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On the cohomology ring of the Hilbert scheme of points on k3 or abelian surfaces

There are many results on the cohomology of the Hilbert scheme of points of a surface. Gottsche calcaluted the Betti numbers and Nakajima got the generators of the cohomology. Also there are results ...
Yi Xie's user avatar
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8 votes
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Deligne's exterior power

In "Catégories Tannakiennes", Deligne defines the $n$th exterior power of an object $A$ of an abelian tensor category $\mathcal{C}$ as the image of the morphism $$p : A^{\otimes n} \to A^{\otimes n}, ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Recursions for some binary theta series in characteristic 3

Define $A(0), A(1), A(2) \dots$ in ${\bf Z}/3[[x]]$ as follows. For $n$ in $\bf N$ let $s=3^{2n+1}$. Then $A(n) = \sum a_kx^k$ where $a_k$ is the mod 3 reduction of the number of representations of $k$...
paul Monsky's user avatar
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Endomorphism Ring of Simple Abelian Varieties

I know that if $A$ is a simple abelian variety over a number field $k$ with all endomorphisms defined over $K$ then $\mbox{End}(A_K)\otimes \mathbb{Q}$ is a division algebra with a positive involution....
Mastrel's user avatar
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Partial differential Equation over characteristic p

I want some references on partial differential equations over characteristic $p$. If we have a first order partial differential equation, how can we check whether there exists polynomials or rational ...
Amit Sinhababu's user avatar
10 votes
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Can a division algebra have degree divisible by its characteristic?

I apologize in advance if this is easy, but I've tried Googling, and had no luck. I'm currently working on a proof, and I realized in the course of writing that this proof will break if out there ...
Ben Webster's user avatar
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Embedded resolution of curves on smooth varieties

As far as I understand, embedded resolution of singularities means the following: given a variety $X$ over an algebraically closed field, and a closed subvariety $Y$, there exists a birational map $f:...
Piotr Achinger's user avatar
2 votes
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What is Rosati Form

I was reading a paper and they mentioned the Rosati form. Particularly, what they said was: Let $A$ be an abelian surface defined over $k$ such that $ST_A^0$ (the connected component of the Sato-Tate ...
Mastrel's user avatar
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Action of $(\mathbb{Z}/2g\mathbb{Z})$ on quadratic forms on $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$-vector space

Let $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$ the 2 elements field, with additive notation. I need some clarifications on the relation between quadratic forms on a $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$-vector space (say, of ...
IMeasy's user avatar
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symmetric theta structures and arithmetic subgroups

A symmetric theta structure is a theta structure that commutes with (a lift of) the natural involution $\imath: A \to A$ an an abelian variety. For simplicity I will assume that $A$ is a surface. Now,...
IMeasy's user avatar
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Degree of a smooth curve in an abelian variety

Let $A$ be an abelian variety, $g$ be a positive integer and $\mathcal{L}$ be an ample line bundle on $A$. Question : Is there a real $r>0$ such that, for all smooth curve $C$ of genus $g$ in $...
user57319's user avatar
5 votes
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Uniruled degenerations of abelian varieties

Suppose I have a smooth projective variety $X$ over $\mathbb{C}$ with $K_X$ semiample, and consider the fiber space $f:X\to Y$ given by $|\ell K_X|$, for some $\ell>0$ large, where $Y$ is a normal ...
user56818's user avatar
-1 votes
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Interpretation of $H_1(A_\mathbb{C}^{top},\mathbb{Q})$

In the paper "Sato-Tate Distributions and Galois Endomorphism Modules in Genus 2" (arxiv:, the authors use the singular homology $H_1(A_\mathbb{C}^{top},\mathbb{Q})$ ($...
user56793's user avatar
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Is a semiabelian algebraic space a scheme?

Let $S$ be a scheme and let $A$ be a commutative separated smooth $S$-group algebraic space of finite presentation each of whose geometric fibers is an extension of an abelian variety by a torus. Is $...
Question Mark's user avatar
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Divisors on an abelian surface

Let $A$ be an abelian surface given by the quotient of a product of two generic elliptic curves $E_1 \times E_2$ by the product $T_1 \times T_2$ of two translations by $2$-torsion points. Then $A$ ...
sqrt2sqrt2's user avatar
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Is there an excplicit number field of definition for an Abelian Variety $A/\mathbb{C}$ with CM?

