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Understanding why $\frac{\phi^5}{2}$ solves this 3D optimization problem, where $\phi$ is the golden ratio

I would like to understand the deep meaning of a solution which arises from an optimization problem discussed in a paper of mine since it can be simply stated as $\frac{\phi^5}{2}$, where $\phi := \...
Marco Ripà's user avatar
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Conjecture on the increasing efficiency of the shortest minimum-link polygonal chains covering any grids of the form $\{0,1,2\}^k$ as $k$ grows

From the well-known Nine dots problem, we know that we need a polygonal chain with at least $4$ edges to connect the $9$ points of the planar grid $G_{3,2}:=\{\{0, 1, 2\} \times \{0, 1, 2\}\} \subset \...
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Joining the $2^k$ points of $\{0,1\}^k$ with the shortest tree

Let $k$ be a given positive integer, and then consider the unit hypercube $\{0, 1\}^k \subset \mathbb{R}^k$ (i.e., a $k$-dimensional "cube" in the well-known Euclidean space). We need to ...
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Metric TSP with integer edge cost

Given a metric TSP with integer edge cost upper-bounded by a constant $C_{\max}$, can we find an poly-time algorithm solving this TSP instance?
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Algorithm for the shortest path through all the points of a 2D cloud

I have an array of points with their coordinates X and Y. Each point represents a bus stop. I need to sort the points in a sequence by giving them sequence numbers, so that the path from the first to ...
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