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Commutant of irrep of $S_n$ (over local field)

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero and let $(V, \rho)$ be a finite-dimensional representation over $k$ of the symmetric group $S_n$. I would like to understand the commutant $\operatorname{End}...
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Do Frobenius algebras have a lattice basis and what lattices do appear?

Let $K$ be for simplicity be the field with two or three elements (or alternatively we could restrict to ideals containing only the field elements $-1$ or $1$ as coefficients). A (commutative) ...
Mare's user avatar
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Geometric interpretation of homological quantities in Artinian local Gorenstein algebras

By corollary 3.5. of the classification of local artinian Gorenstein algebras (all algebras here are ...
Mare's user avatar
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How many minimal relations are needed to obtain a Frobenius algebra?

Let $A_n:=K \langle x_1,x_2,...,x_n \rangle$ be the non-commutative polynomial ring in $n$-variables over the field $K$ and let $J=\langle x_1,...,x_n \rangle$ be the ideal spanned by the $x_i$. An ...
Mare's user avatar
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Log associahedra and log noncrossing partitions--raising ops and symmetric function theory for $A_n$ (references)

Where do the following three sets $[LA]$, $[ILA]$, and $[LN]$ of partition polynomials appear in the literature? There are two sets of partition polynomials, not in the OEIS, that serve as the ...
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