Consider a simple abelian variety $A/\mathbb{C}$ with sufficiently many CMs by $\mathcal{O}$, where $\mathcal{O}$ is an order in a CM field $K$. Specifically, $K$ is a CM field of degree $2g$, where $...
John Binder's user avatar
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About Weil's proof of "Weil conjectures for curves and abelian varieties"

I know that the Weil's proof of the Weil conjectures for curves and abelian varieties is made under the lenguage of his "Foundation of algebraic geometry", however in "Polarizations and Grothendieck's ...
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4 votes
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Reference or proof for the fact that $J(X_0(N))$ splits into abelian varieties with real multiplication

It´s known that $J_0(N) = J(X_0(N))= \bigoplus_f E(f)$ splits as a sum of abelian varieties parametrized by the Hecke eingenfunctions and that it´s an elliptic curve iff the Hecke eingenvalue is an ...
user40276's user avatar
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Why is the Tate local duality pairing compatible with the Cartier duality pairing?

This question is a follow up to Why is the norm map dual to restriction under Tate local duality? Let $A$ and $B$ be dual abelian schemes over a base scheme $S$. For an integer $n \ge 1$, consider ...
Question Mark's user avatar
36 votes
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Why polarization of abelian varieties?

Maybe this question is not suitable for here, but I don't think I would receive a satisfactory answer in Math StackExchange. I could never understand the intuition behind polarization of abelian ...
user40276's user avatar
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Why is the norm map dual to restriction under Tate local duality?

Let $L/K$ be a finite Galois extension of nonarchimedean local fields, and let $A$ and $A^t$ be dual abelian varieties over $K$. Tate local duality tells us that $A^t(K)$ and $H^1(K, A)$ are ...
Question Mark's user avatar
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Mumford-Ramanujam examples in characteristic p [and in Arakelov geometry]

For a compact Riemann surface $B$ of genus $\geq 2$, it is a consequence of the Narasimhan-Seshadri theorem that there exist rank-$2$ vector bundles $E \to B$ of degree zero, all of whose symmetric ...
Vesselin Dimitrov's user avatar
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Do principally polarized abelian varieties enjoy a genus expansion?

This is a vague question from an interested outsider: It is well known that abelian varieties which arise as Jacobian of a curve (or a bit more general as Prym variety) are distinguished by the fact ...
user5831's user avatar
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Lifting to char 0, references and questions

Suppose that I have a surface $S$, smooth proper over an algebraically closed (perfect?)field $k$ that lifts algebraically to some $S_W$ defined over a field of char 0. I am interested in properties ...
Sofia Tirabassi's user avatar
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rank of Abelian schemes under ample hypersurface section

Let $k$ be an algebraic closure of a finite field, $\ell \neq \mathrm{Char}(k)$ be prime, $S/k$ a smooth projective geometrically connected surface and $C/k$ a smooth ample connected hypersurface ...
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Elliptic curve E and Galois representation

Assume that an elliptic curve $E$ over $\Bbb Q$ has a reducible mod $p$ representation. Then Q: Why is the semi-simplification of $E[p]$ the direct sum of ${\Bbb Z}/p{\Bbb Z}$ and $\mu_p$? Next Q:...
Pierre's user avatar
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Absolute Hodge implies Galois invariant?

Let $X$ be an Abelian variety defined over a number field $K$, suppose that it has a good reduction over a fine place $\mathfrak{p}$ of $K$. Let $G_{\mathfrak{p}}$ be the local Galois group for $K_{...
Lan's user avatar
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Rigidity lemma over non-algebraically closed field

I would like to extend the rigidity lemma (as in Mumford's "Abelian varieties") to the case in which the base field $k$ is not algebraically closed. I found a suitable proof in the draft of "Abelian ...
Pgatti's user avatar
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kernel of isogeny becomes constant after base change

Let $S = Spec(O_K)$ be the spectrum of the rings of integers of a number field $K$. Let $A/S \setminus T$ be an Abelian scheme over an open subscheme $S \setminus T \subseteq S$. Does the kernel of $n$...
user5262's user avatar
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Units of Endomorphism Rings of Jacobian Varieties with Real Multiplication

Let $(A,a)$ be a principally polarised (with indecomposable polarisation) Abelian variety over $\mathbb C$. Assume that End(A) contains an order $R$ of a totally real number field of degree $>1$ ...
user51764's user avatar
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group structure on (subsets of) tropicalizations of Abelian varieties

In this paper Vigeland shows how one can define a group law on subset of a tropical elliptic curve, so that this group is homeomorphic to $S^1$. It is not clear to me what is the relationship between ...
Dima Sustretov's user avatar
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Are Abelian varieties (sometimes) globally $F$-split?

