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Jordan curve boundaries of Fatou components

Let $f:\mathbb C\to \mathbb C$ be a rational map and let $J(f)$ and $F(f)$ denote the Julia and Fatou sets of $f$, respectively. Let $\mathcal S$ be the set of all boundaries of Fatou components. ...
D.S. Lipham's user avatar
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A curious observation on the elliptic curve $y^2=x^3+1$

Here is a calculation regarding the $2$-torsion points of the elliptic curve $y^2=x^3+1$ which looks really miraculous to me (the motivation comes at the end). Take a point of $y^2=x^3+1$ and ...
KhashF's user avatar
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A question about decompositions of rational functions

Let $f_1,g_1,f_2,g_2$ be non-constant rational functions on the Riemann sphere (i.e. elements of $\Bbb{C}(z)-\Bbb{C}$) satisfying $f_1\circ g_1=f_2\circ g_2$. Suppose there is a prime number $p$ such ...
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Inverse image of a Jordan curve

If there exists a rational map $R$ from the extended plane $\hat{\mathbb{C}}$ to itself, and a Jordan curve $J$ on the plane, such that $R$ has no critical value on the curve, can we say that the ...
Neil Young's user avatar
9 votes
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When is a Newton basin fractal continuously determined by the roots of its polynomial?

Newton basin fractals are visualizations of the Julia sets of functions of the form: $$f_p(z) = z - p(z)/p'(z)$$ where $p$ is a complex polynomial. My question is: When is the Julia set, $J(f_p)$...
Aaron Golden's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Is this a Julia set (and if so, for which function family is it the Julia set)?

Consider the function family given by $f_\lambda(z) = z - p_\lambda(z)/p_\lambda'(z)$ where $p_\lambda(z) = (z^2 - 1)(z - \lambda)$. Every attracting cycle and every rational neutral cycle of $f_\...
Aaron Golden's user avatar
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confusion about rational maps and Fatou components

Dear fellows, I have come to another conclusion which must be wrong. Let $f$ be a rational map and let $U$ be a connected but not simply connected open subset of the Fatou set such that $f(U)$ is ...
idiot_1337's user avatar
9 votes
6 answers

When does the sequence of iterates of a rational function converge?

Darsh asks at the 20-questions seminar: Let $f:P^1 \rightarrow P^1$ be rational function. Can you say when the sequence $\{ f^n(x)\}_n=\{ x,f(x),f(f(x)),\cdots\} $ converges? What about the sequence ...
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