Questions tagged [computer-science]

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30 votes
1 answer

Guess that group via product queries

Suppose someone (person B) knows a finite group $G$ of order $n$. You (person A) know only the order $n$, and that $1$ is the name of the identity element. The group elements are named $1,2,\ldots,n$ ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Can Shor's Algorithm be modified to run efficiently on a classical computer?

Shor's algorithm is an algorithm which factors integers in polynomial time on a quantum computer. If one tries to run it on a classical computer, one runs into the problem that the state vector that ...
Craig Feinstein's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Applications of small Kakeya sets over finite fields

It was proved by Dvir that a Kakeya set in $\mathbb{F}_q^n$ has size at least $q^n/n!$, a bound which was later improved to $q^n/2^n$. For $n = 2$ and $q$ odd the exact bound is $q(q+1)/2 + (q-1)/2$ ...
Anurag's user avatar
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Counting models in first order logics without existencial quantifiers

My question is about the posibility of to construct a parameter space of models in a first order theory, finitely presented, with out existencial quantifiers (parameter space in the sense of ...
camilo's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Does Langton's ant cover every n by 6 gridded torus?

This post follows this other post about times cover by Langton's ant of $n$ by $n$ gridded torus. For $n$ by $n$ gridded torus, I've checked for $n \le 1000$ that the ant covers all. This fact needs ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

cohomology algebra of submanifold in euclidean space

If we write a manifold or CW-complex $X$ as a subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$, in expression of coordinates, for example, \begin{multline} F(S^2,k+1)=\{(x_1,x_2,x_3,\cdots, x_{3k+1},x_{3k+2},x_{3k+3})\in\...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
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1 answer

Optimal covering

Let consider a problem of optimal covering of Hamming space. So we have Hamming space $\{0,1\}^n$ and some integer $r$. We want to find a set $A \subseteq \{0,1\}^n$ such that any point from $\{0,1\...
Alexey Milovanov's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Are there any interesting open questions having to do with submodularity, specially in the intersection of theoretical machine learning? [closed]

I was interested in knowing about open research topics related with sub modularity, specially within its intersection with theoretical machine learning (and related topics). It seems to me that much ...
Charlie Parker's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Are all $k$th-longest-tour problems equally hard?

It is well known, that determining the shortest and, the longest Hamilton Cycle of a complete graph with real edge weights are algorithmically two sides of the same medal: one transforms to the other ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How to calculate the sum of remainders of N?

I'm trying to sum the remainders when dividing N by numbers from $1$ up to $N$ $$\sum_{i = 1}^{N} N \bmod i$$ It's easy to write a program to evaluate the sum if N is small in $O(N)$ but what if N is ...
Noureldin Yosri's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Define Turing machine with algebraic concepts/structures

Usually, during lectures Turing Machines are firstly introduced from an informal point of view (for example, in this way) and then their definition is formalized (for example, in this way). Is it ...
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3 votes
1 answer

Sorting interleaved sorted lists

By interleaving two lists I mean to combine them into a single list in any way that maintains the relative order of the elements coming from each list. For example, interleaving $(x_1,x_2,x_3)$ and $(...
Brendan McKay's user avatar
5 votes
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How to generate $n$ FP32 rationals s.t. no two distinct k-el. subsets have same sum?

First some Background: I have lots and lots of integer matrices, whose rows are $k$-combinations (without repetitions and sorted) of numbers from the set $S:=\{1,...,n\}$ and needed to be compared ...
M.G.'s user avatar
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Counting path generating sentences in a specific formal language

Given a formal grammar of a language or an Turing machine of the language, can we count the path that generating sentences of the language? For example, we know that if the grammar is context-free ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Can an algorithm decide whether a program computes all strings? [closed]

I am interested in the type of program, which is given as input to a Universal Turing Machine (UTM) with language $L$, and for which it holds that every possible finite string $s$ of symbols in $L$ ...
Ward Blondé's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to formalize "Is there a proof for every instance of the halting problem?"? [closed]

In a previous question that I asked here it turned out that for every instance of the halting problem, being the matter whether a certain computer program halts or runs forever, there exists a ...
Ward Blondé's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a consistent theory for each instance of the halting problem?

