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Questions tagged [complex-dynamics]

Dynamics of holomorphic transformations; Mandelbrot and Julia sets.

54 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Algebraic proofs of algebraic theorems about algebraically closed fields

It is well-known that the first order theory of algebraically closed fields admits quantifier elimination, whence the theory $ACF_p$ of algebraically closed fields of given characteristic $p$ is ...
Adam Epstein's user avatar
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Diophantine approximation in the Julia set

Let $f : \mathbb{CP}^1 \to \mathbb{CP}^1$ be a rational map of degree $q > 1$; or just a quadratic binomial $z^2 + c$, if one prefers. The Julia set $J_f$ is the closure of the repelling periodic ...
Vesselin Dimitrov's user avatar
11 votes
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A curious observation on the elliptic curve $y^2=x^3+1$

Here is a calculation regarding the $2$-torsion points of the elliptic curve $y^2=x^3+1$ which looks really miraculous to me (the motivation comes at the end). Take a point of $y^2=x^3+1$ and ...
KhashF's user avatar
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the (non-existent) group of conformal transformations

In physics intros to 2d conformal field theory, people often talk about the "group of conformal transformations". Of course, that's not a group but rather a pseudo-group... that's not what ...
André Henriques's user avatar
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What is the "category of bifurcations"?

While reading the introduction to this paper by Curtis McMullen, I came to the following (bold added): In this paper we show that every bifurcation set contains a copy of the boundary of the ...
Darsh Ranjan's user avatar
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Discriminants of Gleason's period-$n$ polynomials for the Mandelbrot set

Gleason's polynomials are the sequence of monic integer polynomials defined recursively by $$ \prod_{d \mid n} G_d(c) = (((c^2+c)^2+c)^2+\cdots+c)^2+c \quad \quad \quad [\textrm{$n$ iterates}], $$ for ...
Vesselin Dimitrov's user avatar
6 votes
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Reference request: Complex geodesic flow

Can someone suggest a book on complex geodesic flow? I am interested in it mainly because I was told these form a very useful class of Riemann surface laminations. Of special interest to me is the ...
Divakaran Divakaran's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there an efficient way to visualize the bifurcation locus of this family of functions?

I have been trying to help out with this question from math.stackexchange. It concerns the family of functions: $$f_\alpha(z,w) = \frac{\alpha + z}{1 + w}.$$ and an iteration scheme: $$z_{n+1} = ...
Aaron Golden's user avatar
6 votes
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Measure theoretic entropy

I don't know if this is an elementary question or not. In what follows all maps are continuous Suppose that $P:\mathbb{C}\rightarrow\mathbb{C}$ is a complex polynomial of degree $d>1$ and let $\mu$...
Luka Thaler's user avatar
5 votes
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Showing that a certain level set of a continuous family of holomorphic maps is locally path connected

I'm working with a continuous function $P: [0,1] \times W \to \mathbb{C}^n$, where $W \subset \mathbb{C}^n$ is an open, relatively compact ball centred at the origin. The map $P$ satisfies the ...
user148556's user avatar
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wild julia sets

Using the Baire category theorem, we may show that most simple closed curves satisfy the following property: any segment between an interior point and an exterior point of the curve intersects the ...
coudy's user avatar
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Is the closed orbit of the Van der Pol equation a stable periodic orbit?

We consider the Van der Pol vector field $$(1) \;\;\;\;\;\; \begin{cases} x'=y-(x^3-x)\\ y'=-x\end{cases}$$ on $\mathbb{R}^2.$ It is well known that this equation has a unique limit ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Dynamical Mordell-Lang on Kahler manifolds?

Suppose that $X$ is a smooth projective variety over $\mathbb C$ and $\phi : X \to X$ is an endomorphism. Let $p \in V$ be a point and $V \subset X$ a subvariety. The dynamical Mordell-lang ...
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4 votes
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Flow of zeros in the shifted exponential generating function?

Given a sequence $a_n$ (of real numbers, described more fully below), one may define the exponential generating function (on the complex plane) as $E(z)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n z^n/n!$. The derivatives $...
Linas's user avatar
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Is a domain of a holomorphic flow pseudoconvex?

