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Left and right halves of convex curve

Let $S$ be a set of $n$ points in the plane in general position (no 3 on a line), $n$ even. A halving line is a line through $2$ points of $S$ that partitions $S$ into 2 equal parts ($(n-2)/2$ points ...
Xd00fg's user avatar
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Inside-out dissections of solids -2

We record some general questions based on Inside-out dissections of solids Inside-out dissections of a cube Can every convex polyhedral solid be inside-out dissected to a congruent polyhedral solid?...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Inside-out dissections of a cube

Ref: Inside-out polygonal dissections Inside-out dissections of solids Definitions: A polygon P has an inside-out dissection into another polygon P' if P′ is congruent to P, and the perimeter of P ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Bounds for the Dispersal Problem in convex regions

We add a bit to: Bounds for minimax facility location in a convex region Two earlier posts: Cutting convex regions into equal diameter and equal least width pieces - 2 and Facility location on ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Bounds for minimax facility location in a convex region

An earlier question: Facility location on manifolds A possibly related earlier post: Cutting convex regions into equal diameter and equal least width pieces - 2 The minimax facility location problem ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Checking existence of a non-crossing Hamiltonian path in geometric graphs

I am interested in the following computational problem. Given a geometric graph (i.e, a graph drawn in the plane so that its vertices are represented by points in general position and its edges are ...
Pritam Majumder's user avatar
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How many samples do you need to get constant dispersion?

Let $C_n$ be the hypercube $[-1,1]^n$. For $a_1,\cdots,a_s \in C_n$, define its dispersion $D(a_1,\cdots,a_s)$ as $\max_{x \in C_n}\min_{i \in [s]} \|x-a_i\|_{2}$. Let $0< \lambda < 1$ be a ...
Mathews Boban's user avatar
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Dispersion of a "random" subset of $[-1,1]^2$

Let $C$ be the square $[-1,1]^2$. Let $a_1,\dots,a_m$ be points chosen independently and uniformly at random from $C$. Let $d_m$ (dispersion) be the random variable $\max_{x \in C}{\min_{j \in [m]}{\|...
Mathews Boban's user avatar
5 votes
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Counting points above lines

Consider a set $P$ of $N$ points in the unit square and a set $L$ of $N$ non-vertical lines. Can we count the number of pairs $$\{(p,\ell)\in P\times L: p\; \text{lies above}\; \ell\}$$ in time $\...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Complexity of counting regions in hyperplane arrangements

Let $H_1,\ldots,H_n$ be hyperplanes in $\Bbb R^d$. Denote $\mathcal{H} :=\{H_1,\ldots,H_n\}$ and let $c(\mathcal{H})$ be the number of regions in the complement: $\Bbb R^d\setminus \bigcup H_i$. ...
Igor Pak's user avatar
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On finding optimal convex planar shapes to cover a given convex planar shape

Covering a specific convex shape S with n copies of another specified convex shape S' (which may be different from S) is well studied - for example,
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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6 votes
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Probability of intersecting a rectangle with random straight lines

We are given a rectangle $R$ with sides lengths $r_1$ and $r_2$, contained in a square $S$, with sides lengths $s_1=s_2\ge r_1$ and $s_2=s_1\ge r_2$. $R$ and $S$ are axis-aligned in a cartesian plane $...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
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Implementation of Koebe–Andreev–Thurston circle packing?

The circle packing theorem (Koebe–Andreev–Thurston theorem) claims for a planar graph, we can pack disjoint circles, such that: the circles correspond to vertices and the disks are tangent if the ...
Jake B.'s user avatar
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Convex hull in a discrete space [closed]

I know some algorithms which compute the convex hull in a continuous space. Are there efficient algorithms to compute it in a discrete domain? For example in 3D discrete space, given the blue points, ...
Smith's user avatar
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16 votes
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Finding a plane numerically

Suppose I have three large finite sets $\{x_i\}$, $\{y_i\}$ and $\{z_i\}$; they are obtained by measuring coordinates of a collection of vectors in $\mathbb{R}^3$, but I do not know which triples ...
Anton Petrunin's user avatar
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Algorithm to compute the convex hull of a set of $m$ possibly intersecting convex polygons in the plane

I am trying to find an algorithm to compute the convex hull of a set of $m$ possibly intersecting convex polygons in the plane, with a total of $n$ vertices. Let $h$ denote the number of vertices on ...
oren harlev's user avatar
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Biggest Cartesian Product Included in a Real Plane Curve

Suppose an irreducible smooth $p \in \mathbb{R}[x_1,x_2]$ is given, and we would like to find finite sets $S_1 , S_2 \subset \mathbb{R}$ such that $p(S_1 \times S_2)=0$ and $|S_1 \times S_2|$ is as ...
alpx's user avatar
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Several convex polytopes in a simplex; fix an extreme point for each; how many can be supported by a function monotonic on all line segments?

Sorry the title may be unclear. I do not know how to give it a good title..... Let $\Delta$ be a probability simplex of $R^N$; i.e. set of all points $x$ such that $x\geq0$ and $\sum_{k=1}^Nx^k\leq1$....
Yi-Hsuan Lin's user avatar
6 votes
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How many triangulations of a regular octahedron are there, without introducing new vertices?

