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19 votes
4 answers

Are there Hamilton paths in Cayley graphs of Coxeter groups?

Hi everyone. I want to optimize certain computation on finite Coxeter groups $(W,S)$. Basically I compute the matrices $\rho(T_w)$ for all $w\in W$ of a matrix representation $H\to K^{d\times d}$ of ...
Johannes Hahn's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Coordinates of the Weyl vector of $E_8$ (and the 135 classes of $W(E_8)/W(D_8)$)

Consider the root system of $E_8$, written in its standard "even" coordinate system: i.e., it is the set of all $240$ vectors in $\mathbb{R}^8$ which whose coordinates are either all integers or all ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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11 votes
0 answers

Recognizing reflection subgroups of Coxeter groups

Given a Coxeter system $(W,S)$ with reflections $T$, and any subset $A \subseteq T$, it is known that the reflection subgroup $W_A$ generated by $A$ has a canonical choice $S_A$ of generators so that $...
Christian Gaetz's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Product of two reflections lying in a parabolic subgroup of a Coxeter group

Let $(W,S)$ be a Coxeter group, $I\subseteq S$ a subset of simple reflections, and $W_I \subseteq W$ the corresponding parabolic subgroup (we could also assume $|W_I|<\infty$, if needed). Let also ...
Utf's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Reversals of autonomous subsets in right-angled Coxeter groups

This question has to do with some experimental phenomenon in groups generated by involutions that I cannot explain. Let $G$ be a finite, undirected graph, and let $W$ be the corresponding right-angled ...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

One element commutation classes of reduced decompositions of the longest element of the Weyl group

For the symmetric group on $n$ objects $S_n$ the question of how to write its longest element $w_0$ as a reduced decomposition is an important combinatorical problem. As example, in this question the ...
Didier de Montblazon's user avatar
8 votes
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Number of occurrences of certain generators in expressions in Coxeter groups

Let $W$ be a Coxeter group (finite or infinite) with (finite) set $S$ of Coxeter generators, and let $I \subseteq S$ be some subset. If $w\in W$ then I call $m_I(w)$ the minimum total number of ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

When are indiscrete reflection groups Coxeter groups?

A well-known theorem of Coxeter states that any discrete group $W$ which is generated by reflections across (possibly affine) hyperplanes in Euclidean space is a Coxeter group: it has a presentation ...
Christian Gaetz's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Reference request: Reduced reflection length in Coxeter groups

I recently read this paper, where the authors define on page 26 what they call the reduced reflection length. For that we take a Coxeter group $G$ with Coxeter generators $S$ and transpositions $T$. ...
Dirk's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Elements of Coxeter group whose simple reflections pairwise commute

Let $W$ be a Coxeter group with associated graph $G$. Define $$X(G) = \{w \in W : \text{any two simple reflections} \,S_{\alpha}\, \text{and}\, S_{\beta} \,\text{appearing in any of the reduced ...
GA316's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Reference request: from a reduced expression of an element in a Coxeter group to another reduced expression

Are there some references which proves the following result? Let $W$ be a Coxeter group and $w \in W$. Then different reduced expressions of $w$ can be transformed from one into anther using only the ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

elements in the weyl group

Let W be the Weyl a group of a semisimple simply connected group over C. Let I={1,...,r} the set of simple roots. For $w\in W$, I denote by supp(w) the subset of I corresponding to the simple ...
prochet's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

A question about set of inversion

Let $w \in S_n$ and $inv(w) = \{(i,j): i,j \in \{1,\ldots,n\}, i<j, w(i)>w(j)\}$ the inversion set of $w$. Let ${\bf i}=(i_1,\ldots,i_m)$ be a sequence such that $s_{i_1}\cdots s_{i_m}$ is a ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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0 answers

Length of the product of two elements of the subregular two-sided cell in the affine Weyl group of type A

The affine Weyl group of type $A_n$ can be described as follows. It is the group of all permutations $\sigma: \mathbb Z \to \mathbb Z$ such that $\sigma(i+n)=\sigma(i)+n$ and $\sum_{i=1}^n (\sigma(i)-...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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Relation between groups $A_n$, $B_n$, $D_n$ and $S_n$ or inversions of random elements in Coxeter groups

First of of all I'm trying to find a general interpretation to the following facts below. Let's look at the property of Kendall-Mann numbers $M(n)$ which are row maxima of Triangle of Mahonian ...
Mikhail Gaichenkov's user avatar
0 votes
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Number of Boolean algebra subintervals in weak order of $S_n$

I'm wondering if anybody has an easy way to compute the number of subintervals in weak order of $S_n$ (considered as a Coxeter group of type $A_{n-1}$) that are isomorphic to Boolean algebras. I know $...
Matt Samuel's user avatar
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