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Seeking for a meaning: a curious symmetry

Suppose $\Phi(m,n)=(2m)!^n\prod_{k=1}^n\binom{2m+2k+x}{2k+x}$. Then, algebraically, it is trivial to see that $$(2m)!^n\prod_{k=1}^n\binom{2m+2k+x}{2k+x}=(2n)!^m\prod_{k=1}^m\binom{2n+2k+x}{2k+x}.$$ ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Combinatorics of the Cohomology Ring of the Lagrangian Grassmannians

The Lagrangian Grassmannian is an important example in symplectic geometry, see here or here for details. It shares many similarities with the ordinary Grassmannians (as one would expect from the name)...
Lars Pettersen's user avatar
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What is the combinatorial data classifying non-normal affine toric varieties?

Recall that a toric variety is a variety $V$ containing an open dense algebraic torus. Here an algebraic torus means a finite product of copies of the multiplicative group of the ground field (which I ...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
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Dimension of the span of all partial derivatives of a given homogeneous symmetric polynomial $f$ and the polynomial $E(f)$

I need some help about the problem below. Let $d\geq 4$ and $f$ a symmetric polynomial, homogeneous of degree $d$, in $n$ variables $x_1,\dots,x_n$, with real coefficients. We set $$ E(f):=\sum_{j=1}^{...
Hector Blandin's user avatar
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Number of square-free polynomials over a finite field - a combinatorial interpretation?

Cross-posted from MSE. The question has remained unanswered for six years but I still like it! One can show using zeta functions that the number of (monic)square-free polynomials of degree $n$ over a ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Polynomial count varieties and affine paving (e.g., determinantal varieties)

Let $X$ be a variety defined over $\mathbb{Z}$, $X_{\mathbb{F}}$ be the base change $X\times_{\mathrm{Spec}(\mathbb{Z})} \mathrm{Spec}(\mathbb{F})$. We say $X$ is of polynomial count if there is a ...
fool rabbit's user avatar
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Nonclassical polynomials, circles, and groups

Tao and Ziegler have introduced a generalization of polynomials over a prime field called nonclassical polynomials, useful for studying the Gowers norm. A nonclassical polynomial of degree $d$ is a ...
Joe Bebel's user avatar
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LS paths construction

Let $W$ be the Weyl group of a simple Lie algebra $\mathfrak L$, and for a dominant weight $\lambda$ denote by $W_{\lambda}$ the stabilizer of $\lambda$ in $W$. Let $\leq$ be the Bruhat order on $W/W_{...
jack's user avatar
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Asymptotics of degree of $\textrm{SO}_n$?

(This is an offshoot of Degree of parametrization of $\textrm{SO}_n$?) Consider $G=\textrm{SO}_n$ as an affine subvariety of the affine space of $N$-by-$N$ matrices. There is an explicit expression ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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To derive or not to derive, that is the question

What are concrete and abstract examples of problems (even whole programmes of inquiry) when one has a choice to use a "derived" theory (e.g., $\infty$-categories, DAG, HAG, $DRep_k(G)$, "higher" ...
Artur Jackson's user avatar
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Matroids relaxations of a given matroid

Let $\mathcal{M}$ be a rank-$d$ matroid on $[n]$. Say a matroid $\mathcal{N}$ is a relaxation of $\mathcal{M}$ if $\mathrm{rank}(\mathcal{N})=d$, $\mathrm{groundset}(\mathcal{N})=[n]$, and every ...
Camilo Sarmiento's user avatar
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Non-vanishing of elements in cohomology of full Flag varieties

Consider the full flag variety $F_n$ consisting of full flags in $\mathbb C^n$. There is a collection of tautological bundles on $F_n$: $0=U_0\subset U_1\subset ...\subset U_{n-1}\subset U_n=\mathbb ...
aglearner's user avatar
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Polynomials vanishing on prescribed layers

