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Generalization of Cauchy's identity

Let $ s_{\lambda} $ be the Schur function associated to the partition $ \lambda $. Cauchy's identity (as in Macdonald) states that $$ \sum_{\lambda} s_{\lambda}(X)s_{\lambda}(Y) = \prod_{i,j}(1-...
R. Rosenbaum's user avatar
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Are the zeros of Tutte polynomials dense in $\mathbb C^2$?

For the chromatic polynomials of graphs we have two nice theorems which describe the behavior of their zeros: Thomassen proved that the set of real zeros of all chromatic polynomials is the union of $\...
Gjergji Zaimi's user avatar
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$\epsilon$-nets with respect to the cut norm

The cut norm $||A||\_C$ of a real matrix $A = (a_{i,j}) \in \mathcal{R}^{n\times n}$ is the maximum over all $I \subseteq [n], J \subseteq [n]$ of the quantity $\left|\sum_{i \in I, j \in J}a_{i,j}\...
Aaron's user avatar
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Regular languages of matrices and their generating functions

My question is somewhat related to this question. Let us fix natural numbers $k$ and $C$. Let $A$ be an automaton whose alphabet consists of $k\times k$ matrices with integer coefficients of ...
Łukasz Grabowski's user avatar
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Finding a chromatic polynomial by polynomial fitting

I would like to find the chromatic polynomial χ for the n by m rook's graph Gn,m for as many values of n and m possible. The rooks graph is also (a) the line graph of the complete bipartite graph ...
Douglas S. Stones's user avatar
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Finding the diameter of an unknown tree: Is BFS optimal?

I'm interested on the following nice problem that is somewhat standard in CS, but I was surprised on the lack of references on the optimal algorithm to this problem. Ana and Banana plays the ...
Curious's user avatar
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Can the optimal packing density in $\mathbb{Z}^d$ be irrational?

For a finite $S \subset \mathbb{Z}^d$, let $d_p(S)$ be its optimal packing density. That is, the maximal lower asymptotic density of $A+S$, where $A \subset \mathbb{Z}^d$ is such that $(a_1+S)\cap (...
Arsenii Sagdeev's user avatar
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$q$-analogue of the multinomial theorem?

The $q$-binomial theorem states that $$ \prod_{k=0}^{n-1}(1+q^kt) = \sum_{k=0}^n q^{\binom k2}{n\brack k}_q t^k. $$ This identity is a $q$-analogue of the binomial theorem $$ (1+t)^n = \sum_{k=0}^n \...
Amritanshu Prasad's user avatar
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Computing the number of ways to delete vertices sequentially without disconnecting a graph

Given a finite connected graph on $n$ vertices, we are trying to count the number of ways to label the vertices $1$ to $n$ so that deleting them sequentially in that order never disconnects the graph. ...
Dylan Thurston's user avatar
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3-manifolds with stacked links

Stacked spheres A triangulation of a 2-dimensional sphere is called a stacked sphere if it is obtained inductively from the boundary of a 3-simplex by deleting a 2-face (triangle) $T$ adding a new ...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
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Around the Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv theorem

(Here is a problem that emerged in a conversation with Fedor Petrov and should really be a sort of "joint posting" if this format were supported.) For any positive integers $k_1\le k_2\le\...
Seva's user avatar
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$\mathfrak{sl}_3$ webs without faces having a multiple of 4 sides

In settling the main conjecture of Cyclic action on Kreweras walks, see, a rather interesting object popped up. Recall from Kuperberg, Greg, Spiders for rank 2 Lie ...
Martin Rubey's user avatar
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Combinatorial proof of invertibility of a symmetric matrix associated to the ring of matrices over a finite field

Let $F$ be a finite field of $q$ elements with characteristic $p$. Let $M_n(F)$ be the ring of $n\times n$ matrices over $F$. We define a $q^{n^2}\times q^{n^2}$ symmetric matrix $L$ over the ...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
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How many upper sets in this decomposition of finite posets

Let $X$ be a finite poset. If $$X = X_1 \cup X_2$$ where $X_1$ and $X_2$ are strict upper sets, then a lot of properties of $X$ can be inferred from the smaller posets $X_1, X_2$ and $X_1\cap X_2$ (...
Jens Renders's user avatar
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Non-Boolean Eulerian interval of finite groups

An Eulerian subgroup lattice is Boolean (see here), so it is natural to wonder whether it is also true for an interval of finite groups. The smallest non-Boolean Eulerian lattice is the following: It ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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The number of labeled pairs of edge disjoint trees and related questions

I wonder what is known on the following: 1) What is the number $T_k(n)$ of $k$-tuples of (pairwise) edge-disjoint trees $(T_1,T_2,\dots, T_k)$ with $n$ labelled vertices? 2) (harder, it seems) What ...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
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Wilf's conjecture: complementary Bell numbers

The complementary Bell numbers or Uppuluri–Carpenter numbers, denoted $\tilde{B}_n$, can be delivered by $$G(x):=\sum_{n\geq0}\tilde{B}_n\frac{x^n}{n!}=e^{1-e^x}.$$ Definition. Fix an integer $m\geq0$....
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Converse of Frobenius