Let $Z$ be a holomorphic vector field on $\mathbb{C}^n$. I would like to know whether (it seems that it is) the domain $D_\phi \subset \mathbb{C} \times \mathbb{C}^n$ of a maximal flow $\phi: D_\phi \...
J.E.M.S's user avatar
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Uniformization of Riemann surfaces by iso-classical Schottky groups

Let $\Gamma=<g_1, \dots, g_n>$ $\subset PGL_2(\mathbb{C})$ be a Schottky group of rank $n$. The group $\Gamma$ is called classical if there exists a set of $2n$ pairwise disjoint closed balls $\{...
Daniele Turchetti's user avatar
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Linearizing an operator

This question is more about a curious identity I have come across, than to do with explicit research. The question is somewhat advanced so I'm posting it here rather than on math stackexchange. It ...
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Picture of the set of discontinuity of degree 2 rational Julia sets

Let $Rat_d$ be the set of all rational fraction of degree $d$ and $X_d \subset Rat_d$ be the bifurcation locus of rational fractions of degree $d$, i.e. the closure of the set of discontinuity of the ...
Albert's user avatar
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Confusion on the assumption when discussing the kneading invariants for unimodal maps

A unimodal map is a continuous map $f:[0,1]\longrightarrow [0,1]$ such that there is only one turning point (critical point), denoted by $c$, and $f(0)=f(1)=0$. Unimodal map is related to kneading ...
JacobsonRadical's user avatar
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Does there exist a Runge Fatou-Bieberbach in each Fatou-Bieberbach domain?

A Fatou-Bieberbach domain $\Omega \subseteq \mathbb{C}^n$ is a domain that is a proper subset of $\mathbb{C}^n$ and is biholomorphic to $\mathbb{C}^n$. A domain is said to be Runge if for each ...
wellfedgremlin's user avatar
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Is the Mandelbrot set weakly self-similar?

A subset $F$ of an Euclidean space $E$ will be called weakly self-similar if for all $x \in F$ there is $\epsilon_x>0$ such that for all positive $\epsilon \le \epsilon_x$ there are $y \in F$, $\...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Is there a combinatorial analogue of the "sum over all possible paths"?

Addition, multiplication and exponentiation have important combinatorial analogues. By looking at if there a combinatorial analogue of the "sum over all possible paths", I hope to shed light on if ...
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Question about a length inequality in algebraic dynamics

Let $X$ be a Noetherian scheme. Let $f\colon X\rightarrow X$ be an integral self-morphism. If $x\in X$ is a closed point, I will write $\mathcal{F}_{1}^x$ for the coherent sheaf of $\mathcal{O}_X$-...
Mahdi Majidi-Zolbanin's user avatar
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confusion about rational maps and Fatou components

Dear fellows, I have come to another conclusion which must be wrong. Let $f$ be a rational map and let $U$ be a connected but not simply connected open subset of the Fatou set such that $f(U)$ is ...
idiot_1337's user avatar
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Conjugacy between piecewise linear circle maps

Let $\mathcal{M}$ the Mandelbrot set, $\mathcal{M}=\{c \in \mathbb{C}: \{Q_c^n(0) \}_{n \in \mathbb{N}} \text{ is bounded, where } Q_c(z)=z^2+c \}$ And let the hyperbolic or stable component, $H_n=\{ ...
confused's user avatar
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Understanding a more intricate Schwarz reflection principle--A question about Tetration

everyone. This is going to be a long question as it requires a good amount of back story in theory. This question is mostly along the lines: "I think this should happen, and I think my proof is ...
Richard Diagram's user avatar
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When is replacing the prefix of an angled internal address a valid operation?

While working on an artwork exploring patterns in the Mandelbrot set fractal, I constructed an angled internal address by: $$ 1 \overset{1/2}\longrightarrow 2 \overset{1/2}\longrightarrow 3 \overset{1/...
Claude's user avatar
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Integral curves of rational vector fields and approximations

The following is the formal statement of a conjecture that feels almost obvious, but I cannot find a reference for it. The idea is that one can obtain the integral curves of a vector field $V(z)$ by ...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
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How to compute expansion factors for hyperbolic rational maps?

It is a commonly-referenced result about certain rational maps acting on $\mathbb{\hat{C}}$ that they are expanding on a neighborhood of their Julia sets. A sufficient condition to be expanding is ...
Justin Lanier's user avatar
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Reachability in dynamic random graphs

There has been some advice on how to ask questions. So I reask my question.I have a problem related to graph theory, random graphs or random geometric graphs in special that really confuses me. ...
xzhh's user avatar
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Is there an equivalent to the logistic map for a nonlinear path through some of the other nodules of the Mandelbrot set?

The logistic map can be related to the real axis of the Mandelbrot set, looking at the different cycle lengths as you pass through all the various nodules along the real axis. But there are other ...
Bollinger David Curtis's user avatar
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Does this sequence of Blaschke Product have rescaling limit $z-1$?