I got a bit confused by a discussion about the provability of the Goldbach conjecture and the seemingly different opinions about this subject. Since I understand computer science better, I will ask my ...
Ward Blondé's user avatar
1 vote
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Concept of synchronizability

This thread is about the concept of synchronizability. It's a concept I tried to formalize in its most general sense but without success. The goal of this thread is therefore to try to formalize it in ...
sure's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Can this way of comparing numbers of the form a+b sqrt(K) be generalized?

So I want to make a system for computing with various classes of numbers. One of those is a class of number closed under the standard arithmetic operators ($+$, $-$, $*$ and $/$) along with square ...
tailcalled's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Reconstructing a string from random samples

What is known about the following problem? Reconstruct a string $\sigma$ of known length $n$ over a known alphabet $\Sigma$ from a collection of uniformly and independently chosen $k$-long ...
user54632's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there an efficient algorithm for sampling from the negative hypergeometric distribution? [closed]

I'm writing a small statistics library currently. One of the algorithms I'm implementing has two variants: one that samples the hypergeometric distribution and one that samples the negative ...
user14980's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

When does the greedy change-making algorithm work?

The change-making problem asks how to make a certain sum of money using the fewest coins. With US coins {1, 5, 10, 25}, the greedy algorithm of selecting the ...
Zachary Vance's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

scott continuity, sub additivity

Let $(X, \sqsubseteq_x)$ and $(Y, \sqsubseteq_y)$ be two posets and let $\delta_x:X \to X$ and $\delta_y:Y \to Y$ be two closure operators (monotone, inflationary, idempotent). Then, a monotone ...
accio's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

A continuous function for defining unique values to a 1024x1024 image with a 24 bit 3 color channel image

I need to generate a color map which I am not sure exist. I have a 1024x1024 image which would contain 2^20 pixels. I have 3 color channels which each have 8 bits which would leave us with 2^24 ...
David's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Background for Kierstead terms

I was looking at some slides of John Longley's here, where he mentions "the Kierstead functional" $$\lambda f.f(\lambda x.f(\lambda y.x)) \ ,$$ (where $f$ should be of type $2$, and $x,y$ of ground ...
Basil's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Total conditional complexity

By $C(|)$ denote conditional complexity. By $CT(|)$ denote total conditional complexity. For every n there exist two strings $x$ and $y$ of length $n$ such that $C(x|y) = O(1)$ but $CT(x|y) \ge n $. ...
Alexey Milovanov's user avatar
8 votes
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Compute an arbitrary decimal place of $\pi$

Is there a method to find the value of the $n$-th decimal place of $\pi$ which is more efficient than having to compute all decimal places before as well?
copy's user avatar
  • 83
0 votes
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AI / Machine Learning related to high/modern/front mathematics [closed]

I major math and cs. and i'm interested in ai/machine learning/data mining. so i want to know what math subjects are used in frontier of these technology. especially, high mathematical tool, like ...
user56238's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

internal language for the 2-category of small categories

What is the internal language of the category Cat of small categories? I found an article by Glynn Winskel and his student Mario Jose Cáccamo about such calculus! However it is limited to a fragment ...
Bob's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

A certain instance of the Set Covering problem

Is there any useful structure associated with the following instance of the Set Covering problem? Let $G$ be a weighted graph and let $\mathcal{P}$ denote the set of all shortest paths between all ...
Roland Wittwacher's user avatar
1 vote
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How to select a subset of points from a universal to minimize the distance from outside to inside?

Here is the detailed problem. I have a set of N points in K-dimension space, called U, and I want select M points of them, called S. For each point p in U, we define the distance from p to S as $$ d(...
npbool's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Given a formal power series ,decide whether there exists a polynomial the series satisfies and if it exists,how to write it down?

Given a formal power series $$y(x)=\sum_{i=0}^{\infty} a_i x^i$$ Is there an algorithm that decides whether there exists a polynomial$$ P(x,y)=p_n(x)y^n+p_{n-1}(x)y^{n-1}+\cdots+p_0(x)=0,p_j(x)\in F[x]...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Which distributions can you sample if you can sample a Gaussian?

Explicitly: You have a computer that is able to pick a real number at random according to the normal distribution: $\mathcal{N}(0,1) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-x^2/2}$. Which distributions can this ...
Alex Zorn's user avatar
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A problem related to routing in a graph

I have come across a new problem - I want to know whether this problem is similar to some existing problem or not. The new problem is this. There is a tourist who has a having the following ...
Nischal's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Fast checking that overdetermined polynomial system does not have a solution

As a result of some inductive procedure for each $n$ I have a system of about $n^2$ polynomial equations with $n$ variables with integer coefficients, which can be precisely computed. As the system is ...
Dmitri Scheglov's user avatar
4 votes
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Correspondence between numerical semigroups and polynomials?

