know if the family ...
M. Reza. K's user avatar
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improved regularization for $\lambda$-convex gradient flows

It is well-known that gradient-flows of convex functionals are "parabolic" in some vague sense, and accordingly solutions tend to regularize instataneously. In the abstract context of gradient flows ...
leo monsaingeon's user avatar
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Concavity of a function along a path

Suppose that $f(x,y)$ is a continuously differentiable function and $g(x,y) =xy-f(x,y)$. I know that $g$ is concave if and only if $(-f_{xx})(-f_{yy}) -(1-f_{xy}) ^{2}>0$ and $f_{xx}>0$. Now ...
republic's user avatar
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When is the log-permanent concave?

Let $\operatorname{PSD}_n$ be the cone of $n\times n$ semidefinite positive matrices. For any $X\in \operatorname{PSD}_n$, define $$f(X)=\log(\det(X)).$$ Then $f$ is a concave function on $\...
Bill Bradley's user avatar
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Given a finite set of points, does there exist a linear function pass through a point and strictly below the other points for all the points?

I guess my question is a follow up question of this one: usul, Existence of a strictly convex function interpolating given gradients and values, version: 2019-04-13. In usul's question, the answer ...
Francis's user avatar
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Implicit function theorem for subdifferentiable convex functions

I am trying to find a method to apply the implicit function theorem for subdifferential convex functions. The original theorem provides an equation for the partial derivative of the implicit function ...
Programmer1's user avatar
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Finding the conjugate of a function

I know that the Fenchel conjugate of a function is $$f^*(x^*) = \sup_x\{\langle x, x^*\rangle - f(x)\}.$$ However, how do I find the Fenchel conjugate of the function $$f(x) = \frac{1}{p}\sum\limits_{...
JustAPerson's user avatar
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Convergence of semi convex functions

Definition. Let $u:\Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R} $. A function $u$ is called semiconvex if $u=v+w$ for some $v\in C^{1,1}(\Omega)$ and a convex function $w$. Note. Saying that $u$ is semiconvex is ...
Giovanni Febbraro's user avatar
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When does $\min_x \max_yf(x,y) = \min_y \max_x f(x,y)$ hold for a real function $f(x,y)$?

Let $f(x,y)$ be a real function of the variables $x,y$ (which can be real vectors). Under what conditions do we have the following equality: $$\min_x \max_yf(x,y) = \min_y \max_x f(x,y)$$ For ...
valle's user avatar
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Generalization of minimal selection theorem

Consider a metric space $X$ and a set-valued map $F : X \to \mathbb{R}^{n}$. We define the minimal selection \begin{equation*} m(F(x)) := \arg\min \big\{ \lvert u \rvert : u \in F(x) \big\}, \end{...
node's user avatar
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Subgradient chain rule

Suppose $$F:\mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R},\; F(x)=\mathrm{max}_\mathrm{eig}(C-\mbox{diag}(x)).$$ I am trying to find a subgradient of $F$ at $x_0$. A subgradient of $\mathrm{max}_\mathrm{eig}$ is given ...
Stephen T.'s user avatar
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Variational forms of non-convex functions

I am trying to understand what kind of variational forms exist for non-convex functions. Alternatively, are there conjugate forms which attain strong duality? For a non-convex function $f$, I am ...
mathuser128's user avatar
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Aleksandrov's proof of the second order differentiability of convex functions

Aleksandrov [A], proved a remarkable property of convex functions. Theorem. If $f:\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}$ is convex, then for almost every $x\in\mathbb{R}^n$ there is $Df(x)\in\mathbb{R}^n$ and ...
Piotr Hajlasz's user avatar
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Second order differentiability of convex functions

Let $f:\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}$ be a convex function. Then $f$ is locally Lipschitz and hence differentiable a.e. (Rademacher). Let $E\subset\mathbb{R}^n$ be the set of points where $f$ is ...
Piotr Hajlasz's user avatar
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Inequalities for upper semi-continuous affine functions on compact sets by using extreme points

Suppose $f_1\colon K\to [0,\infty)$ and $f_2\colon K\to[0,\infty)$ are two upper semi-continuous affine functions, $$ f_i(\lambda x+(1-\lambda)y)=\lambda f_i(x)+(1-\lambda)f_i(y)\ \mbox{ for all }\ x,...
Mark Roelands's user avatar
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Extreme points of an intersection of convex set with countably many linear spaces

Let $V$ be some `nice' vector space and let $T: V\to \mathbb{R}$ be a linear functional over $V$. Define \begin{align} M= K \cap \bigcup_{i \in \mathbb{N} } \{ v \in V: T(v)=c_i \} \end{align} ...
Boby's user avatar
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Log-concavity of function

Consider the function $$f_{n}(x)=e^{-x^2}x^n.$$ My goal is to show that $$ G(y):=\frac{(f_2*f_0)(y)}{(f_0*f_0)(y)}- \left(\frac{(f_1*f_0)(y) }{(f_0*f_0)(y)}\right)^2$$ is log-concave. Let us ...
Landauer's user avatar
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Monotonicity of maximum of convex combination of two scaled concave functions

