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Can one reduce to 'reversing' the right multiplier finite-state automata of an automatic group to obtain a biautomatic structure?

Let $\left( G, A, W, \left\{ R_{a} \right\}_{a \in A \cup \{ 1 \}} \right)$ be a group equipped with an automatic structure, where $G$ is the group, $A$ is a finite set of generators of $G$, $W$ is ...
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Computations with conetypes of hyperbolic groups

I'd like to know if there exists (and, in this case, where I can find it) some computer program/programming language/any kind of software that can find explicitly the conetypes of a hyperbolic group ...
EM90's user avatar
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K-fellow traveler property and automatic structure

I have been reading several articles about automatic groups and metric spaces of negative curvature. However it is not clear for me the relationship between automatic groups, hyperbolcity and the k-...
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