A numerical semigroup $A$ is defined as a subsemigroup of the semigroup $(\mathbb{N},+)$ of the positive integers such that the set $\mathbb{N}\setminus A$ is finite. Equivalently (for a subsemigroup) ...
Miroslav Korbelar's user avatar
1 vote
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Connection between inf-entropy rate and min-entropy

I am reading the paper "Generating random bits from an arbitrary source: fundamental limits" by Vembu and Verdu. This paper is written in the language of information theory, however, I need to ...
math-Student's user avatar
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17 votes
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Is there an unambiguous CFL whose complement is not context-free?

I'm doing a little bit of research about context-free languages. A question that's popped up is whether or not there exists an unambiguous context-free language whose complement is not a context-free ...
Tanner Swett's user avatar
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largest size for a randomness extractor

I am not so expert in theoretical computer science, so sorry if the question is trivial, i just could not find it in literature. Suppose we have a source $X$ with min-entropy $\ell$, the randomness ...
math-Student's user avatar
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5 votes
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Which automated theorem provers can address the combinatorics of periods in strings?

Five years ago, I made a conjecture on the number of correlation classes that are exhibited by pairs of words in an alphabet of a given size. I later speculated that the conjecture could be tackled ...
Penguian's user avatar
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Number of partitions whose blocks form arithmetic progressions

As is known, the set $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ has $2^n$ many subsets and $B_n$ (the $n$th Bell number) many partitions, where clearly $B_n<2^{2^n}$ and it is actually known that $B_n<n^n$ for large $n$. ...
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
1 vote
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How many edges can you put in a graph such that every edge belongs to a minimal $k$-cycle?

I am trying to solve: Given $n, k$, find maximum $m$ such that there exists a graph on $n$ nodes, $m$ edges such that every edge is part of a minimal $k$-cycle. I only care about the asymptotic ...
GMB's user avatar
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Self-similarity in the theory of computability

Let $M = w_0w_1... \in \{0,1\}^*$. For any computable function $f$ define $M_f = w_{f(0)}w_{f(1)}...$ Let for any computable strictly increasing function $f$ there is continuous computable mapping ...
Alexey Milovanov's user avatar
2 votes
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Private Randomness extractor

Suppose we are given two random variables $X$ and $Y$ with fixed marginal and joint distribution. What is the maximum randomness that we can extract from $Y$ that is independent from $X$, that is, if $...
math-Student's user avatar
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81 votes
4 answers

Wanted: a "Coq for the working mathematician"

Sorry for a possibly off-topic question -- there are four StackExchange subs each of which could be construed as the proper place for this question, and I've just picked the one I'm most familiar with....
darij grinberg's user avatar
4 votes
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Fundamental Problems in Mathematics that, without Computer Sciences, would not be resolved? [closed]

Could you please give examples of fundamental questions in mathematics (let us say, pure mathematics) which were resolved fundamentally by the use of computers? More precisely, are there examples that ...
6 votes
1 answer

Separating infinite words sharing factors by automata

Two infinite words $\xi, \eta \in X^{\omega}$ are separated by an (Büchi-)automaton if it accepts one but not the other. Denote by $F_n(\xi)$ the factors of length $n$ of an infinite word $\xi$ and ...
StefanH's user avatar
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101 votes
4 answers

How feasible is it to prove Kazhdan's property (T) by a computer?

Recently, I have proved that Kazhdan's property (T) is theoretically provable by computers (arXiv:1312.5431, explained below), but I'm quite lame with computers and have no idea what they actually can ...
Narutaka OZAWA's user avatar
7 votes
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Generalising the adherence operator and its closure properties with regard to regular (rational) languages

Let $X$ be an alphabet and denote by $X^{\omega}$ the set of all infinite sequences (i.e. words) in $X$. A subset $L \subseteq X^{\omega}$ is called $\omega$-regular if it is acceptable by some Büchi-...
StefanH's user avatar
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5 votes
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Subsets of all Diophantine's sets

I have asked this question on math.stackexchange already: Function $\mathbb{N}^k \to \mathbb{N}^m$ is computable $\...
Alexey Milovanov's user avatar

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