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13 votes
1 answer

A congruence for a product of binomial coefficients?

For every prime $p\geq 5$ one seems to have the congruence $$(-1)^{(p-1)/2}\prod_{k=0}^{p-1}{p-1\choose k}\equiv 1-p+\frac{3}{2}p^2-\frac{7}{6}p^3\pmod{p^4}\ .$$ (I have checked all primes up to $5000$...
Roland Bacher's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Numbers $k$ with $\{\binom nk:\ n\in\mathbb N\}$ dense in $\mathbb Z_p$ for any prime $p\le k$

Let $k$ be a positive integer and let $p$ be a prime. In my 2011 PAMS paper joint with my former student W. Zhang [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 139(2011), 1569-1577], we studied when $$S(k)=\left\{\binom nk:...
Zhi-Wei Sun's user avatar
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7 votes
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Does Morley's congruence characterize primes greater than $3$?

In 1895 Morley showed that $$\binom{p-1}{(p-1)/2}\equiv(-1)^{\frac{p-1}2}4^{p-1}\pmod{p^3}$$ for any prime $p>3$. In 2009, I formulated the following conjecture concerning the converse of Morley's ...
Zhi-Wei Sun's user avatar
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4 votes
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On a theorem of Hensel about congruence of binomial coefficient

In the paper Binomial coefficients modulo prime powers, Andrew Granville stated the following theorem: Let $n, m$ and $r=n-m$ be three given positive integer and $p^k$ is the exact power of $p$ ...
alphaomega's user avatar
22 votes
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Does $\binom{2n}{n} \equiv 2 \pmod p$ ever hold?

Well, the title does not tell the whole story; the complete question is: Are there any primes of the form $p=2n(n-1)+1$, with integer $n\ge 1$, such that $$ \binom{2n}{n} \equiv 2\pmod p ? $$ ...
Seva's user avatar
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