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1 vote
0 answers

Is it in theory possible to perform general Miller’s algorithm inversion as used with the optimal ate pairing with large trace in subexponential time?

Let’s I have the following : 2 curves $G_1$ defined on $F_p$ and $G_2$ being the $G_1$ curve’s twist defined on $F_p^2$ both having the same prime order ; a large trace ; and $F_p^{12}$ as their ...
0 votes
0 answers

Is it in theory possible to create a subexponential algorithm for solving discrete logarithms in multiplicative subgroups or within an Integer range?

As far I understand, when it comes to finite fields, Pollard rho and Pollard’s lambda are still the best algorithm for solving discrete logarithms in a multiplicative subgroup/suborder… Index calculus ...
1 vote
0 answers

Over a given finite field, how many couples of matrices there are, for which their minimal polynomials are co-prime?

Let ${\mathbb F}_{q}$ be a given finite field. How many couples of $n\times n$ matrices $\left(A,B\right)$ over ${\mathbb F}_{q}$, such that $\gcd\left(\mu_{A}\left(\lambda\right),\mu_{B}\left(\lambda\...
4 votes
0 answers

Lattice reduction of basis with non-integer coefficients

Suppose I have an ordered basis $\{b_1, \dots, b_n\}$ of a lattice in $\mathbb{R}^n$, but I do not assume that $b_i \in \mathbb{Z}^n$ for all $1 \leq i \leq n$. I would like to perform lattice ...
1 vote
0 answers

What is the complexity of elgamal cryptosystem? [closed]

Its clear generation of keys based On cyclic group and its generator for z_p So my question Does finding the generator efect on complexity Moreove does the size of message M effect on the complexity?
1 vote
0 answers

If statement in the algebraic group model (AGM)

In the algebraic group model (, can one use "if" statement? For example, can one do the following in AGM? input: x, y, z if (x = y) then z = x else z = ...
16 votes
4 answers

Zero-knowledge proof of positivity

If I have committed to a number x by revealing g^x mod p, can I prove that 0 < x mod (p-1) < (p-1)/2, i.e. that x is positive, without leaking any more information about x? My bounty is ending ...
68 votes
8 answers

Example of a good Zero Knowledge Proof

I am working on my zero knowledge proofs and I am looking for a good example of a real world proof of this type. An even better answer would be a Zero Knowledge Proof that shows the statement isn't ...
2 votes
1 answer

On roots of irreducible quadratics modulo composites

Assume factorization of $N$ is unknown. What is the best complexity we know to find roots of the irreducible equation $$ax^2+bx+c\equiv0\bmod N?$$ Is this problem equivalent to any hardness results?
6 votes
1 answer

Groups in which Computational Diffie Hellman is in $P$ but Discrete Logarithm is not known to be in $P$

The Computational Diffie Hellman (CDH) problem is to compute $g^{XY}$ given $g^X$ and $g^Y$ where $g$ generates the group. The Discrete Logarithm (DLOG) problem is to compute $X$ given $g^X$. The ...
7 votes
0 answers

Zero-knowledge proofs for answers to the $P=NP$ question

Are there zero-knowledge proofs for every answer to the $P=NP$ question? For instance, if you have a polynomial-time algorithm of moderate complexity for the graph-coloring problem, then it is easy to ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is strictly harder than NP-hard cryptography possible?

Looks like there is cryptography based on NP-hard problem, e.g. McEliece cryptosystem. The algorithm is an asymmetric encryption algorithm and is based on the hardness of decoding a general linear ...
4 votes
0 answers

Can we make cryptography signature algorithm based on hardness of isomorphism?

In public key cryptography, Alice knows functions $f$ and its inverse $f^{-1}$. $f$ is public and $f^{-1}$ is secret. To sign a message $m$, she gives $(m,a=f^{-1}(m))$. To verify a signature, the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is it theoretically possible to find a factoring algorithm that runs in polynomial time? [closed]

Given that we don't know if P=NP, what's to stop someone from finding tomorrow an algorithm that makes prime factoring, or any other trap-door function reversing for that matter, computationally ...
5 votes
1 answer

Elliptic curves: for $P = aG$ for some $a$, what is $Q = a^{-1}G$?

Given an elliptic curve group with a generator $G$ where $G$ has a prime order, p. Given a point $P=aG$ for some unknown $a$. Is it possible to efficiently calculate $Q=a^{-1}G$ without a discrete ...
3 votes
1 answer

Zero Knowledge Proof - Offline Information [closed]

I've been reading about Zero Knowledge Proofs with some interest, but I'm still unclear if it can be used to solve my real-life problem. I'm wondering if someone can help me understand a little ...
6 votes
1 answer

Shortest vector problem over polynomials

In shortest vector problem, given a lattice in $\Bbb Z^n$, we seek the shortest non-zero vector in the lattice. This problem is computationally difficult. Answer in Evidence for integer factorization ...
2 votes
0 answers

Is conjugacy problem hard in braid group?

Recently I studied the braid group and conjugacy problem. It is believed that conjugacy problem is hard on braid group. My friend gave me an EXE file, and I use it for solving conjugacy problem, as an ...
11 votes
5 answers

Zero knowledge proof of equality

Alice and Bob each secretly chooses an integer between 1 and 10, a and b. They want to know (with high probability) whether or ...
3 votes
1 answer

Equivalence between Diffie Hellman and Discrete Log

For which non-trivial groups, do we know that the Diffie Hellman problem and the Discrete Log are equivalent? Is there any group for which we suspect them to be different? Could there be a finite ...
3 votes
0 answers

Oracle separating FIP for bounded-depth Frege from FIP for Frege (and hardness conditions on DDH)

Is there an oracle such that in the relativized world, bd-Frege (bounded depth Frege propositional proof system) has FIP (feasible interpolation property) but Frege does not have FIP? Such an oracle ...
12 votes
1 answer

Are there very strongly pseudorandom permutations?

A pseudorandom permutation can be defined formally as a function $\phi$ from $\{0,1\}^k\times\{0,1\}^n$ to $\{0,1\}^n$ such that for every $x\in\{0,1\}^k$ the function $\phi_x:y\mapsto\phi(x,y)$ is a ...
14 votes
3 answers

Will quantum computing kill cryptography ? [closed]

I apologize as this question is not really mathematical, and therefore perhaps not well-suited for this site. Please feel free to close it if you think it is not. My reason for asking it here is that ...
2 votes
3 answers

Generating a set of integer passwords that can be securely authenticated

First, apologies for the title. This is an odd question, and I couldn't come up with a simple title for it. My question is as follows. Given a positive integer $k$, determine a set of properties $S$ ...
26 votes
4 answers

Discrete logs vs. factoring

One thing that I've never quite understood is why computing discrete logarithms (in the multiplicative group mod p) and factoring seem to be so closely related. I don't think that there's a reduction ...