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Can we define the Mandelbrot set in terms of the generating function of the Catalan numbers?

For each complex number $c$, define $P_{0}(c)=0$ and $P_{n+1}(c) = (P_{n}(c))^{2} + c$ . The Mandelbrot set is the set of complex numbers c for which $|P_{n}(c)|$ stays bounded as $n\rightarrow \...
Andrius Kulikauskas's user avatar
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Using Mellin transform for a certain function

In short, I want to use the Mellin transform to obtain the asymptotic behavior of the sequence $D_n = \frac{ [z^n] D(z)} {C_n}$ where $$ D(z) = \frac 1{2z}\sum_{p \ge 1}C_p \left( \sqrt{1-4z+4z^{p+...
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