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Size of antichains in powerset of $\mathbb N$

Take a countably infinite set $S$, say $\mathbb N$. Is it possible for there to be an antichain in $\mathcal P(S)$ (with the inclusion ordering) of continuum cardinality?
E. Z. L.'s user avatar
0 votes
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"Infima" and "suprema" in the homomorphism preorder on hypergraphs on $\omega$

$\newcommand{Po}{{\cal P}(\omega)}$ $\newcommand{lh}{\leq_{\text{hom}}}$ If $H_i = (V_i, E_i)$ are hypergraphs for $i = 1,2$, then a map $f:V_1 \to V_2$ is said to be a (hypergraph) homomorphism if $f(...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Order-embeddability of ${\frak b}$ and ${\frak d}$ in $\mathbb{R}$ [duplicate]

The starting point of this question is the observation that in ${\sf (ZFC)}$, all ordinals $\alpha < \omega_1$ can be order-embedded in $\mathbb{R}$. Let $\omega^\omega$ denote the set of all ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
7 votes
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Counterexample for Chvatal's conjecture in an infinite set

Let $X \neq \emptyset$ be a set. We say that ${\cal F} \subseteq {\cal P}(X)$ is a down-set if ${\cal F}$ is closed under taking subsets. Whenever $a \in X$, we let ${\cal F}_a = \{ S \in F : a \in S\}...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
5 votes
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Question about a family of nested countable subsets of $\mathbb{R}$

Let $\mathcal{F}$ denote a family of countable subsets of $\mathbb{R}$, such that for each $U, V\in\mathcal{F}$ we have that $U\subseteq V$, or $V\subseteq U$. Let $(\mathcal{F}, \preceq)$ denote the ...
solver6's user avatar
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4 votes
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Searching for cofinal subsets of directed sets subject to finite constraints

Let $(P,\leq)$ be a directed set with uncountable cofinality. For every element $p\in P$, we are given a finite set $c_p\subset P\smallsetminus \{p\}$ of "incompatible elements". We say that ...
Federico Vigolo's user avatar
1 vote
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Embedding $^\omega\omega$ and $S_\omega$ with lexicographic order into $\mathbb{R}$

Let $^\omega\omega$ be the collection of all functions $f:\omega\to\omega$. We order $^\omega\omega$ lexicographically, that is: For $f\neq g \in \,^\omega\omega$ let $m(f,g):= \min\{n\in\omega:f(n)\...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
6 votes
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Maximal independent sets in MAD families

We call ${\cal A}\subseteq {\cal P}(\omega)$ almost disjoint if ${\cal A}\neq \varnothing$, every member of ${\cal A}$ is infinite, and for $A_1\neq A_2\in {\cal A}$ we have that $A_1\cap A_2$ is ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
6 votes
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Tameable hypergraphs

Let $H=(V,E)$ be a hypergraph. We say that $I\subseteq V$ is an independent set if $e\not\subseteq I$ for all $e\in E$. We say that $H$ is tameable if every independent set is contained in a maximal ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Minimizing the set of monochromatic edges

For sets $A, B$ we write $B^A$ for the set of all functions $f:A\to B$. Let $H = (V,E)$ be a hypergraph such that $V,E\neq\varnothing$ and $|e| \geq 2$ for all $e\in E$. Let $\kappa>1$ be a ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
5 votes
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Calculate the $\downarrow$, $\downarrow\uparrow$ and $\uparrow\downarrow$ cofinalities of the poset of nontrivial finitary partitions of $\omega$

Let $(P,\le)$ be a poset. For a point $x\in P$ let $${\downarrow}x=\{p\in P:p\le x\}\quad\text{and}\quad{\uparrow}x=\{p\in P:x\le p\}$$be the lower and upper sets of the point $x$, and for a subset $...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Thinning directed sets ${\frak P}$ of partitions of $\omega$ with no ${\frak P}$-discrete subsets

This question branches from Taras Banakh's recent question on a cardinal characteristic connected to families of partitions that are directed in the ordering of partition refinement. A partition $\...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
0 votes
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Minimizing the set of "faulty" edges in a map between the vertex sets of $2$ graphs

The starting point of this question is the fact that for some simple, undirected graphs $G, H$ there is no graph homomorphism $f:G\to H$. This is the case for instance if $\chi(G)>\chi(H)$. ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Poset dimension and width (Dilworth's theorem)

For a given poset $P$, let $\mathrm{dim}(P)$ denote the least cardinal $\kappa$ such that there exists a $\kappa$-sized collection of linear extensions of $P$, say $\mathcal{L}$, such that $\leq_P = \...
Otto's user avatar
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2 votes
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Infima and suprema in the "transfer" function ordering

Let $X,Y$ be sets, $f, g:X\to Y$ be functions. We say $u:Y\to Y$ is a transfer function for $g$ to $f$ if $$f = u \circ g.$$ In that case we write $f \leq_t g$. Let $\mathrm{Fct}(X,Y)$ denote the ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Surjective order-preserving map $f:{\cal P}(X)\to \text{Part}(X)$

Let $X$ be a set, and let $\text{Part}(X)$ denote the collection of all partitions of $X$. For $A, B\in \text{Part}(X)$ we set $A\leq B$ if $A$ refines $B$, that is for all $a\in A$ there is $b\in B$ ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Problem understanding a passage of the proof of $\mathfrak{p}=\mathfrak{t}$ involving forcing

I've a problem with a passage of the proof of Claim 14.7 of the paper "Cofinality spectrum theorems in model theory, set theory, and general topolgy" by Malliaris and Shelah, or equivalently ...
Cla's user avatar
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11 votes
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Is it known whether every $\omega$-tree with an infinite antichain has an infinite chain in $\mathsf{ZF}$?

In this paper by Good and Tree, the following result is mentioned without proof as part of Proposition 6.5: Each of the following statements imply those beneath it. The countable union of finite ...
Cameron Buie's user avatar