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Reference request: number of antichains of a partially ordered set

Let $\mathbb{N}$ denote the set of all positive integers. For each $n \in \mathbb{N}$, define the set $$ P_n = \{ (a,b) \in \mathbb{N} \times \mathbb{N} : 1 \leq a \leq b \leq n \} $$ and consider the ...
E W H Lee's user avatar
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Is this "trimming" of a supersolvable semimodular lattice known?

Let $L$ be a finite (upper) semimodular lattice. Recall that this means $L$ is graded and its rank function $\rho\colon L \to \mathbb{N}$ satisfies $$ \rho(x) + \rho(y) \geq \rho(x\vee y)+\rho(x \...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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Order ideals of positive root systems and avoiding group elements in the Weyl group

Let $X$ be the poset of positive roots of a finite root system of Dynkin type $Q$. Question 1: In Dynkin type $A_n$, is it true that the poset of order ideals of $X$ is isomorphic to the poset of [2,...
Mare's user avatar
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A definition in poset theory

I am working on a article in poset theory. In that article, I am defining a subposet of a poset. The definition is following: Let $P$ be a finite poset. A subposet $P'$ of $P$ is called closed under ...
User007's user avatar
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About finite posets without intervals of size 3

Let $P$ be a finite poset (partially ordered set). I am wondering whether the following condition on $P$ has been studied somewhere: (#) No interval $[a,b]$ in $P$ has $3$ elements. Note that ...
F. C.'s user avatar
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What is the Möbius function of substrings?

Define a poset on the set of all finite binary strings, defined by $a \le b$ whenever $b = uav$ for (possibly empty) binary strings $u, v$. What is the Möbius function of this poset?
user176357's user avatar
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Classification of posets that are quotient posets of the Boolean lattice

Quotient posets of the Boolean lattice $B_n$ have interesting properties and are for example discussed in chapter 5 of Stanley's book on algebraic combinatorics. $B_n/G$ for a subgroup $G$ of the ...
Mare's user avatar
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Poset-troids …?

In many respects, spanning tree : graph :: linear extension : poset For instance, the number of spanning trees/linear extensions is a measure of the "richness" or "complexity" of the graph/poset. ...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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8 votes
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Finite posets for which all intervals are atomic

Let $P$ be a finite poset which is a lattice with $0,1 \in P$. An atom in $P$ is an upper cover of $0$ and a coatom is a lower cover of $1$. $P$ is atomic if every element is a join of atoms and ...
Christian Stump's user avatar
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Reference request: Representing posets by integer divisibility

Does anyone know of an early published reference for the (very easy) fact that all finite posets can be represented as the poset of divisibility of a finite set of integers? Page 1 of Birkhoff's ...
David Eppstein's user avatar
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Does this expression involving the order complex of a poset ring a bell?

Let $\mathcal{L}$ be a meet-semilattice, and denote by $\Delta(\mathcal{L})$ the poset of chains in $\mathcal{L}\setminus\{\hat 0\}$, where $\hat 0$ is the minimum element of $\mathcal{L}$. Let $\...
user2520938's user avatar
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terminology: monotone maps of posets such that the image of a lower set is a lower set

How are called in combinatorics monotone maps of partially ordered sets such that the image of a lower set is a lower set, i.e. closed (or open) maps of finite topologies? Is there a classification ...
user97621's user avatar
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Unique factorization of posets

Given two finite posets $P$ and $Q$, we can form the direct product poset $P \times Q$ whose elements are pairs $(p,q) \in P \times Q$ with $(p,q) \leq (p',q')$ if $p \leq p'$ and $q \leq q'$. Let us ...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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Ideals in strong Bruhat order

Recall that a (lower) ideal in a poset $(P, \le)$ is a subset $I\subset P$ such that $x\in I \Rightarrow y\in I$ for all $y\le x$. In am interested in ideals in finite Coxeter groups $W$ equipped ...
Misha's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is there a standard name for this poset

I've run into the following poset and I would expect it has a standard name. Let $n\geq k\geq 0$. Then $P_{n,k}$ consists of all $k$-element subsets of $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ ordered by $X\leq Y$ if $X=\{...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
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Reference for statement that almost every $n$-element partial order has trivial automorphism group

I'm looking for a reference for the statement that almost every partial order on $n$ elements has trivial automorphism group. I've been told that this is a folklore result. Does anyone know of a ...
Andrew Uzzell's user avatar
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"Double convolution" with the Mobius function on a poset

Let $f$ and $g$ be arbitrary (say integer-valued) functions on some poset $P$, and say $\mu$ is the Mobius function of $P$. I'm studying a quantity that's a sort of "double convolution" of $f$ and $g$ ...
Nicolas Ford's user avatar
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References for properties/examples of breadth in (semi)lattices

This is in some sense following up on my earlier question Is there existing terminology for this technical condition on semilattices? and the answer given by NN. I am currently revising the paper ...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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Posets of finite sequences are highly connected

I need the following result for an example in a paper I'm writing. It's easy enough to prove, but I'd prefer to just give a reference. Does anyone know one? Fix $1 \leq k \leq n$. Define $X_{n,k}$ ...
Andy Putman's user avatar
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