Questions tagged [computational-number-theory]

Computational Number Theory is for explicit calculations or algorithms involving anything of interest to number theorists.

159 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Computation of low weight Siegel modular forms

We have these huge tables of elliptic curves, which were generated by computing modular forms of weight $2$ and level $\Gamma_0(N)$ as N increased. For abelian surfaces over $\mathbb{Q}$ we have very ...
Kevin Buzzard's user avatar
15 votes
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Do primes of the form $4k+1$ ever lead the greatest prime factor race?

Analogous to Chebyshev's race between primes, I examined the race between primes in the greatest prime factors, GPF, of natural numbers. Similar to the regular prime race, in the GPF race, the ...
Nilotpal Kanti Sinha's user avatar
13 votes
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Why am I unable to find primes of the form $(9n)!+n!+1$?

See also Math StackExchange: Is there a prime of the form $(9n)!+n!+1$? Recently, user Peter from Math StackExchange asked for a prime of the form $(9n)!+n!+1$ (where $n$ is some natural number). ...
Maximilian Janisch's user avatar
12 votes
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Euler's totient function and Riemann hypothesis

I am looking for an upper-bound of the Euler's totient function $\varphi$ which would be equivalent to the Riemann hypothesis (RH). There is the following Nicolas' criterion about primorial numbers $...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
11 votes
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Borderline Collatz-like problems

The usual Collatz map is $C:n \mapsto n/2$ if $n$ even, $(3n+1)/2$ if $n$ odd. Let $f^{\circ (r+1)}:=f \circ f^{\circ r}$. We suspect that for every fixed $n>0$, the sequence $C^{\circ r}(n)$ ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
11 votes
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Points of bounded height in a number field

Let $K$ be a number field of absolute degree $d$, let $B$ be a positive real number, and write $S(K, B) = \{x \in K : H(x) \leq B\}$. Here $H$ is the absolute multiplicative height of an algebraic ...
Xander Faber's user avatar
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Hilbert 10th problem for genus 2 equations

Hilbert 10th problem, while undecidable in general, remains open for 2-variable equations: we do not know if there is an algorithm that, for polynomial $P(x,y)$ with integer coefficients, decides ...
Bogdan Grechuk's user avatar
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How large can the dimension of a 'Span of powers of a finite field basis' be?

Let $p$ be a prime. For finite field $\mathbb{F}_{p^k}$ and $d\in\mathbb{Z}^+$, I am considering the following quantity, where we interpret the field $\mathbb{F}_{p^k}$ also as a $\mathbb{F}_p$-vector ...
actcon's user avatar
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Computing motivic Galois group

Suppose I have a motive $M$ over $\mathbb{Q}$, and can compute the Euler factor of the associated $L$-function for any good prime $p$. How can I compute the Zariski closure of the image of the Galois ...
Watson Ladd's user avatar
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Computing the Moebius function $\mu$

Is it known whether computing $\mu(n)$ for a given integer $n$ is as hard as factorization?
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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7 votes
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Are there infinitely many zeroes of $\sum_{r = 1}^{n-1} \mu(r)\gcd(n,r) $?

Let $\mu(n)$ be the Möbius function and $S(x)$ be the number of positive integers $n \le x$ such that $$ \sum_{r = 1}^{n-1} \mu(r)\gcd(n,r) = 0 $$ My experimental data for $n \le 6 \times 10^5 $...
Nilotpal Kanti Sinha's user avatar
7 votes
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Proving Richardson's theorem for constants

(I asked this a little over 3 months ago on math.SE, and when I initially re-asked here, no one had responded there. $\:$ After I re-asked here, Eric Towers responded there, since I had forgotten to ...
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On the ratio of Gilbreath sequences

Definitions: let $n \in \mathbb{N}_{>0} \cup \{ \infty \}$ and let $E_n$ be the set of sequences $(d_i)_{i=1}^n$ such that $d_1=1$, $d_i$ is an even integer (for $i > 1$) and $0<d_i \le i$. ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
6 votes
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Newton type method for finite fields?

I have a polynomial $p(x)$ in $\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z}$ that is easy to compute for any $x$ but has an absurdly large degree $d > 2^{256}$. I know for a fact that it has a zero and I would like to ...
mtheorylord's user avatar
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Equivalence of primes based on the partition of their Pisano periods

The period of Fibonacci numbers modulo $m$ is called Pisano period and its length is denoted as $\pi(m)$. Define the Pisano partition of $m$ as the set partition of the indices $\{0,1,\dotsc,\pi(m)-1\}...
Max Alekseyev's user avatar
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Certificate for computation of ideal class group

Is there a known way of producing a certificate that can be used to more quickly verify that an ideal class group of a number field was computed correctly? More formally, I would like to know if there'...
Daniel Hast's user avatar
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Computing all eta quotients of given weight and level

I have written a rather naive program for finding all holomorphic eta quotients of given weight and level (and varying character). When the level has few divisors it is very fast, but incredibly slow ...
Henri Cohen's user avatar
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Effective bounds for Fermat's Last Theorem

Suppose $n>2$. By Fermat's Last Theorem, we know that $a^{n}+b^{n}=c^{n}$ has no non-trivial solutions. Can we quantify it more? More specifically, given $a,b,c,n\in\mathbb{N}$ with $n>2$ and $...
Gorav Jindal's user avatar
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Brief history of primality testing theory after 2002?

