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On the existence of symmetric matrices with prescribed number of 1's on each row

We are considering the following problem: Given an integer $n$ and a sequence of integers $r_i,\ 1\le i\le n$, with $0\le r_i\le n-1$ does there exists a symmetric matrix $A$ such that the diagonal ...
Jeremiah's user avatar
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Minimally intersecting subsets of fixed size

The question I have, is how to generate the following collection of subsets: Given a set $S$ of size $n$. I want to find a sequence of $k$ subsets of fixed size $m$, $0<m<n$, such that at each ...
Jim's user avatar
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"Codes" in which a group of words are pairwise different at a certain position

I read the following problem, claimed to be in the IMO shortlist in 1988: A test consists of four multiple choice problems, each with three options, and the students should give an unique answer to ...
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