Questions tagged [circle-packing]

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Expanding disks lead to what packing of the plane?

Suppose one sprinkles points uniformly at random on the infinite Euclidean plane, with some density $\rho$ per unit area. View the points as disks of radius zero. Now the radii $r$ of all disks grows ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
11 votes
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Can a billiard rack be a square, for every number of balls?

A billiard rack is a rack, usually a triangle, that can hold a certain number of equal size billiard balls, such that the balls' centres cannot move within the rack. Can the rack be a square, for ...
Dan's user avatar
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Implications of combinatorial results towards discrete function theory on circle packings

Spurred primarily by a conjecture of Thurston in 1985, there was a series of developments in creating a "discrete analytic function" theory for maps between circle packings of complex ...
Jon Hillery's user avatar
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On cutting disks from planar regions

Question: Given a planar region $R$ of unit area and an integer $n$, to cut $n$ circular disks (their sizes need not be equal) such that the highest fraction of $R$ is taken off. A simple greedy ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Can a convex frame hold all circles of radius $1/n$ immobile?

Here is a frame that holds circles of radius $1, \frac{1}{2}, \frac13, ..., \frac17$ immobile. By "immobile", I mean no circle can move without overlapping other circles or the frame, ...
Dan's user avatar
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Do kissing numbers with distance $d$ always grow polynomially or exponentially in dimension?

Let $A_d(n)$ be the largest number of points that can be packed on the $n$-unit sphere, such that every point is at least $d$ apart. Compare with, for instance, When ...
Alex Meiburg's user avatar
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How large do algebraic representations need to be for packing circles in squares?

(This question is inspired by Erich's Packing Center. I'm just asking about circles in squares to keep things simple, since I suspect any answer would apply just-as-well to the rest of the problems ...
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Packing space by cones: Translates best?

Let $C$ be a right circular cone, the convex hull of a unit-radius disk and a point directly above the disk center at height $h$.                 Is the ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
3 votes
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Modeling bubble rafts

If you go to and search on "bubble rafts", you'll see various pictures of disk packings that in large patches look like the six-around-one dense packing of the plane by equal-sized ...
2 votes
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Another variant of the Malfatti problem

We try to add to A Variant of the Malfatti Problem As stated in the Wikipedia entry on Malfatti circles, it is an open problem to decide, given a number $n$ and any triangle, whether a greedy method ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Can Chang and Wang's proof of Thue’s Theorem on circular packing be extended into other dimentions?

The simplicity of Chang and Wang's proof of Thue’s Theorem (link on arxiv) on circular packing took me by surprise. Have similar ideas been found helpful in other dimensions? For example, partition ...
Ye Tian's user avatar
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Is the kissing number in $n$ dimensions always divisible by $n$? And what is the base of exponential growth of the kissing number?

And why are the kissing numbers for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 dimensions all highly composite numbers?
user50746's user avatar
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A primal-dual (double) circle packing (coin graph) question

I know that any 3-connected simple planar graph with a designated outside face (outer face) has a primal-dual (double) circle packing (Brightwell-Scheinerman Theorem). Q1- But I am not sure whether ...
Hooman's user avatar
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What is the nearest Ford circle for any point in $\mathbb R^2$

I want to draw Ford circles within a "distance Estimated system" (ray marching). Therefore, given a point $(x,y)$ from $\mathbb R^2$, I need the shortest distance to any circle with center $(p/q,1/2q^...
jukzi's user avatar
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Densest safe disk packing

Inspired by current regulations regarding the minimal distance to be kept among people to prevent spreading of the COVID-19 virus and the maximal number of people in a group that is not subjected to ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Some Problems On Apollonian Gasket

Since 2013, I found Some problems on Apollonian Gasket as following. These problem also is higher level of Eppstein Point. I am looking for a proof of one of these problems: Let three $(A)$, $(B)$, $(...
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
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Interior and boundary vertices of weighted graphs

Xu He's article Rigidity of Infinite Disk Patterns and I have a problem with a statement he makes on page 7. He considers weighted embedded planar graphs $G=(V, E)$ with weight function $\Theta: E \...
Simon's user avatar
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Are morphisms of intersection graphs of circle packings harmonic?

Let $P$ and $Q$ be circle packings on compact Riemann surfaces (along with some Riemannian metrics) $X$ and $Y$. Let $f\colon X\to Y$ be a conformal map taking each circle in $P$ to a circle in $Q$. ...
Avi Steiner's user avatar
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Which term is better for the so called "sphere packing"?

I'm working on sphere packings. When I write, I'm confused with basic definitions. I'm hesitating between the terms "sphere", "ball" or "oriented sphere". For example, on the wikipedia page of circle ...
Hao Chen's user avatar
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