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Identifying a subset with as few tests as possible

Informal description: You are given a set of $n$ blood samples, each having probability $p$ of being infected with a disease. Your goal is to determine the set $P$ of infected samples with as few ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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Bounding the probability that two binomials are equal

Note: This question was migrated from this earlier post, where it initially appeared. Following suggestions, I moved this into its own question. Let $B_{n,p}$ denote the usual binomial random ...
Pat Devlin's user avatar
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Estimate an expression about probability about Bernoulli random variables

Given $v_{ij} \in \{0,1\}$, $i \in \{1,2\}$, $j \in \{1,2,\ldots,n\}$. Let $X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n$ be random variables, $P[X_i=1]=P[X_i=0]=1/2$, $i \in \{1,\ldots, n\}$. By checking many examples, I ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Balls and bins, with cardinality constraints

Suppose I have $n$ sets of $k$ balls each, with each one of the $nk$ balls distributed uniformly at random among $m$ bins. Further suppose that I have a probability vector $p=(p_1,\dots,p_m)$. I am ...
Tom Solberg's user avatar
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Inequality for difference of consecutive atom probabilities for binomial distribution

Edit: This post was originally two questions, the first of which has been answered, but a reference would still be appreciated if existent. The second question has been removed and migrated to its ...
Pat Devlin's user avatar
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On full rank submatrices of a construction

Take two matrices $T_1$ and $T_2$ in $\mathbb Z^{n\times n}$ with entries uniformly in $[-b,b]\cap\mathbb Z$ at some $b>0$. The matrices will be of rank $n$ each with probability at least $1-\frac1{...
VS.'s user avatar
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7 votes
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Boundedness of total current in electrical network

Consider the following symmetric matrix (adjacency matrix): $$A=(a_{ij})_{1\leq i,j\leq n}$$ such that $a_{ij}=a_{ji}, a_{ii}=0$ and $a_{ij}=0$ for $|i-j|\geq k$ where $k\geq3$. We also have $1\leq a_{...
neverevernever's user avatar
11 votes
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Graph with path of length $\geq n$ along grid diagonals - a known result in graph theory?

Is the following lemma a well known result in graph theory? I am studying a basic existence result that appears to be simple yet powerful. I have not seen it stated as an important result in graph ...
Claus's user avatar
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Sizes of connected components from a random choice in a grid

This is inspired by the illustration in this recently updated question. So we take a (fairly big) $n$ and an $n \times n$ grid where we draw at random one diagonal in each of the $1 \times 1$ squares. ...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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Cyclic inequality for 2 dimensional simplex elements

Let $p=(p_{1},p_{2},p_{3})\in\Delta$, with $\Delta:=\lbrace p\in(0,1)^{3}\ |\ p_{1}+p_{2}+p_{3}=1 \rbrace$. I aim to prove (not knowing whether it is true though) that \begin{equation} p_{1}^{p_{3}-p_{...
Tobsn's user avatar
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Average number of elements of a subset S of a matrix A after inducing the rows and columns of m randomly selected elements from subset S

Let $A_{N{\times}N}$ be an $N{\times}N$ matrix and $\mathcal{S_{k}}$ be a subset of elements in $A$ such that exactly $k$ elements from every row and column in $A$ are in $\mathcal{S_{k}}$. Thus, $\...
Carlos A. Astudillo Trujillo's user avatar
6 votes
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Can information be extracted more precisely using more random trials?

Write $n$ iid draws of $(x,y)$ as $(x^n, y^n)$. Fix $R\in (0,H(x))$. What is the min of $n^{-1}H(y^n|f(x^n))$ over maps $f$ with range $\lbrace 1,\dots,\exp nR\}$, taking $n\to \infty$?
Christian Chapman's user avatar
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Count shortest path with different lengths in random graph

Let $G(n,p)$ be an Erdos-Renyi random graph on $n$ vertices with probability $p$, i.e. for each pair of vertices, they are connected directly by an undirected edge with probability $p$. Suppose we are ...
neverevernever's user avatar
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A tiling of $\mathbb{Z}^2$ from M. Barlow's paper

In M. Barlow's paper:, P17- (2.7) formula. Let $k\geq 10$, and consider a tiling of $\mathbb{Z}^2$ by disjoint squares $$T(x):=\{y\in \mathbb{Z}^2: x_i\leq y_i< ...
Hermi's user avatar
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Infimum of weakly dependent Gaussian process?

Consider some collection of weakly dependent Gaussians $\{w_i\}$ with a uniform bound of $r$ on the magnitude of their covariances. Are there any bounds or techniques towards: $$E[\inf_i|w_i|] \le f(r)...
DJA's user avatar
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Express inclusion-exclusion principle in terms of matrix operations

First of all i denote $\{1,2,3,...,m\}$ by $[m]$ Let there be a collection of sets $\alpha=\{A_{1},A_{2},...,A_{m}\}$ such $\bigcup_{i\in[m]}A_{i}\subseteq [n]$ Consider any function $f:\mathcal{P}([...
mkultra's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to understand the combinatorial Laplacian $\Delta$ which is defined on the graph?

I have a question about the combinatorial Laplacian $\Delta$ which is defined by $$\Delta(u,v)=c(u)1_{u=v}-c(u,v)$$ where $u, v$ are some vertices in the graph $G=(V, E)$, and $c(u,v)$ is a ...
Hermi's user avatar
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Local behavior of the Vandermonde convolution

An interesting combinatorial identity is the Vandermonde convolution identity: $$ \sum_k {n\choose k}{m\choose s-k} = {n+m \choose s},$$ which can be proved by considering the coefficients in $(x+1)^{...
Student's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

The Angel and Devil problem with a random angel

In the classic version of Conway's Angel and the Devil problem, an angel starts off at the origin of a 2-D lattice and is able to move up to distance $r$ to another lattice point. The devil is able ...
JoshuaZ's user avatar
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Age of the most recent common ancestor for the neutral Wright-Fisher model

The neutral Wright-Fisher model with $n$ individuals is a genealogical model often used in population genetics that can be described as follows: at all generations, there are exactly $n$ individuals, ...
jun's user avatar
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Finding k items in a binary tree

Let us be given a binary tree of height $n$ (and $2^n$ leaves) among which we search $k$ items, where $k < < 2^n$. Suppose we have a test that shows if in the children and childrens-children ...
Bernhard's user avatar
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Random walks on infinite directed regular graphs

Let us consider a directed graph $\Gamma=(V,E,s,t)$ ($V$ set of vertices, $E$ set of edges, $s,t: E \rightarrow V$ are the "source" and "target" maps). Assume that $\Gamma$ is bi-regular, that is ...
Joël's user avatar
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Inductive definition of Bernstein polynomials

For $n\in \mathbb{N}$ let $B_n$ be the linear operator taking a function $f$ on the unit interval $I=[0,1]$ to its $n$-th Bernstein polynomial $B_nf$, $$ B_nf(x):=\sum_{k=0}^n\binom{n}{k} f\Big(\...
Pietro Majer's user avatar
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Size of minimum cut in random graph

Consider a uniform random tournament with $n$ vertices. (Between any two vertices $x,y$, with probability $0.5$ draw an edge from $x$ to $y$; otherwise draw an edge from $y$ to $x$.) The score of each ...
pi66's user avatar
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Sum of products of irreducible characters of the symmetric group over a subgroup

When trying to build a dual formulation for lattice gauge theories using Weingarten integration I am getting sums of the kind $$I^{m, n}_{\mu, \nu} (\sigma, \tau) = \sum_{\pi \in S_n} \chi_\mu (\pi \...
Volodymyr Chelnokov's user avatar
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hypergraph product that preserve expansion properties

I am looking for a hypergraphs product of hypergraph H1,H2 that preserves some expansion properties of H1,H2. The expansion property I am looking at is HD-random walk. The product I am looking for is ...
user2679290's user avatar
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Question of expected number of consecutive coin flip with increasing bias [closed]

This is a question I found on the book and I don't know how to tackle it. Thanks to any help or hint in advance. I have a coin that, I could get the head 100% at the first flip, $\frac{1}{3}$ at the ...
mino's user avatar
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Concentration of maxima of a random polynomial with Rademacher coefficients

Let $X_1,\ldots, X_n$ be independent Rademacher random variables (i.e. $\mathbb{P}(X_i=\pm 1)=1/2$). Consider the random polynomial $$P_{n}(t)=c+X_{1}t+X_2t^2+\cdots+X_{n}t^n.$$ Is it well known how ...
TOM's user avatar
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Small set in partition-large class

A collection $\mathcal{A}\subseteq \mathcal{P}(X)$ is $k$-large in $X$ if for every $k$-partition of $X$ namely $X_1,\cdots,X_k$, there exists an $i\leq k$ such that $X_i\in \mathcal{A}$; $\mathcal{...
Jiayi Liu's user avatar
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What is the minimal $m$ for which the independence graph is $n$-universal?

Suppose, an $m$ sided die is rolled. Let's define the independence graph $I_m$ as a graph with the set of all possible events as vertices, and edges between two events iff they are independent. ...
Chain Markov's user avatar
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Reference request - parallel rectangles discrepancy theory

I've been reading about discrepancy theory and trying to understand some of the open problems in the field. Wikipedia has a list of some of the open problems, but the descriptions are terrible. In ...
DJA's user avatar
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Independence depth of linearly dependent random variables

Suppose, $\Xi$ is a collection of random variables. We call $\Xi$ $k$-independent, iff any $k$ distinct elements of $\Xi$ are mutually independent. For example, $2$-independence is pairwise ...
Chain Markov's user avatar
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Coupling between two distributions

Consider $s = \Theta(n^{\delta})$ for a $\delta\in (0,1)$ and let $p\in (0,1)$ with $m = \lfloor pn\rfloor$. Consider the random variable $Y$ which chooses $m$ elements from $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ such that ...
mssmath's user avatar
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How typical are integer isometries on a hypercube? Littlewood-Offord problem for Bernoulli Gram matrices

Let $m\geq 3$ be fixed and $n\to\infty$. Consider $v=(v_j)_{j\leq m}$ with $v_1,\ldots,v_m\in \{-1,+1\}^n$. Let: $N_I(v)$ be the number of sequences $u_1,\ldots,u_m\in \{-1,+1\}^n$ isometric to $v$ ...
D_809's user avatar
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Bound for Large deviations of sums of independent (not identical) variables

I am working with a sum of variables $X_i$; they are all independent, but not identically distributed. For any $i$, I can show the bound $$\Lambda^*_{X_i}(t) := \sup_t \langle t, x \rangle - \Lambda_X(...
DJA's user avatar
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Closed form solution for a binomial coefficient relation?

