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Restrictions on crossing edges in Delaunay triangulations

what can be said about crossing edges in Delaunay triangulations, i.e. about pairs of edges that constitute to the heaviest perfect matching int the $K_4$ induced by the quadruplet of adjacent ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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mean length of the non-crossing graphs on n points

My original question is rather vague so I'll start with a precise example and then indicate possible generalisations. Given a n-tuple $x=(x_1,\dots,x_n)$ in, say, a square with side-length $1$ in the ...
kaleidoscop's user avatar
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Hamiltonian circuit

Let us consider a disk with one labelled point on the boundary and $n$ labelled points in the interior. Let T be a triangulation of the whole disk with vertices on the labelled points such that T ...
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