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Finding a strictly increasing Collatz sequence of arbitrary length [closed]

Is there a formula to construct a Collatz (3x + 1) sequence of arbitrary length that is strictly increasing? Obviously one can do this with a strictly decreasing sequence by just taking $2^n$ but I ...
NotAGhost's user avatar
23 votes
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Possible behaviors of integer sequences that arise from powering nonnegative integer matrices

Let's call a sequence of nonnegative integers $x_1,x_2,\ldots$ matrix-realizable, if there exists a $k\times k$ nonnegative integer matrix $A$ (for some $k$), as well as nonnegative integer vectors $u,...
Scott Aaronson's user avatar
7 votes
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Beyond Collatz: A $5n+1$ conjecture? [closed]

Let $$x_{n+1} = \begin{cases} x_n/2 &;\text{if } x_n \equiv 0 \pmod{2}\\ k\,x_n+1 &; \text{if } x_n\equiv 1 \pmod{2} \end{cases}$$ and $k=3$ and $x_n\in\Bbb N$. Collatz conjectured for this ...
al-Hwarizmi's user avatar