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Complexity of approximating the size of the range of a matrix

Given an $m$ by $n$ matrix $M$ with $m \leq n$ and elements from $\{-1,1\}$, let us define: $$S_M = |\{Mx : x \in \{-1,1\}^n\}.$$ It is NP-hard to compute $S_M$ exactly I believe by applying the ...
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Efficient Algorithm to Find Subset of Vectors Over $\mathbb{F}_q$ Living in Low Dimensional Subspace

Let $q$ be a fixed prime, $P, Q$ be polynomials with $\mathrm{deg}(Q) < \mathrm{deg}(P)$ and $h = O(\log n)$. Let $S$ be a subset of $\mathbb{F}_q^n$ of size $P(n)$ such that there exists a subset ...
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