Given a prime $p$ and an integer $n\ge p$, what is the smallest possible degree of a polynomial $Q\in\mathbb F_p[x_1,\dotsc, x_n]$ such that $Q$ vanishes on every vector $x\in\{0,1\}^n$ of weight $w(x)...
Seva's user avatar
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Polynomial defined recursively by a resultant

Cross posting from MSE. Definition: For any natural number $n\ge 3$, define the polynomial $P_{n}\left(x_1,x_2,...,x_{n-1},x_{n} \right)$, with indeterminates $x_{i}$, where $i\in\{1,2,...,n-1,n\}$, ...
PalmTopTigerMO's user avatar
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Reference for restriction formula in terms of double Schubert polynomials

Everyone (that is, everyone who cares) knows that double Schubert polynomials represent Schubert classes in equivariant cohomology in type $A$. We also know that we can restrict Schubert classes to ...
Matt Samuel's user avatar
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Generating function for lattice paths making aribitrary (i,j)-up-right move in one step and fitting rectangular (m,n)?

There is the following beautiful formula (see Qiaochu Yuan excellent blog): $$ \sum_{\lambda \in Young~diagrams~fitting~rectangle~m~n} q^{Box~count(="area~under~the~curve")~of~\lambda} = \binom{n+m}{...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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global sections of structure sheaf on the toric Calabi-Yau

Let P be a lattice polytope and lying in $ N \times {1} \subset N \times \mathbb{R}$. Let $\sigma$ be the cone over this polytope and $X_\sigma$ be the corresponding toric variety, which is an affine,...
Eleanor Von Hohlandsbourg's user avatar
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Six people standing on earth

Consider 6 people $p_i$, $i=1,\dots 6$, standing on a sphere $S^2$. We label the positions of these people by $p_i$ again. Suppose no pair of these points $p_i$ are antipodal. At each point $p_i$ ...
MathLearner's user avatar
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Permutations of points in the projective plane

Let $p_1,...,p_7\in\mathbb{P}^{2}$ be seven general points in the projective plane $\mathbb{P}^{2}$ over the complex numbers. Let $f$ be an automorphism of $\mathbb{P}^{2}$ inducing a permutation of $...
THF's user avatar
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Zariski openness of Newton non-degenerate polynomials

Suppose you are given a convex polyhedron $\Delta$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$ (i.e. a convex hull of finitely many points in $\mathbb{Z}^n$) and consider a finite dimensional vector space $V$ over $\mathbb{C}$ ...
Templeman's user avatar
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Nonnegativity of the coefficients of the commuting difference operators of Fomin, Gelfand, and Postnikov evaluated on quantum Schubert polynomials

This post is about quantum Schubert polynomials. Fomin, Gelfand, and Postnikov defined operators in the nil-Hecke ring with coefficients in $\mathbb{Z}[x,q]$ denoted by $\chi_k$ for $1\leq k\leq n$ ...
Matt Samuel's user avatar
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Generalized Puiseux series for diagonal reflections of the curves $y = \frac{x}{(1-ax)(1-bx)^m}$

Reflection of the curve $y = f_m(x) = \frac{x}{(1-ax)(1-bx)^m}$ through the diagonal line $y=x$ in the $xy$-plane can be regarded as local compositional inversion of the curve $y=f_m(x)$. ($x,y,a,b$ ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Connected relative Gromov Witten invariants

I am currently interested to compute relative Gromov Witten invariants(GW) over $\mathbb{P}^1$. In the paper eq 3.1 gives the count of relative disconnected GW ...
GGT's user avatar
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Set-theoretic generation by circuit polynomials

Let $P$ be a prime ideal in $S=\mathbb{C}[x_1,\ldots , x_n],$ and write $[n] = \{ 1, \ldots , n \}.$ The algebraic matroid of $P$ can be defined according to circuit axioms as follows: $C\subset [n]$ ...
tim's user avatar
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Kac-Moody groups for non-crystallographic root systems