Enumerate the elements of a finite group $G$ as follows: $g_1,g_2,\dots,g_n$. Introduce $n$ variables indexed by the elements of $G$: $x_{g_1},\dots,x_{g_n}$. Consider the matrix $X_G$ with entries $...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Number of updown sequences of $1,1,2,2,\cdots,n,n$

I would like to count the updown sequences of the set $\{1,1,2,2, \cdots, n,n \}.$ Sequence $a_1, a_2, a_3, \ldots$ is an updown sequence if the sequence satisfies the following: $ a_1 \lt a_2 \gt a_3 ...
hkju's user avatar
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Computer searches for the $g$-conjecture

McMullen's $g$-conjecture aims the classify possible $f$-vectors of simplicial $d$-spheres. The $g$-conjecture has been proven for polytopal spheres and for simplicial spheres of dimension $d < 5$. ...
John Machacek's user avatar
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Do the Laver tables converge to the Sierpinski triangle with a line segment sticking out in the hyperspace topology?

Let $(\{1,...,2^{n}\},*_{n})$ denote the $n$-th Laver table. Let $$C_{n}=\{(\frac{x}{2^{n}},\frac{x*_{n}y}{2^{n}})|x,y\in\{1,2,3,...,2^{n}\}\}$$ for all $n\in\mathbb{N}$. Then since $C_{n}$ is a ...
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
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Product of a Schubert polynomial and a double Schubert polynomial

Let $S_u(x)$ be a Schubert polynomial and let $S_v(x;y)$ be a double Schubert polynomial. Then their product can be expressed in terms of the double Schubert polynomials as $$S_u(x)S_v(x;y)=\sum_w{c_{...
Matt Samuel's user avatar
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Is there a nice formula for the "non-crossing substitution" of linear combinatorial species?

Background A linear species is a functor $$F : \mathrm{Lin} \to \mathrm{FinSet},$$ where $\mathrm{Lin}$ is the category of totally ordered sets and bijections and $\mathrm{FinSet}$ is the category ...
nasosev's user avatar
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Consequences of Zeeman's conjecture

Recall the Zeeman's conjecture: if $K$ is a contractible polyhedron of dimension 2, then $K\times I$ has a collapsible subdivision. Zeeman showed that this implies the Poincaré conjecture in ...
Michał Kukieła's user avatar
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A $q$-analogue of Foulkes' character related to alternating permutations

My paper "Alternating permutations and symmetric functions" at enumerates certain classes of alternating permutations, such as those whose inverse is ...
Richard Stanley's user avatar
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Colouring a graph whose edge set is a special union of cliques

I am trying to show that a certain family of graphs can always be properly coloured with at most $6$ colours (where "properly coloured" means that each vertex gets a colour and no edge has both ends ...
Gordon Royle's user avatar
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Proving that the set of $\lfloor n/3 \rfloor+1$ partial Latin squares given by Pebody is unavoidable?

Introduction Cutler and Öhman (2006) attribute to Pebody (via personal communication) a construction of a set of $k:=\lfloor n/3 \rfloor+1$ partial Latin squares which are unavoidable (i.e., any ...
Douglas S. Stones's user avatar
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Possible orders of products of 2 involutions which interchange disjoint residue classes of the integers

Definition / Question Definition: Let $r(m)$ denote the residue class $r+m\mathbb{Z}$, where $0 \leq r < m$. Given disjoint residue classes $r_1(m_1)$ and $r_2(m_2)$, let the class transposition $...
Stefan Kohl's user avatar
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Hobbled rook tour – Hamiltonian cycle on square grid

Consider a square grid of even side length ($2n \times 2n$). It is easy to see that there must exist a Hamiltonian cycle on the corresponding grid graph. Such a cycle is called balanced if the number ...
John's user avatar
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Once differentiable, piecewise degree three polynomials on triangulated planar domains

Here is an easily described, but very difficult, problem that I (and a number of other people) really would like to see solved during our life times. The basic problem is to compute the dimension of ...
Maritza Sirvent's user avatar
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Hamiltonian cycles and fundamental groups

I'm interested in the interplay between the Hamiltonian cycles of graphs and the compact surfaces they embed in. I was doing some reading on the Lovász conjecture for Cayley graphs, I started noticing ...
Gjergji Zaimi's user avatar
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Sums of Partitions and Stirling's formula

Stirling's formula $$N! \sim \sqrt{2 \pi}\ N^{N+ \frac{1}{2}} e^{-N}$$ follows easily from Laplace's method in light of the famous integral representation $$N! = \int_0^{\infty} e^{-z} z^N dz.$$ ...
Alexander Moll's user avatar
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Enumeration of Standard Young Tableau of bounded height

First for some notation $$ l(\lambda) = \text{ number of parts in a partition } \lambda \vdash n$$ $$ f_{\lambda} = \text{number of standard Young tableau of shape } \lambda\vdash n$$ The number $f_{...
Vasu vineet's user avatar
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A commutative monoid associated with a finite abelian group

