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An Optimization Problem with Complex Variables, regarding Eigenvalues of Circulant Matrices

Let $S$ be a finite subset of the complex unit circle and $1 \in S$. For each $n \in \mathbb N $, define $f_n\colon S^{n-1}\to\mathbb R$ by $$f_n(x) := \sum_{w^{n}=1}|x_1w+ x_2w^2\cdots+x_{n-1}w^{n-1}...
Mahdi - Free Palestine's user avatar
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About the properities of sum of powers of items in a polynomial

Given a polynomial $f_1=a_1x+a_2x^2+\cdots+a_{p-1}x^{p-1}\in\mathbb{Z}[x]/(x^{p}-1)$, with prime $p$, we may generate the other $p-1$ polynomials: \begin{eqnarray*} f_2&=&a_1^2x^2+\cdots+a_{p-...
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