As defined by Karen Smith here, beginning of section 3? If $E$ is an elliptic curve, then it is when $E$ is ordinary. I wonder about higher dimension cases. Any references would be greatly ...
Hailong Dao's user avatar
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Linear system on an abelian surface

On a K3 surface $S$, a linear system $|C|$ is said to be hyperelliptic if the corresponding map is of degree 2 and the image is of degree $g_a(C)-1$ in $\mathbb P^{g_a}$. For $g_a(C) > 2$, if $|C|...
sqrt2sqrt2's user avatar
6 votes
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Torsion group of the following elliptic curve

Let $p_1=2, p_2 = 3,\ldots,$ be the prime numbers, and define $n_i = \prod_{j=1}^i p_j$. Moreover, let $E_i $ be the elliptic curve defined by $y^2 = x^3 + n_i$. Can one compute the torsion group $...
user1234's user avatar
12 votes
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Modularity theorem for abelian varieties

There's alredy two posts on MO about the extension of modularity to elliptic curves over fields other than $\mathbb{Q}$ ([1], [2]), and another one about general algebraic varieties [3]. What is ...
Myshkin's user avatar
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Ampleness of Hodge bundles over complex curves

Let $C$ be a smooth, proper and connected curve over the complex numbers $\bf C$. Let ${\cal G}\to C$ be a smooth group scheme over $C$ and let $\epsilon_{\cal G}:C\to{\cal G}$ be its zero-section. ...
Damian Rössler's user avatar
9 votes
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Motives over finite field not generated by hyperelliptic curves

So the question is that, over a finite field, does there exist an abelian variety $A$ for which there does not exist a generically one-to-one morphism from a hyperelliptic curve $C$ to $A$. p.s. A ...
Cheng-Chiang Tsai's user avatar
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Applications of alterations

In 1995, de Jong proved the existence of regular alterations in arbitrary characteristic. I would like to have a little survey of important applications of this theorem, e.g. things you could do if ...
pgraf's user avatar
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Abelian varieties/$p$-divisible groups are an integral category

A preabelian category is called integral if epimorphisms are stable under pullbacks and monomorphisms are stable under pushouts. A major property of integral category is that by inverting bimorphisms ...
Qwuck's user avatar
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The Tate conjecture for abelian varieties

Let $k$ be a number field. Recall that Faltings proved the famous Tate conjecture, which states that for any abelian variety $X$ over $k$ and any prime $\ell$, the natural map $$\mathrm{End}(X) \...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
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Lifting Abelian Varieties to p-adic fields

Assume I have an abelian variety $A$ over a finite field $k$ of characteristic $p$. Work of Norman and Oort (1980) says I can lift $A$ to an abelian variety $\mathscr{A}$ over some characteristic ...
John Binder's user avatar
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Canonical lifts from $\mathbb F_q$ and CM-theory

One knows that (ordinary) Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves over a finite field $\mathbb F_q$ (mostly of genus 1 (elliptic curves) and 2) are extensively studied by cryptographers, as a platform for ...
Calodeon's user avatar
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Ampleness of the Canonical Bundle for Siegel Modular Varieties

Background Throughout I only work with varieties over $\mathbb{C}$. For $p$ a prime number, Let $Y(p)$ denote the modular curve parametrizing elliptic curves together with full $p$-torsion structure,...
jacob's user avatar
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Are there perverse sheaves on abelian varieties with small Euler characteristic?

Let $A$ be a simple abelian variety of dimension $g$. Let $K$ be an irreducible perverse sheaf on $A$. We know that $\chi(A,K)\geq 0$. (Corollary 1.4 of Franecki and Kapranov.) How small can $\chi(A,K)...
Will Sawin's user avatar
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Must the coordinates of a polynomial iteration have about the same size?

Original post. The following statements seem plausible (not to say intuitively obvious), but I do not see how to prove them. Let us say that a polynomial mapping of $\mathbb{C}^2$ is reducible if ...
Vesselin Dimitrov's user avatar
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Poincaré bundle and Weil pairing for Abelian schemes

In which situations is there a Poincaré bundle for Abelian schemes? In [Mumford, Abelian varieties] only the case of Abelian varieties is treated. The same question for the Weil pairing $\mathscr{A}[...
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11 votes
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Extended Deformation Theory (dg-Lie algebra principle in positive characteristic?)

Recently, I looked at articles that make use of Deligne's idea that "in characteristic 0 every deformation problem is governed by a differential graded Lie algebra" as explained first in Goldman-...
user47856's user avatar
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Invariant theory of $SL_2$ over a field of positive characteristic

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>0$. Let $W$ be a finite dimensional $SL_2$-module over $k$. Let $V$ be the natural representation of $SL_2$. What can be said - in ...
Lloyd Yu-West's user avatar
11 votes
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Representations of $\mathrm{SL}(2)$ in characteristic 2

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$In characteristic zero one can use the Clebsch-Gordan rule to decompose tensor products of $\SL(2)$-modules. In characteristic $p$, things are more complicated. I am ...
Lloyd Yu-West's user avatar
4 votes
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abelian varieties with the same CM type are isogenous

Does anybody have a reference for the following fact? All abelian varieties with complex multiplication and same CM type are isogenous over $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$? Here abelian variety with ...
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