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Primitive element for a number field, and ramification

Let $K=\mathbb Q(\theta)$ be a number field with integral primitive element $\theta$, and let $f(x)$ be the minimal polynomial of $\theta$. Let $p$ be a rational prime. It's well known that if $p$ ...
352506's user avatar
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Compute generators for group of totally positive units of a number field?

Given a number field $K$, I would like to compute (in Sage) generators for the group of totally positive units of $K$. Update: I've tried some code (details below), which I've received some help on in ...
xion3582's user avatar
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Elementary Iwasawa module

Let $k$ be a given number field. What is the importance and applications of knowing that the Iwasawa module $X_\infty$ of $k$ is an elementary $\Lambda$-module?
dekster's user avatar
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How to determine if a unramifed prime split or not?

Let $K$ be the Number field and $L$ be finite extension where $\mathfrak{p}$ prime of K is unramified. Are there any conditions on $\mathfrak{p}$ so that I can say $\mathfrak{p}$ splits completely in ...
SUNIL PASUPULATI's user avatar