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When can $L$ sets of the form $\{a,b,a+b\}$ partition $\{1,2,\dots, 3L\}$?

Firstly, this question has been posted to Math StackExchange with no complete answer so far. Consider a set of the form $\{a,b,a+b\}$ where $a$ and $b$ are positive integers with $b > a$. I will ...
Mohannad Shehadeh's user avatar
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The number of incidences between points and parabolas on $\mathbb{R}^2$

I was reading Adam Sheffer's book "Polynomial Methods and Incidence Theory" and I tried to solve the following exercise: Exercise 1.1 Construct a set $\mathcal{P}$ of $m$ points and a set $\...
RFZ's user avatar
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Equivalent formulation of Szemerédi-Trotter theorem

I am reading the first chapter of Adam Sheffer's book "Polynomial Methods and Incidence Theory" and in Lemma 1.15 he proves an equivalent formulation of Szemerédi-Trotter theorem. Before ...
RFZ's user avatar
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Beating trivial bound for $k$-AP-free sets in characteristic $k$

Given integers $k,n\ge 1$, I shall write $\Bbb{Z}_k^n := (\Bbb{Z}/k\Bbb{Z})^n$. Fix $k\ge 3$. Let $r_k(\Bbb{Z}_k^n)$ denote the cardinality of the largest $A\subset \Bbb{Z}_k^n$, such that $A$ does ...
Zach Hunter's user avatar
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Trapezoid-free subsets of the plane obtained by deleting lines

Let $A,B,C \subseteq \mathbb{Z}_n$. Suppose that for any $a' \in A, b' \in B, c' \in C$, \begin{align*} |(A+b') \cap (B+a') \cap -C| &\le 1,\\ |(A+c') \cap -B \cap (C+a')| &\le 1,\\ |-\hspace{-...
Kevin's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Decomposition of a natural number as sum of positive integers

Let $n \in \mathbb{N}$ be a positive natural number and denote by $f(n)$ the number of decompositions of $n$ of the form $n = a+b+c+d$ where $a,b,c,d > 0$ are also positive natural numbers such ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Why should it be hard to generalize Dvir's proof of the finite field Kakeya conjecture to the Euclidean case?

Let $q$ be prime and let $q\delta \sim 1.$ Let $K$ be any set of $C_n\delta$-separated tubes in $B(0,2)$, where $C_n$ is some constant depending on $n$. Let us consider a grid of $q^n$ points scaled ...
Johan Aspegren's user avatar
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Does there exist a subset $E \in \mathbb{Z}_{p^2}^4$ such that $\Pi(E) \neq \mathbb{Z}_p$?

Denote $\mathbb{Z}_{p^2}$ be the ring residues modulo $p^2,$ i.e $$ \mathbb{Z}_{p^2} = \left\{ 0,1,2,\dots, p^2-1\right\}.$$ $$\mathbb{Z}_{p^2}^{d} = \underbrace{\mathbb{Z}_{p^2} \times \dots \times ...
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Weighted unrestricted Golomb rulers?

A set of integers ${\displaystyle A=\{a_{1},a_{2},...,a_{m}\}\quad a_{1}<a_{2}<...<a_{m}} $ is a Golomb ruler if and only if ${\displaystyle \forall i,j,k,l\in \left\{1,2,...,m\right\},a_{i}...
Turbo's user avatar
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Large finite subsets of Euclidean space with no isosceles (or approximately isosceles) triangles

Here's a question in combinatorial geometry which feels very much like other questions I'm familiar with but which I can't see how to get a hold of. I'll actually propose two different questions on ...
JSE's user avatar
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Disjoint union of affine subspaces contains a larger affine subspace

I'd like to say that a large structured subset of the $n$-dimensional Boolean cube $\{0,1\}^n$ contains a non-trivial affine subspace. To be more specific, I want to prove/disprove that for some ...
Alex Golovnev's user avatar
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On point sets with many distinct distances

Let $P$ be a set of $n$ points in the plane and let $D$ be the set of Euclidean distances determined by the pairs of points in $P$. Suppose that for each $d \in D$ there are at most $5$ (unordered) ...
Cosmin Pohoata's user avatar
2 votes
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Ask the name of a combinatorial theorem

It is a classical theorem. For given integer $n \ge 1$, among ${n\choose{n/2}} = 2^{(1-o(1)n)}$ strings in the cube $\{0, 1\}^n$ with weights $n/2$, i.e., $n/2$ indices are 1, there are at least $2^{...
John Wong's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Finite field Szemeredi-Trotter theorem with unequal number of points and lines

My question concerns the Szemerédi-Trotter theorem in $\mathbb{F}_q^2$. If we have $m$ points and $n$ lines in $\mathbb{F}_q^2$, then by Cauchy-Schwarz the number of point-line incidences is as most $$...
Josh Zahl's user avatar
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How many combinations does Android pattern have? [closed]

Rules- 1) At-least 4 and at-max 9 dots must be connected. 2) There can be no jumps 3) Once a dot is crossed, you can jump over it.
travis bickle's user avatar
7 votes
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Difference Sets

Suppose $$ P \subseteq \{1,2,\dots,N\},\quad |P| = K $$ We calculate the differences as: $$d=p_i-p_j\mod N,\quad i\ne j$$ Now let $a_d$ denote the number of occurrence of $d$ (for $d = 1, 2, \dots , N ...
Mahdi Khosravi's user avatar