Its clear that there is about 15 years (2004-2019) after the publication of AKS primality testing in 2002 and its modifications in 2003-2004. AS result, is there any development happened in this ...
Ramez Hindi's user avatar
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Are there always at least *five* divisions?

@JosephO'Rourke asked a question about a Collatz like function related to primes: $f(n) = \begin{cases} n^2 & \text{if} \;n \;\text{is prime} \\ \lfloor n/2 \rfloor & \text{if} \;n \;\text{...
Mirko's user avatar
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Empirical bounds on $\left|\frac{\zeta'(1+it)}{\zeta(1+it)}\right|$

It is reasonable to expect that $$\left|\frac{\zeta'(1+it)}{\zeta(1+it)}\right| < 2 \log \log t$$ for all $t\geq 4$ (say): a somewhat stronger bound is known for $t\geq 10^{165}$ or so (Theorem 5 ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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A question on infinite arithmetic progressions

I was working on a problem that consisted of deciding if the language a finite automaton (the alphabet of which is $\{0,1\}$ and the words accepted are binary encoded positive integers) contains an ...
Irmak Sağlam's user avatar
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Ramsey Numbers for Integers

Erdos defined $f(n)$ to be the minimum $r$ such that there is an $r$-coloring of the positive integers less than $n$, wherein $n$ cannot be written as the sum of distinct monochromatic integers. ...
Yoozer2021's user avatar
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About a diophantine equation from group theory

Is there any set of odd primes $\{p_1, p_2,..., p_k\}$ and natural numbers $a_1,..., a_k$ such that the following equation satisfied: $${p_1^{2a_1+1}+1 \over p_1+1}\times ....\times {p_k^{2a_k+1}+1 \...
BHZ's user avatar
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Finding a presentation matrix with low dimension

Let $R=\mathbb Z[t^{\pm}]$ and $M$ a finitely generated $R$-module. With $A$ a presentation matrix, i.e we have the following exact sequence (usually I'm working with the case where $A$ is an square ...
bruno mazorra's user avatar
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Is there some computational evidence of the $pq$ analog of Serre's conjecture?

The $pq$ analog of Serre's conjecture (see "Mod pq Galois representations and Serre's Conjecture"- Khare, Kiming) states that if $\bar{\rho}_1:G_{\mathbb{Q}}\rightarrow \text{GL}_2(\mathbb{F}_p)$ is a ...
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Anyone got two Galois reps to compare?

I've got a new criterion for comparing Galois reps which are four dimensional if we know the kernel of the residual representation mod $5$ (or any large odd prime) and the Sato-Tate groups (should be ...
Watson Ladd's user avatar
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Primitive element for a number field, and ramification

Let $K=\mathbb Q(\theta)$ be a number field with integral primitive element $\theta$, and let $f(x)$ be the minimal polynomial of $\theta$. Let $p$ be a rational prime. It's well known that if $p$ ...
352506's user avatar
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On factorization algorithms for $\mathcal{O}[x]$

We know that $\mathsf{LLL}$ algorithm provides factorization procedure that runs in poly time for polynomials in $\Bbb Z[x]$ that are primitive. What other rings $\mathcal{O}$ can we use instead of $\...
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Lower bound for p-adic distance between roots

Let $f$ be a formal power series with coefficients in the ring of integers of a finite extension of ${\mathbb Q}_p$. Is there a simple algorithm to compute a positive lower bound for $|\alpha - \beta|...
Jesse Elliott's user avatar
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Example of level one cuspidal Hecke Algebra T_k^0 such that p divides its index in its normalization, and p≥k-1?

The question is strongly focused on computations concerning modular forms and Hecke algebras. It is already in the title, but I will repeat it, adding a few details. Let $S_k$ be the complex vector ...
Tommaso Centeleghe's user avatar
4 votes
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One of the numbers $\zeta(5), \zeta(7), \zeta(9), \zeta(11)$ is irrational

I am reading an interesting paper One of the numbers ζ(5), ζ(7), ζ(9), ζ(11) is irrational by Zudilin. We fix odd numbers $q$ and $r$, $q\geq r+4$ and a tuple $\eta_0,\eta_1,...,\eta_q$ of positive ...
Max's user avatar
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Computing preimage of element under norm map of quadratic extension of $2$-adic fields

Let $F$ be a $2$-adic field, i.e. a finite extension of the $2$-adic numbers $\mathbb{Q}_2$. Suppose that I have a quadratic extension $E = F(\sqrt{d})$ of $F$. Given a unit $\alpha \in \mathcal{O}_F^\...
Sebastian Monnet's user avatar
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Are there infinitely many simple integral fusion rings of rank $4$?

