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Reference request: Solution to second order parabolic linear BVP belongs to $\mathcal{C}(0,T;H^1(\Omega))$

I am currently reading the paper [1]. In Theorem 3.1. b) the following boundary-value problem is given: \begin{align*} \partial_{t} y - \Delta y + g\cdot y = f \text{ in } ]0,T[ \times \Omega\\ ...
Paul Joh's user avatar
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Continuity of solution of a parabolic PDE w.r.t. system parameters

If we have a system of PDE of the form: $$\begin{cases} \dfrac{\partial y}{\partial t}(t,x)=D\Delta y+F(t,x,f(x),y) ,\ (t,x)\in (0,T)\times\Omega\\ \dfrac{\partial y}{\partial \nu}(t,x)=0,\ (t,x)\in (...
Bogdan's user avatar
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$L^\infty(0,T;X) \cap C([0,T];Y) \subset C([0,T];X)$ for $X \subset Y$ dense?

is the Inclusion stated in the title true? In my case the spaces (essentially) are $X = H^1(\Omega)$ and $Y = L^2(\Omega)$ for $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}$ bounded. My first try was to show $\lim_{t_1 ...
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