Let $M$ be a finite abelian group, and denote by $e_m$, for $m \in M$, the canonical basis of $\mathbb{Z}^M$. For $m, n \in M$ define elements $v_{m,n} \in \mathbb{Z}^M/\langle e_0\rangle$ as $$ v_{m,...
Fabio Tonini's user avatar
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Matroids with prescribed independent sets

Let $A$ be a finite set. Let $B$ be a family of subsets of $A$. We are interested in a matroid with a minimum rank such that every element of $B$ is independent. The answer is obvious - a uniform ...
ilyaraz's user avatar
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Connection properties of a single stone on an infinite Hex board

This includes a series of questions. One of the most typical examples is shown as the picture below. An half-infinite Hex board with an one row of black stones. Black stones are separated by one ...
hzy's user avatar
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Color your partitions by parity

Let $a_c(n)$ be the number of ways to partition a positive integer $n$ where each even part comes in $c$ colors. Then, we can supply the generating function $$\sum_{n\geq0}a_c(n)q^n=\prod_{k\geq1}\...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
11 votes
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Are there 100 points that are part of every half-density part of the plane?

Is there a configuration $P$ that consists of 100 points of the plane such that every $X\subset\mathbb R^2$ whose density is half contains an isometric copy of $P$? I am deliberately being vague ...
domotorp's user avatar
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Inequality for symmetric polynomial functions of log concave variables

Let $(x_i)_{i \ge 1}$ be a log-concave (resp. log-convex) sequence of non-negative real variables. In other words, for $i \ge 2$, we have $x_i^2 \ge x_{i-1}x_{i+1}$ (resp. $x_i^2 \le x_{i-1}x_{i+1}$). ...
René Gy's user avatar
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Number of triangle-free graphs with prescribed number of edges

This question is posted from StackExchange since it received no answer there. Let $f(n, e)$ be the number of triangle-free graphs on $n$ vertices and $e$ edges. From empirical evidence, I am motivated ...
abacaba's user avatar
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How to determine the sign for the sum over all simple paths in the graph

$\DeclareMathOperator\perm{perm}\DeclareMathOperator\len{len}$Let $A$ be the adjacency matrix of a tree $T$ for some ordering $v_1,...,v_n$ of the vertices, and let $D=xI-A$ its characteristic ...
CHUAKS's user avatar
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Does every finite poset have a rigid endomorphism?

Crossposted on Mathematics. In this post, an order-preserving self-map of a poset $X$ will be called an endomorphism of $X$, and such an endomorphism $f$ will be called rigid if the only automorphism ...
Pierre-Yves Gaillard's user avatar
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Recognizing reflection subgroups of Coxeter groups

Given a Coxeter system $(W,S)$ with reflections $T$, and any subset $A \subseteq T$, it is known that the reflection subgroup $W_A$ generated by $A$ has a canonical choice $S_A$ of generators so that $...
Christian Gaetz's user avatar
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Bijections $\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{Z}\to\mathbb{Z}$ with vanishing local means

This is just a summer-time curiosity arisen after a recent question by Dominic van der Zypen. For a finite subset $S$ of $\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{Z}$ and a function $f$ on $\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{...
Pietro Majer's user avatar
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Conjectural nonvanishing of some combinatorial sums (6j symbols)

From various considerations and with the help of J. Van der Jeugt, I was led to conjecture the following property of a class of Wigner 6j-symbols: for any integers $k,m$ with $m\ge k\ge 2$, $$ \left\{...
Abdelmalek Abdesselam's user avatar
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Iterated automorphism groups of finite groups

Let $\mathcal{G}$ be the set of isomorphism classes of finite groups. There is an operation $\mathrm{Aut} : \mathcal{G} \rightarrow \mathcal{G}$ which gives the automorphism group of a given group, ...
Adam P. Goucher's user avatar
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Relation between a continued fraction and partitions

I am interested in the continued fraction $$\sum\limits_k {{z^{{2^k} - 1}}} = \frac{1}{{1 - \frac{{{T_0}z}}{{1 - \frac{{{T_1}z}}{{1 - \frac{{{T_2}z}}{{1 -{ \ddots }}}}}}}}}.$$ OEIS A104977 states ...
Johann Cigler's user avatar
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Poset of nonvanishing minors of a matrix

This question was posed on MSE here three days ago, but hasn't gotten any answers or suggestions. I hope it's okay to ask it on MO, but if I should wait a little longer, please just let me know. Say $...
Zach Teitler's user avatar
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A congruence involving roots of unity

Let $f(x) \in \mathbb{Z}[x]$ and suppose $f(\omega^j) \in \mathbb{Z}$ for all $j= 1, \dots, n$ where $\omega = e^{2 \pi i/n}$ is a primitive $n^{\text{th}}$ root of unity. Computational evidence ...
user94267's user avatar
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Is there a term for this graph subset?

Suppose $G$ is a (finite) graph which is $k$-vertex colourable (i.e. $\chi(G)\leqslant k$). Suppose $S$ is a set of vertices of $G$ with the following property: If $c:V(G)\rightarrow [k]$ is a vertex ...
JonCC's user avatar
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