$\DeclareMathOperator\ch{ch}$$\DeclareMathOperator\FPdim{FPdim}$We refer to [EGNO15, Chapter 3] for the notion of fusion ring and basic results. The type of a fusion ring $R$ is the list $(\FPdim(b_i)...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
4 votes
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Road map for learning about the computational/general theory of modular curves/isogenies of abelian varieties for cryptography

I am a graduate math/crypto student. So I've had some free time last year and I heard about elliptic curves in cryptography and how a resilient cryptosystem got demolished by a spectacular attack ...
Rayane B.'s user avatar
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What are the modularity conjectures for Artin motives?

Classically, singular cohomology is an important tool for studying topological spaces, in particular, complex varieties. In the mid-twentieth century it was realized that there are many analogues of ...
David Schwein's user avatar
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Lattice reduction of basis with non-integer coefficients

Suppose I have an ordered basis $\{b_1, \dots, b_n\}$ of a lattice in $\mathbb{R}^n$, but I do not assume that $b_i \in \mathbb{Z}^n$ for all $1 \leq i \leq n$. I would like to perform lattice ...
george's user avatar
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Questions in number theory related to $NC$ and $P$-completeness

Given $a,b\in\mathbb N$ find $\operatorname{GCD}(a,b)$. Given $a,b,c\in\mathbb N$ find $x,y\in\mathbb Z$ such that $ax+by=c$. Euclidean algorithm solves both. My question is if either 1 or 2 is in ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Find $\mathbb{Z}$-basis of module over Dedekind domain provided its pseudobasis

Let $K$ be number field of degree $d$. Suppose we are given module $ \mathcal{M}$ in form: \begin{equation}\label{key} \mathcal{M} = v_1 \cdot \mathfrak{a}_1 \oplus v_2 \cdot \mathfrak{a}_2 \...
Александр Каренин's user avatar
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Reconstructing coefficients of an elliptic curve L-series from the modular form divisor

Let $E$ be an unknown elliptic curve over $\mathbb{Q}$. Let $L(E, s) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{a_n}{n^s}$ be the L-function of $E$ and write $f(q) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} a_n q^n$. I'm in a setting ...
Andreas Holmstrom's user avatar
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Riemann-Siegel formula for Dirichlet characters

After unearthing and giving a proof of what is now known as the Riemann--Siegel formula for the Riemann zeta function enabling the computation of $\zeta(1/2+iT)$ in time $O(T^{1/2})$, in 1943 Siegel ...
Henri Cohen's user avatar
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What is the complexity class of this problem without Cramer's conjecture?

The problem 'Given $0<a<b$ is there a prime in the interval $[a,b]$?' is in $\mathsf{NP}$. If we assume Cramer's conjecture the problem is in $\mathsf{P}$ since if $b-a>(\log a)^{2+\epsilon}$ ...
Turbo's user avatar
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The irrational numbers α such that n odd and m=⌊nα⌋ odd implies ⌊mα⌋ odd

This post is the analogous of that one (about $\sqrt{2}$) but with a much stronger expectation here. We observed, and then this comment of Lucia proved, that for $\phi$ the golden ratio, if $n$ ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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How to find a CM point with the image in the elliptic curve under modular parametrization given

everyone! Let $E:y^2+y=x^3-61$ be the minimal model of the elliptic curve 243b. How can I find the CM point $\tau$ in $X_0(243)$ such that $\tau$ maps to the point $(3\sqrt[3]{3},4)$ under the modular ...
yhb's user avatar
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Finding short linear combinations in abelian groups

Let $M$ be a finitely generated abelian group. Assume we are given a presentation of $M$, that is \begin{equation*} M = \frac{\bigoplus_{i=1}^r \mathbf{Z}g_i}{\sum_{j=1}^s \mathbf{Z} r_j} \end{...
François Brunault's user avatar
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Parity of number of primes

In is it shown there is a $c>0$ such that $\pi(x)\bmod2$ can be computed in $o(x^{\frac12})$ time (more precisely number of primes $\bmod 2$ for an interval of ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Computing the density of a set of multiples

Erdős and his coauthors often wrote about problems relating to the densities of sets of multiples. I have a computational question about the same topic. I have a finite* set $A=a_1<\cdots<a_r$ ...
Charles's user avatar
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Monte Carlo variant of Hilbert's Tenth Problem

Let $k \in \mathbb{N}$. Given an algorithm $\mathcal{A}$ which takes as argument a polynomial $P \in \mathbb{Z}[x_1,\dots,x_k]$ and either returns true or false, we say that $\mathcal{A}$ works for $P$...
Stefan Kohl's user avatar
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Algorithm/denominators of elements of a rational affine space

I hope it's not a trivial question... Suppose I have a finite dimensional vector space $V$ over $\mathbb{Q}$ with a distinguished basis (in my case it's the $k$th graded piece of the free associative ...
Adrien's user avatar
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Range of the least witness function

Let W(n) be a function from the positive odd composite numbers to the least positive b such that n is not a b-strong pseudoprime. W(n) exists for all numbers in its domain and its range is unbounded. ...
Charles's user avatar
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