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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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A generalization of Feit–Thompson conjecture, for square-free integers

I asked the following question with my account that I have for these sites Mathematics Stack Exchange and MathOverflow. The bounty that I offered in MSE expired without answers. The post that I refer ...
user142929's user avatar
6 votes
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Does the equation $\sigma(\sigma(x^2))=2x\sigma(x)$ have any odd solutions?

This question was posted in MSE in early August 2020. It did garner several upvotes, but did not receive any responses. I have therefore cross-posted it here, hoping that it gets answered. Let $\...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita's user avatar
1 vote
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Attempt of exploit the equation $1/\operatorname{rad}(n)=1/2-2\varphi(n)/\sigma(n)$ in the context of even perfect numbers, and a related conjecture

It is well known that the problem concerning even perfect numbers is to prove or refute if there are infinitely many of them. Few weeks ago I wrote the following conjecture, where $\varphi(n)$ denotes ...
user142929's user avatar