Let $f:R\rightarrow R$ be a concave function with a unique and finite maximum. Let $$g(x, \beta) = \beta f(\alpha \cdot x) + (1-\beta) f((1-\alpha) \cdot x), $$ where $\alpha \in [0,1/2]$ and $\beta \...
ACopt's user avatar
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Subgradient in a predual under weak* continuity

Let $X$ be a Banach space. Suppose $f:X^*\to\mathbb R\cup\{\infty\}$ is convex, has weak*-compact effective domain, and is weak*-continuous on its effective domain. In particular, $f$ is weak*-lower ...
e.lipnowski's user avatar
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Continuity of the Legendre transform of a Lipschitz function

Let $p > 1$, $f$ defined on $L^p(\mathbb{R}^n,\mathbb{R})$, locally Lipschitz and concave, with $f(x) = 0$ when $x \geq 0$ a.e. We define, with $q$ dual to $p$, for any $y\in L^q$ , $g(y) := \sup_{...
Alfred's user avatar
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Prove the equicontinuity of a maximizing sequence

Let $X$ be a compact subset of $\mathbb{R}$ and $c(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4)$ be a fixed bounded continuous functions on $X^4$. Assume $\mu,\nu$ are probability measures on $X^2$, and $\mu\otimes\nu$ is the ...
aurora_borealis's user avatar
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Does midpoint-convex imply rationally convex?

Say that a function $f$ defined on $\mathbb{Q}^n$ is midpoint convex if $f((x+y)/2) \le (f(x) + f(y))/2$. Say that it is rationally convex if, for $\lambda \in \mathbb{Q} \cap [0,1]$ and $\bar \lambda ...
Dylan Thurston's user avatar
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Most general form of Jensen's inequality

What is the most general form of Jensen's inequality? Wikipedia gives for example this more general form, which holds in every topological vector space. Are there even more general forms, for ...
geodude's user avatar
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Generic shadows of convex bodies

If $K \subset \mathbb{R}^m$ is a convex body (i.e., a compact convex set) and $T \mathbin\colon \mathbb{R}^m \to \mathbb{R}^n$ is a linear map then $TK \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ is a convex body as well. ...
Jairo Bochi's user avatar
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What is a non-trivial example of an unbounded subdifferential?

Let $f: X \to [ -\infty, \infty]$ be some function, Can someone provide a non-trivial example where the subdifferential evaluated at a point $x$, $$\partial f(x)$$ is "unbounded"? (trivial examples ...
Sin Nombre's user avatar
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Expectations, double integrals and Jensen's inequality

$\def\anonfunc#1{#1(\cdot)}$Consider two random variables distributed $v\sim \anonfunc G$ and $c \sim \anonfunc F$ with pdfs $\anonfunc g$ and $\anonfunc f$. Let the supports of $c$ and $v$ be $[x,y]$....
carlogambino's user avatar
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Sufficient condition for convex conjugate to be second-order differentiable

Let $f:\mathbb{R}^n\to (-\infty,\infty]$ be a convex lower-semicontinuous function, we then define its conjugate by $$ f^*(y)=\sup_{x\in \mathbb{R}^n}\{x^Ty-f(x)\}. $$ Then there exist well-known ...
John's user avatar
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A strange variant of the Gaussian log-Sobolev inequality

Let $\phi : \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}$ be a convex function, and assume that it grows at most linearly at infinity for simplicity. Denote by $\gamma$ the standard Gaussian measure on $\mathbb{R}^d$, ...
Elwood's user avatar
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On the area-perimeter ratio of a convex limited set

(Previously asked on MSE) Let $C\subset \mathbb{R}^2$ be a convex limited set. We define the average radius of $C$ as $$a_C=\frac{\int_{v\in C}d(v,C)dxdy}{A(C)}$$ Where $d(v,C)$ is the distance ...
Lucio Tanzini's user avatar
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Goldowsky-Tonelli theorem for upper semi continuous function

Let $f:(0, \infty) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be a convex and continuous function. We know that $\partial^{e} f(. )$(either right or left derivative) is non-decreasing and upper semi-continuous function. ...
Adam's user avatar
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How does one translate from convex hull to a set of facets (inequalities)? [duplicate]

Suppose I have defined a convex set as the convex hull of a set of points. (I know that all these points are "extremal points" of the convex set.) I know want to translate this description of the ...
guest's user avatar
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Separation in $l^1$ (Kreps-YanTheorem)

I have a question about the hypotheses of the Kreps-Yan Separation Theorem. I use the notation $l^p_+$ for the subspace of vectors all of whose coordinates are non-negative and define $l^p_- = -l^p_+$....
MDR's user avatar
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Maximization of an integral functional over a closed convex set

I want to maximize $$F(w):=\sum_{1\le i,\:j\le2}\int\lambda^{\otimes2}({\rm d}(x,y))\left(w_i(x)f_j(x,y)\wedge w_j(y)f_i(y,x)\right)g_{ij}(x,y)$$ over the closed convex set $$S:=\left\{w\in{\mathcal L^...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Gradient formula for Clarke's generalized gradient on a general Banach space

In Theorem 10.27 of the book Functional Analysis, Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control, there is the following gradient formula: ($\operatorname{co}$ deotes the convex hull). Is there an ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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How can we calculate the generalized gradient of $L^2\ni x\mapsto a\min(x(s),by(t))$?