It is easy to find three triangulations, each consisting of four tetrahedra. Are there more?
John Kieffer's user avatar
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Minimum-cost vertex transformations to achieve a planar graph embedding

Consider an undirected planar graph $G = (V,E)$ (not necessarily simply connected) whose current embedding in the plane has edge intersections. Consider algorithms in which vertexes $v_i$ can be ...
David G. Stork's user avatar
5 votes
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Convex caps with prescribed edges

Let $P$ be a convex polygon in the plane $R^2=R^2\times \{0\}$, and $E$ be the edge graph of some subdivision of $P$ into convex polygons, which is $3$-connected. Does there exist a convex polyhedral ...
Mohammad Ghomi's user avatar
8 votes
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How to generate Voronoi diagram with polygons of equal area?

I would like to generate some random set of points so that their Voronoi diagram consist of equal-area polygons. Is it possible to impose some constraints on the points in order to have the same areas ...
Андрей Воронцов's user avatar
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A brief question about the "Eight Queens" Puzzle

The classical Eight Queens puzzle asks whether it is possible to arrange $ 8 $ queens on an $ 8 \times 8 $ chess board, so that no two queens attack each other. It is well-known that such ...
Boggie Georgiev's user avatar
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connectedness of semi algebraic sets

We know the inequalities $x_ix_j >\theta_{ij}$ or $x_ix_j<\theta_{ij}$ for some $\theta_{ij}$>0, some $i,j\in\{1,\cdots,n\}$, $i\neq j$ defines the easiest semi algebraic set in $R^n_{\geq 0}$, ...
user91192's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

A simplified Art Gallery Problem in a matrix

Let's take a $m \times n$ matrix as an area with $m \times n$ blocks (likes a 2D-version of the world in Minecraft). We have to put some lamps in this matrix to illuminate the whole matrix. Here is ...
Yijun Yuan's user avatar
5 votes
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Do random triangulation edge-flips maintain randomness?

Let $S$ be a fixed set of $n$ points in the plane in general position. Let $T$ be a triangulation of $S$, (somehow) selected uniformly at random from all triangulations of $S$. (There are an ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Euclidean Minimum Spanning Trees Restricted to One Vertex Per Grid Cell

Given an $n \times n$ grid with unit grid cells, and one point from the interior of each cell, what is are best possible lower and upper bounds for lengths of minimum spanning trees? The lower bound ...
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Algorithm that generates a n-simplex that cover n-polytope?

Given an $n$-cube with unit volume, is there any algorithm that generates a $n$-simplex that covers the $n$-polytope?
guanglei's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Is every graph an edge-crossing graph?

Consider a circular drawing of a simple (in particular, loopless) graph $G$ in which edges are drawn as straight lines inside the circle. The crossing graph for such a drawing is the simple graph ...
Marco Kuhlmann's user avatar
2 votes
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NP hard problems on UD graphs

I'm reading up on NP hard problems in Unit Disk graphs. I'd like to point out i'm fairly new to this NP hard stuff so i'm trying to get around how to prove something is NP hard. http://ac.els-cdn....
Pavan Sangha's user avatar
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Average vertex degree in finite Delaunay triangulations in high dimensions

In $\mathbb{R}^2$ it's known that with a "random" point configuration, the average degree of a vertex in its Delaunay triangulation is 6. Does anyone know of a similar result in higher dimension? I ...
Danny Nguyen's user avatar
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Dissection of a polygon into convex polygons

Problem: for a fixed integer $m\geqslant 3$ find all $n$ such that no $n$-gon can be dissected into convex $m$-gons. I would be very grateful for any information on this problem. Remark 1. There ...
Ivan Feshchenko's user avatar
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Random Vornoi Diagrams (particular measures)

This is my second question about Random Voronoi diagrams, in my first question was given some excellent advice but i was not clear in explaining what i was looking for. I'm interested to know ...
Pavan Sangha's user avatar
10 votes
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Random Voronoi Diagrams

I'm interested in what research has already been done with regards to the statistics of random voronoi diagrams. I have had a look on google scholar and results are a little inconclusive. I'm ...
Pavan Sangha's user avatar
3 votes
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Combinatorial design for minimization problem over binary strings

Suppose the cost of a binary string $B$ of length $k$ is the number of $1$s that occur before the last $0$. For example, $1110$ has cost 3 while $0111$ has cost 0. Now suppose you can choose $k$ ...
Rodrigo Castro's user avatar
9 votes
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Hamiltonian circuit

Let us consider a disk with one labelled point on the boundary and $n$ labelled points in the interior. Let T be a triangulation of the whole disk with vertices on the labelled points such that T ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Euclidean neighborhoods on Polyhedral surface

Let $(X, Vertex(X))$ be a Polyhedral surface (defined like in Polthier) , $x_0 \in X$ a vertex. Let $B_\epsilon(x_0)$ the euclidean ball centred at $x_0$ with radius $\epsilon$, $\epsilon > max ...
acmath's user avatar
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6 votes
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The straightest possible path embeddable in a path of polygons

I'm studying a problem involving the sets of discrete curves that can be embedded in a non-trivial polygon, from a source to a target point, as shown below. Initially my interest was limited to the ...
Olumide's user avatar
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Finding integer points on an N-d convex hull

Suppose we have a convex hull computed as the solution to a linear programming problem (via whatever method you want). Given this convex hull (and the inequalities that formed the convex hull) is ...
Michael Hoffman's user avatar