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Distance distribution for Cayley graphs of the fintie Heisenberg groups H3(Z/nZ) approaches Gaussian for large "n"?

I wonder several questions about Cayley graphs of finite Heisenberg groups H3(Z/nZ). Question 1: do we know the diameter dependence on "n", at least for the standard choice of generators ? ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Does asymmetric fraction of finite groups tend to $0$?

Let’s define asymmetric fraction of a finite group $G$ as the number $$\mathrm{af}(G) = \frac{|\{(g, a) \in G \times \mathrm{Aut}(G)\mid a(g) = g\}|}{|G|\cdot|\mathrm{Aut}(G)|}.$$ Equivalently it can ...
Chain Markov's user avatar
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Metrics on finite groups and generalizations of central limit theorems for balls volumes (à la Diaconis-Graham)

In wonderful lectures by P. Diaconis "Group representations in probability and statistics, Chapter 6. Metrics on Groups, and Their Statistical Use" metrics on permutation groups are considered and ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Width of symmetric groups

MSE crosspost For any (finite) group $G$ its length $l(G)$ is the length of maximal chain of proper subgroups (it's known and pretty widely used invariant). But we can also define width function $w_G(...
Denis T's user avatar
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Generating random finite groups

I would like a method to efficiently generate a random finite group of a given order $n$. If there are $g(n)$ non-isomorphic groups of order $n$, ideally each group would occur with probability $1/g(n)...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar