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How to count integer lattice points close to a subspace of $\mathbb R^n$?

Consider $m$ linearly independent vectors in $n$-dimensional Euclidean space, $v_1,...,v_m \in \mathbb R^n$ where $1\leq m<n$, and let $U := {\rm span}(v_1,...,v_m)$ denote the $m$-dimensional ...
Dierk Bormann's user avatar
6 votes
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An inequality involving integer partitions

For integers $n\ge k\ge0$, let $p(n,k)$ denote the number of ways to write $n$ as a sum of $k$ positive integers (repetition allowed). For example, $p(6,3)=3$ since $$6=1+1+4=1+2+3=2+2+2.$$ QUESTION. ...
Zhi-Wei Sun's user avatar
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A family of polynomials related to integer partitions

For a positive integer $n$, let $p(n)$ be the number of partitions of $n$. For $1\le k\le n$, let $p(n,k)$ denote the number of partitions of $n$ having exactly $k$ terms; in other words, $p(n,k)$ is ...
Zhi-Wei Sun's user avatar
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