In following, $x_{n}$ is a set of given numbers, n = 0, 1, 2, ..., $y_{n}$ is defined by the following recursive relation of $x_{n}$: For example: ${\displaystyle {x_{1}=x_{0}y_{1} }}.$ ${\...
david's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Quantifying the noninvertibility of a function

Given a function $f$ from a finite set $X$ to itself, it seems natural to consider $\kappa_f := (\sum_{x \in X} |f^{-1}(x)|^2)/|X|$ as a measure of the non-invertibility of $f$: it equals 1 if $f$ is ...
James Propp's user avatar
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Moments of a combinatorial ensemble of random variables

Suppose $X_1,\dots,X_n$ are jointly distributed random variables such that the random $n$-tuple $(X_1,\dots,X_n)$ is uniformly distributed on the set of $n$-tuples of nonnegative integers summing to $...
James Propp's user avatar
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Lovasz local lemma for the edge model

In order to successfully apply the Lovasz local lemma, one needs the events to be relatively independent. This (sometimes) works well in the $G(n,p)$ model of random graphs, where the presence or ...
Vince Vatter's user avatar
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Concentration of monochromatic edges in a graph

Let $G$ be a graph of order $n$ with $m$ edges. Color each vertices uniformly at random with $q$ colors. It is easy to see that expected number of monochromatic edges (edge whose end vertices are of ...
Suman Chakraborty's user avatar
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Proof of consistent of height function

I have a question about the consistent of height function defined on a domino tiling. I always see papers claims that height function is defined consistently. But I am confused with the consistent. ...
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How fast does a sum of Bernoulli distributions (of different parameters) decrease after its mean?

Let $X=\sum_{i=1}^nX_i$, where each $X_i$ is a random variable following a Bernoulli distribution of parameter $p_i$. All $X_i$ are independent, and for all $i$, $p_i<p$ for some small $p$. I'm ...
Ted's user avatar
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12 votes
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Does asymmetric fraction of finite groups tend to $0$?

Let’s define asymmetric fraction of a finite group $G$ as the number $$\mathrm{af}(G) = \frac{|\{(g, a) \in G \times \mathrm{Aut}(G)\mid a(g) = g\}|}{|G|\cdot|\mathrm{Aut}(G)|}.$$ Equivalently it can ...
Chain Markov's user avatar
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Probability of a subset of Bernoulli's being all 1's

Suppose we have $n$ iid Bernoulli's $X_1,\ldots,X_n$ with mean $p$, and a family $\mathcal{F}$ of subsets of $[n]$. The question is how to lower bound the probability that there is a set in the family ...
Marco's user avatar
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Covering subset with large probability

Let $c>0$, $0<\lambda<1$, and let $k\in \mathbb{N}$ be sufficiently large. Let $X$ be a uniformly random subset of $\{1,\cdots,N\}$. Denote by $[N]^x$ the collection of $[x]$-element subset ...
Jiayi Liu's user avatar
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Understanding equiprobable trinomial identity

With $f(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_1+x_2+x_3;\,1/3,1/3,1/3):= \frac{(x_1+x_2+x_3)!}{x_1!\,x_2!\,x_3!\, 3^{x_1+x_2+x_3}}$ denoting the probability mass function of the equiprobable trinomial distribution as in wiki/...
maliesen's user avatar
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Probabilistic lower bound on largest singular value of matrices

I have a distribution $\mathcal{D}$ that spits out vectors in $\{-1, 1\}^N$. Suppose I have a sample of $H$ of these vectors which I arrange into a matrix $M$ of the form $H \times N$. Consider the ...
Halbort's user avatar
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How far do I have to go for the tail of a binomial distribution with small $p$ to be $O(1/n)$?

Let $n$ be a large integer, $p$ be a small number (say, $p=C/n$ for some constant $C \ll n$), and consider the tail of the binomial distribution $B(n,p)$, after $T$: $$ \delta = \sum_{s=T}^{n} p^s (1-...
Ted's user avatar
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Convexity of the expectation of boolean functions

Let $$f:\{-1,1\}^n \to \{-1,1\}$$ be a monotone, odd ($f(-x)=-f(x)$) Boolean function. Let $$F:[0,1]\to[0,1]$$ denote the probability that $f(x_1,...,x_n)$ where $x_1,...,x_n$ are i.i.d. $\pm1$ R.V. ...
gidi's user avatar
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What is the probability of an empty convex $k$-gon among many given points?

Given a finite number of points in the plane in general position, call a convex subset empty if its hull doesn't contain any other of the points. For a big number $n$ of randomly distributed ...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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