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Questions tagged [compactifications]

14 questions from the last 365 days
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Mistake on article about Bohr compactification?

$\DeclareMathOperator\b{b}\newcommand\B{{\operatorname B}}$I wish to get help understanding the content of two theorems of [Iva] that seem mutually contradictory. First some context. Let $\b(\mathbb{R}...
stgo's user avatar
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6 votes
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About path-connected components of the Bohr compactification of $\mathbb{R}^d$

Let ${\rm b}(\mathbb{R}^d)$ denote the Bohr compactification of $\mathbb{R}^d$, with $d\in\mathbb{N}$. This is the Pontryagin dual of the group $\mathbb{R}^d_d$, corresponding to $\mathbb{R}^d$ with ...
stgo's user avatar
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A question about G-Hewitt spaces

In the paper linked below, S. A. Antonyan gives the following proposition without proof (in fact all results are given without proof). I need a proof of this theorem. If anyone has information on this ...
Mehmet Onat's user avatar
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Spaces $X$ with every compactification $0$-dimensional with $\beta X\setminus X$ not locally compact

Previously, in this post I've shown the following characterization of spaces with only zero-dimensional compactifications: Theorem. Let $X$ be strongly zero-dimensional and $\beta X\setminus X$ ...
Jakobian's user avatar
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11 votes
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Spaces with every compactification $0$-dimensional which aren't locally compact

Recently I've proven the following theorem Theorem. Let $X$ be a zero-dimensional locally compact Hausdorff space. Then the following are equivalent: Every compactification of $X$ is zero-dimensional....
Jakobian's user avatar
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Spectral analysis of Dirac operators coupled to gauge potential on $\mathbb{R}^n$

Dirac operators on compact manifolds seem to have been studied well, such as in this book and also this one. However, I cannot easily find comprehensive treatment of Dirac operators coupled to gauge ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Is there a metric compactification that doesn't create new paths?

Every separable metric space $A$ has a metrizable compactification, i.e. a compact metrizable space $X$ for which $A$ embeds topologically as a dense subspace of $X$. There are many approaches to ...
Jeremy Brazas's user avatar
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Behavior of subtree of $\mathbb{Z}^2$ embedded in $\mathbb{C}$ under compactification of the latter to the riemann sphere

I consider a countable subtree $T$ of the integer lattice isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}^2$ with directed edges. It shall be embedded in $\mathbb{C}$ where the edge $(u,v)$ points from $u$ to $v$ if and ...
Jens Fischer's user avatar
-2 votes
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Mismatch between equivalent definitions of the Bohr compactification of the reals

I feel I'm overlooking something very silly. The Bohr compactification of $\mathbb R$ has two equivalent definitions. The set of (possibly discontinuous) homomorphisms $\mathbb R \to \mathbb T$ under ...
Daron's user avatar
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Is there an explicit construction of the Bohr Compactification of the Integers?

Is it possible to explicitly describe the Bohr compactification of $\mathbb Z$? This is equivalent to describing all the group homomorphisms $\mathbb R/\mathbb Z \to \mathbb R/\mathbb Z$ including ...
Daron's user avatar
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When is the "Gelfand Remainder" compact?

Suppose we have a noncompact Hausdorff space $S$ and a Banach algebra $A \subset C^*(S,\mathbb R)$ of the space of real-valued bounded functions on $S$. For niceness let's assume $A$ separates the ...
Daron's user avatar
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3 votes
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Fulton-MacPherson compactifications (and wonderful compactifications) as relative Proj

Let $X$ be a (smooth complex projective) variety. The Fulton-MacPherson compactification $X[n]$ is obtained from $X^n$ by blowing up the diagonals in a certain order. Is it possible to write down a (...
adrian's user avatar
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Homeomorphism between interiors of simplex and permutohedron

The $n$-dimensional permutohedron $P_n$ is a polytope whose facets (i.e.\ codimension $1$ faces) are in 1-to-1 correspondence with all faces (of codimension${}\geq 1$) of the $n$-simplex $\Delta_n$, ...
Xin Nie's user avatar
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Points in the Stone Cech compactification are intersection of open sets

Let $\beta \mathbb{N}$ be the Stone Cech compactification of the natural numbers and let $ x\in \beta \mathbb{N}$. Is it true that there exists a sequence of open sets $\{U_n\}_{n=1}^\infty$ in $\beta ...
Serge the Toaster's user avatar