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Hamming distance between $a+b$ and $a \oplus b \oplus ((a \land b) \ll 1)$

Motivation. In their paper about the cryptographic scheme NORX, the authors use a fast approximation of + by bitwise operations (taking fewer CPU cycles than proper addition) using the formula $$a+b "=...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
9 votes
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Exactly Counting the Number of Lattice Points in an $n$-Dimensional Sphere

Let $S_n(R)$ denote the number of lattice points in an $n$-dimensional "sphere" with radius $R$. For clarification, I am interested in lattice points found both strictly inside the sphere, and on its ...
MC From Scratch's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Number of partitions whose blocks form arithmetic progressions

As is known, the set $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ has $2^n$ many subsets and $B_n$ (the $n$th Bell number) many partitions, where clearly $B_n<2^{2^n}$ and it is actually known that $B_n<n^n$ for large $n$. ...
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
5 votes
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How to construct particular De Bruijn sequences

For $n \ge 2$, there is at least one binary DeBruijn sequence beginning with $n$ zeros followed by $n$ ones. Is there a straightforward way to construct such a sequence for each $n \ge 2$? Examples: ...
Clark Kimberling's user avatar