Background: The conformal conjugacy class of parabolic isometry of upper half plane $\mathbb{H}$ consists of $f(z) = z+1$ and $g(z)=z-1$. Consider surjective proper holomorphic $F_n: \mathbb{H} \...
Ricky Simanjuntak's user avatar
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Multiply connected Fatou component of an entire function

This question may be trivial but still I want to know the answer. Question: Is there any necessary condition (except boundedness of the Fatou component) for the existence of a multiply connected Fatou ...
Factorial_zero's user avatar
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Positive integration on P^1

Let $u: \mathbb{P}^1(\mathbb{C}) \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be a smooth function s.t. $u$ is invariant under complex conjugation and $\displaystyle \int_{\mathbb{P}^1(\mathbb{C})}u \; \omega_{\mathrm{...
QU Binggang's user avatar
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Holomorphic dynamical systems defined on a contractible bounded open subset of $\Bbb{C}^n$

Let $U$ be a contractible bounded open subset of $\Bbb{C}$. There is a standard classification of possible dynamical behaviors of holomorphic maps $f:U\rightarrow U$: Attracting Case: There is an ...
KhashF's user avatar
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Lower semicontinuity of the number of attracting periodic points of a holomorphic family of rational maps?

Recently I have been reading the book Mathematical Tools for One-Dimensional Dynamics. In the proof of the theorem 5.4.2, authors use the following fact that the number of attracting periodic points ...
CuriousTiger's user avatar
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Clarification about the process of naturally endowing a space with a Riemann orbifold structure supported on a sphere

I am having some difficulties understanding an argument in a proof. Here is an excerpt from Lyubich–Peters - Classification of invariant Fatou components for dissipative Henon maps, first geometric ...
nandi's user avatar
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The mysterious numbers $ \frac{13}{20} $ and $20$?

Let $g(x) = x^6 - 30 x $ Let $h(x) = x^6 $ Let $f(x) = x^2 - 2 $ Let $r$ be a reduced fraction $0 < \frac{p}{q} < 2 $ with integers $p,q > 1$ Let $f_{n+1}(x) = f(f_n(x)) = f_n(f(x)) , ...
mick's user avatar
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Modulus estimate with intersecting annuli (quasi-additivity)

In general for annulus $A\subset \mathbb{C}$ if $A_{1},A_{2}....\subset A$ are disjoint annuli inside it, then we have $$mod(A)=\frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{A}\int_{A} \frac{1}{|z|^{2}}dz>\frac{1}{2\pi}\...
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
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Uniform convergence of holomorphic automorphisms

Let $X$ be a complete Kobayashi hyperbolic complex manifold. It is well-known that the automorphism group of $X$ is a real Lie group where the topology on the automorphim group is the compact-open ...
Jaikrishnan's user avatar
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Is $\partial M_d$ continuously determined by $d$?

This question is inspired by a question on math.stackexchange: The animation ...
Aaron Golden's user avatar
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Can an entire function have every root function?

My question is an amalgamation of two previous questions. The first question I'd like to draw attention to is here. It asks whether there can exist a non trivial semigroup defined on $\mathbb{C}$ $$\...
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Composing between Schröder functions in complex dynamics

Assume that $f(z)$ is a holomorphic function that sends some open and connected set $G$ to itself. Assume $f$ has a single fixed point $z_0$. Assume $f(f(...(n\,times)...f(z))) = f^{\circ n}(z) \to ...
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Effective estimates for circle packing

The Riemann map from a simply connected domain to the unit disc can be approximated by circle packings thanks to a theorem of Rodin and Sullivan. (That is, take smaller and smaller triangulations and ...
Vamsi's user avatar
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Inverse limits of the interval with a single bonding map below the identity

My question is as follows. QUESTION. Is there a topological description of the class of arc-like continua that arise as inverse limits of $[0,1]$ with a single continuous surjective bonding map $f\...
Lasse Rempe's user avatar
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constructing koenigs function

My question is rather simple and I hope someone has some sort of an answer. I am looking for a simple yes or no answer, and a reference if anyone has one. We have a holomorphic function $f$ defined ...
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What is the state of the art of visualizing bifurcations for "difficult" dynamical systems?

This question is related to my other recent question on MO (although I am not confident that the dynamical system described in that other question is actually "difficult," in the sense that I will ...
Aaron Golden's user avatar
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Periodicities of a Complex Dynamical System

Consider A function $f:\mathbf{C}^2\rightarrow \mathbf{C}$ defined as $$f_{\alpha, \beta}(z,w)=\frac{\alpha}{z}+\frac{\beta}{w}$$ where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ both are complex number. It is easy to ...
Sk Sarif Hassan's user avatar
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Algebraic set given by sequence of polynomials

When working on some problem, I have end up with a following situation. Suppose $P(z)=z^d+a_{d-1}z^{d-1}+\ldots+a_1z+a_0$ is a complex polynomial $d\geq2$ and that $\gamma$ and $\delta$ are non-zero ...
Luka B.T.'s user avatar
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Alternative proof of parabolic implosion

I am working on an alternative proof of parabolic implosion from complex dynamics, but only allowing hyperbolic perturbation. Theorem (Parabolic Implosion) Let $f(z)=z^2+z$ and $U_f$ be parabolic ...
Ricky Simanjuntak's user avatar