Given a finite-dimensional crystallographic root system, we can construct an associated Kac-Moody group, with a corresponding flag variety and Littlewood-Richardson coefficients. Between a pair of ...
Matt Samuel's user avatar
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Minimal algebraic degree of symmetric unit distance embedding of Heawood graph

I'm looking at embeddings of the Heawood graph in the plane as unit distance graph. Apparently the first such embedding was given by Gerbracht, 2009 and has algebraic (over the rationals) coordinates ...
Moritz Firsching's user avatar
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Littlewood-Richardson rule for the complete flag variety: GapP complete?

The cohomology ring of a complete flag variety $X$ has a basis of Schubert classes $S_u$ for permutations $u$. Define the Littlewood-Richardson coefficient $c_{uv}^w$ for permutations $u,v,w$ to be ...
Matt Samuel's user avatar
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Intersections of the B-orbits and the orbits of some other Borel subgroups in the flag variety G/B

This is a follow-up of this previous question below: Intersections of $B$ and $B^-$ orbits in the flag variety $G/B$ Let $G = SL_n(\mathbb{C})$, $B$ be the standard Borel subgroup, and consider some ...
Qiao's user avatar
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The twisted kiss of the curvaceous cubic and the staid tetrahedron (references)

(Migrated from MSE) While investigating some operators, I came across some relations between the twisted cubic curve and the tetrahedron that link together some notions in differential geometry, ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Unicity of branched covering of sphere, and Hurwitz numbers

Hurwitz's encoding counts the number of branched self-coverings of a sphere, with prescribed ramification degrees at the critical points, as numbers of factorizations of the identity in a symmetric ...
grok's user avatar
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Three dimensional representations of Alternating group

The alternating group $A_5$ has $2$ irreducible representation of degree $3$. The characters for these representations have irrational values. I guess the ring of invariants of these representations ...
Mathew's user avatar
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Reference request: Lascoux's formulas for Chern classes of tensor products and symmetric powers

Let $E$ and $F$ be vector bundles on a smooth projective variety, say. A. Lascoux ("Classes de Chern d'un produit tensoriel", C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. A-B 286 (1978), no. 8, A385–A387) gave ...
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Covering all except one of the purple intersection points of $n$ red and $m$ blue lines efficiently

Consider a set of $n$ red lines and $m$ blue lines, suppose there are $nm$ distinct red-blue intersections. What is the minimum number of lines $L_1,L_2,\dots, L_n$ such that the union contains all $...
Gorka's user avatar
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A mapping from a lattice to itself

Consider $\mathbb{Z}^{n}$ for $n = 2^r$ where $r \geq 1$ . Look at the iterates of the following function $T$ from $\mathbb{Z}^n$ to itself. $T((a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n)) = (|a_1 - a_n|, |a_2 - a_1|, |...
debapriyay's user avatar
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2-faces of reflexive Delzant polytopes

Question 1. Can a reflexive Delzant polytope of some dimension contain a $2$-face with more than $11$ edges? Motivation. I would like more generally to get an answer to the following question: ...
aglearner's user avatar
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A map on Grassmannian

Let $G=SL_{2n}$ and let $\sigma:G \to G$ be defined by $\sigma (A)= E(A^t)^{-1}E^{-1}$, where $E=antidiag(1,1, ... ,1,-1,-1,...,-1)$. Then the maximal parabolic associated to the simple root $\...
icmes imrf's user avatar
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3 answers

Generate a higher degree symmetric polynomial from an existing one

Suppose $p(x_1, x_2, \cdots, x_n)$ is a symmetric polynomial. Given any univariate polynomial $u$, we can define a new polynomial $q(x_1, x_2, \cdots, x_{n+1})$ as $q(x_1, x_2, \cdots, x_{n+1}) = u(...
Shuo Han's user avatar
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Solving a Diophantine equation related to Algebraic Geometry, Steiner systems and $q$-binomials?

