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Minimum tiling of a rectangle by squares

Given the $n\times m$ rectangle, I want to compute the minimum number of integer-sided squares needed to tile it (possibly of different sizes). Is there an efficient way to calculate this?
didest's user avatar
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Can the optimal packing density in $\mathbb{Z}^d$ be irrational?

For a finite $S \subset \mathbb{Z}^d$, let $d_p(S)$ be its optimal packing density. That is, the maximal lower asymptotic density of $A+S$, where $A \subset \mathbb{Z}^d$ is such that $(a_1+S)\cap (...
Arsenii Sagdeev's user avatar
6 votes
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Unique domino tiling

Question: how does one enumerate all star-convex $2n$-vertex sublattices of the plane that have the unique domino-tiling property? Definitions: A subset $S$ of the $xy$-plane is star-convex if there ...
John Murray's user avatar
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Hyponontiling Wang tiles

Call a finite collection of tiles that can tile the plane if we have to use each tile at least once tiling. Is there a collection of at least 3 tiles that is not tiling, but such that after removing ...
domotorp's user avatar
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Can a square be partitioned into mutually non-congruent triangles all of same area and perimeter?

It is known that the plane cannot be tiled by pair-wise non-congruent triangles all having same area and same perimeter ( Question: Can a square be partitioned into ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Distance spectra of uniform tilings

Let a uniform tiling be defined by a vertex configuration $(n_1.n_2.\cdots.n_k)^m$, which is either spherical, Euclidean or hyperbolic. Assume that the tiling is vertex-transitive, especially that ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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Aperiodic tile with rational area

Margulis and Mozes constructed aperiodic tiling system on the hyperbolic plane consisting of a single tile(hyperbolic polygon) whose area (or each inner angle) is irrational multiple of $\pi$. Having ...
Arun 's user avatar
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On convex polygons that can be cut into convex and mutually congruent pieces in exactly one way

Observations: any thin isosceles triangle has exactly 1 partition into 2 congruent pieces - only 1 line, bisector of its apex, does it. By attaching a right triangle with base 1 and altitude 2 to an ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Aperiodic tilings of the plane by squares and rhombi

Consider tilings of the plane by unit squares and by rhombi of unit side length and angles $\pi/3$, $2\pi/3$. It is easy to come up with periodic tilings of the plane - consider the following: (from ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Square-and-equilateral-triangle aperiodic tiling with $\leq 4$ prototiles?

There exist aperiodic tilings composed of square and equilateral-triangle tiles of unit side length: see and https://hal.archives-...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Tradeoffs in translation-invariant tilings of $\mathbb{R}^3$

Suppose I tile $\mathbb{R}^3$ in a ($\mathbb{Z}^3$-)translation-invariant manner. If we insist on the tiling being regular, then we are left with only the cubic tiling. However, suppose that we ...
squiggles's user avatar
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Tiling of polygons in $\mathbb{R}^2$ by squares

Let $X\subset \mathbb{R}^2$ be a polygon (possibly nonconvex, but not intersecting itself) with all the sides parallel to one of the axes. I am interested on whether $X$ can be tiled by (finitely ...
user49822's user avatar
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Recognizability/unique composition property for substitution tiling

This may be a very basic question, but I have not found an answer to it so far in my search. The question is whether there is an "algorithmic" way to check unique-composition/recognizability ...
Keen-ameteur's user avatar
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Are there triangles that can be cut into 7 mutually congruent connected polygons?

First question below had appeared in a note at Triangles that can be cut into mutually congruent and non-convex polygons Following the results of Beeson quoted in the answer at Subdivision of ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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