Let $(T,\mathcal T,\tau)$ be a measure space, $a,b\ge0$, $s,t\in T$ and $$f(x):=a\min(x(s),bx(t))\;\;\;\text{for }x\in L^2(\tau).$$ How can we calculate the generalized gradient $\partial_Cf(x)$ of ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Intersection of Subharmonic and Harmonic Functions (also: Extension of harmonic functions)

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be open, convex and bounded with smooth boundary. Define $$\mathcal{A}(\Omega) = \left\{ C \subset \Omega \ \big\vert \begin{array}{l} \text{for any subharmonic ...
MartinB's user avatar
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When do convexity and lower semicontinuity imply continuity?

Let $X$ be a nonempty compact convex subset of a locally convex space. Say $X$ has the convex function property if every convex, lower semicontinuous $f:X\to\mathbb R$ is also continuous. Question: ...
e.lipnowski's user avatar
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Given convex l.s.c. function $f$, find decreasing convex function $\phi$ such that $f(x) \equiv \sup_y x\phi(y)-\phi(-y)$

Let $f: \mathbb R \rightarrow (-\infty,+\infty]$ be a lower-semicontinuous convex function. Question Under what futher conditions does there exists a convex decreasing function $\phi: \mathbb R \...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Does the Legendre-Fenchel transform/convex conjugate of strongly convex functions have any desirable properties?

It is well known in convex analysis that when a closed, proper, function $f$ is Legendre-type, that is, essentially strictly convex and essentially smooth, the Legendre transform yields a dual ...
Concu Bine's user avatar
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Example of a sequence of logarithmically convex functions on $\mathbb{R}$ and for all $n\in\mathbb{N}$ in the spirit of one evoked in an article

To ask this question I was inspired in some words, if I understand well, from the authors of a preprint on arXiv in section 4.1, that I believe that is [1], to ask next question. We consider the ...
user142929's user avatar
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A property of convex cones in Euclidean spaces

EDIT: Let $K$ be a closed convex cone in a Euclidean space of finite dimension. Assume it is non-zero and not the whole space. Does there exist a non-zero point $x\in K$ such that $$(x,y)\geq 0 ...
asv's user avatar
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Monotone function which is separately convex but not convex

I am looking for a function $f\,:\,\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}$ which is separately convex and increasing but not convex. That is to say, the function is convex and increasing in each coordinate while ...
Kevin Tanguy's user avatar
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Why is it difficult to solve the Monge problem directly?

I'm trying to understand something about the Monge problem. The Monge problem is: Let $c(x,y): \mathbb{R}^d \times \mathbb{R}^d \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^d$ and $$\mathcal{T}(\mu_1,\mu_2) = \{ T: \...
yoshi's user avatar
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Inheriting quasiconvexity from convex function after re-parametrisation of space into the Stiefel manifold

Consider a function $f(S): \mathcal{S} \to \mathbb{R}$, where $\mathcal{S}$ is the convex cone of all positive semidefinite complex $M\times M$ Hermitian matrices. The function $f(\cdot )$ is concave ...
Jesús Rodríguez's user avatar
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"Moduli space" of isotropic convex bodies?

A lot of questions in convex geometry revolve around the geometry of isotropic convex bodies in $\mathbb{R^n}$. To my knowledge there is no, or very little study of a space such as : $$C_n = \{...
Gericault's user avatar
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John's ellipsoid of a polytope

Suppose that $X$ is $\mathbb R^n$ with some polyhedral norm, that is, the unit ball of $X$ is an $n$-dimensional polytope. Assume that the John ellipsoid of $X$ is an Euclidean ball that touches every ...
Jan_Ch.'s user avatar
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Upper bound on number of vertices in intersection (and union) of simplices

Let $S_1, \dots, S_k \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a set of (non-regular) simplices. Let $m_i$ indicate the number of vertices of simplex $S_i$ (we do not assume it is equal to $n-1$). Is there a simple ...
Artemy's user avatar
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Lipschitz min implies Lipschitzian argmin?

Let $X$ be a Hilbert space, and suppose that $f:X^2\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is a Lipschitz, supercoercive, convex function such that (for every $y \in X$) the set $$ \operatorname*{argmin}_{x\in X} f(x,...
ABIM's user avatar
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