The short version of my question is: 1)For which positive integers $k, n$ is there a solution to the equation $$k(6k+1)=1+q+q^2+\cdots+q^n$$ with $q$ a prime power? 2) For which positive ...
Daniel Litt's user avatar
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What's known about the matroid induced by the Plücker coordinates of the representation of a matroid?

Let $M$ be a linear matroid with ground set $E$ and independent subsets $\mathcal I$, represented by $\rho: E \rightarrow V$. This induces a map $$ \hat\rho: \mathcal I \rightarrow \mathbf P(\Lambda V)...
Cornelius Brand's user avatar
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Big cells in a Grassmann and permutations

In the lecture notes, it is said that (Theorem 3.1.3) the set of positroid cells in $Gr(k,n)$ are in one to one correspondence with the set of bounded affine permutations of type $(k,n)$. In Example 4....
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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What is the permutation group generated by those three given morphisms of the affine space $\mathbb{F}_q^3$?

Let $\mathbb{A}^3 = \mathbb{F}_q^3$. Consider the following three functions $\mathbb{A}^3\to\mathbb{A}^3$: \begin{eqnarray*} h: (x, y, z) &\mapsto& (x, y, xy - z) \\ u: (x, y, z) &\mapsto&...
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Point-Hyperplane incidence in finite projective spaces

Let $P$ be a finite projective space of order $q$ and dimension $d$. I am interested in finding the least $k$ such that for any set $S$ of $k$ points of $P$, and for any set $S'$ of $k$ hyperplanes of ...
Louis Esperet's user avatar
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Is there a theory of oriented subspace arrangements?

The theory of hyperplane arrangements is a rich and intensely studied subject, especially from the perspective of combinatorics; see e.g. this wonderful monograph of Stanley. Oriented hyperplane ...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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Intersection theory on moduli spaces of curves without marked points

1. There are a lot of works concerning the intersection theory on the moduli spaces of curves $\mathcal M_{g,n}$ (and their Deligne-Mumford compactifications $\overline{\mathcal M}_g$), for $n>0$. ...
Lucien's user avatar
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Transalate of a Richardson Variety

For $v \leq w$ are Weyl group elements, the intersection of a Schubert variety $X^w$ and the opposite Schubert variety $X_v$ is called a Richardson variety. It is denoted by $X_v^w$. It is well know ...
Jacky's user avatar
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Polynomial time decodable binary linear codes achieving $GV$ bound?

Are there explicit or random construction of linear codes that achieve the $GV$ bound with polynomial time decodable property with alphabet size $q=2$? Tsfasman, Manin, Vladut beat the bound at ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Is there a geometric meaning of the Major index?

The actual question I want to ask is whether there is a geometric proof of this famous identity $$\sum_{\sigma \in S_n} q^{\operatorname{inv} \sigma}=\sum_{\sigma\in S_n}q^{\operatorname{maj}\sigma},$$...
Gjergji Zaimi's user avatar
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Family of hypersurfaces in (C^*)^2 corresponding to tropical family

Edit: I realize the mathematics below is lacking a precise phrasing. I hope that the intuitiion behind the question is clear enough that a reader will understand the question and provide guidance. The ...
Eleanor Von Hohlandsbourg's user avatar
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Classification of nilpotent orbits over local fields (for type ABCD via partitions )

Let $\mathfrak g$ be a simple Lie algebra over a char $0$ local field $F$ (e.g. $F=\mathbb R$ or $F=\mathbb Q_p$) with its adjoint group $G$. Let $\mathcal N \subseteq \mathfrak g$ be its nilpotent ...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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Economic equilibrium and tropical geometry

There is a famous saying in economics: When everyone pursues his or her own interests, there is an invisible hand that brings the market to equilibrium. However, this is not always the case. Here is ...
Surpass2019's user avatar