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A Inequality in the paper by Kenig, Ponce and Vega

I was trying to read the appendix of the paper by Kenig, Ponce and Vega, "Well-posedness and scattering results for the generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation via the contraction principle", ...
Sarthak's user avatar
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Godunov splitting convergence research

The approximation of Godunov splitting on certain differential equations is known to be first order accurate. In 2011, a paper has also shown that it is first order accurate for nonlinear ordinary ...
Redsbefall's user avatar
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Reference request: analysis of a nonlinear Fokker-Planck type equation

It is well-known that the linear Fokker-Planck equation (written in one space dimension for simplicity) $$\partial_t \rho = \partial_x \left(\rho_\infty \partial_x\left(\frac{\rho}{\rho_\infty}\right)\...
Fei Cao's user avatar
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When is there an inclusion between regular Orlicz Spaces?

It is a classical result that $L^p(\Omega) \subset L^q(\Omega)$ when $q<p$ and $|\Omega| < \infty$. I'd like to know if there is an Orlicz version of this fact. In other words, let $L^{G_1}$ and ...
user29999's user avatar
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A special type of differential equations

Working in optimal control of PDEs, I came across a type of evolution problem that has instead of an initial condition a link between the initial state and the final state. Here is a simplified ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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N-wave solution of conservation law $u_t + (u - u^2)_x = 0$

How can we compute the "N-wave" source-solution of the conservation law $$u_t + (u - u^2)_x = 0, $$ that is, the entropy solution of this conservation law with the initial data $u(0,\cdot) = ...
Riku's user avatar
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Nonsmooth version of Hopf boundary point lemma

Let $$ Lu=-a_{ij}(x)\partial_{ij}u+b_i(x)\partial_i u $$ be a uniformly elliptic operator, with $A(x)=(a_{ij}(x))$ positive-definite. Here I'm only considering smooth coefficients, and the domain $\...
leo monsaingeon's user avatar
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Scaling limit of transport equation with double-well potential

Let us consider the transport PDE $$ u^\epsilon_t + u^\epsilon_x= -\frac{1}{\epsilon} W'(u^\epsilon) $$ where $W$ is a double-well potential -- for example, $W(x)=\frac{1}{4}(x^2-1)^2$ so that the PDE ...
Riku's user avatar
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Scaling limit of ODE with double-well potential

Let us consider the ODE $$ \frac{d}{dt}x_\epsilon(t) = -\frac{1}{\epsilon} W'(x_\epsilon(t)) $$ where $W$ is a double-well potential -- for example, $W(x)=\frac{1}{4}(x^2-1)^2$ so that the ODE reads $$...
Riku's user avatar
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Regular Lagrangian flow for explicit ODE with discontinuous right-hand side

Consider the problem $$(\star) \quad \begin{cases} \frac{d}{dt} X(t,x) = \begin{cases} - 1 & \text{ if } X(t,x) >0, \\ 1 & \text{ if } X(t,x) < 0 \end{cases}, &t \in [0,T],\\ X(0,x) ...
Riku's user avatar
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Completeness of asymptotically Euclidean manifolds

Say that you place an asymptotically Euclidean metric on $\mathbb{R}^3,$ e.g. $\mathbb{R}^3$ is endowed Riemannian metric $g$ such that $\text{supp}(g^{ij}-\delta^{ij})\subseteq\{|x|\leq R\}$ for some ...
user900940's user avatar
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Estimate on $C^1$-norm of solution of the Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation

Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a bounded domain with $C^\infty$-smooth boundary. Let $\phi\in C^\infty(\partial \Omega)$. Let $u$ be the solution of the Dirichlet problem of the Laplace equation \...
asv's user avatar
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Proving an estimate for the Neumann problem on $\mathbb{R}^3 \setminus B_1$ in Weighted Sobolev spaces

Let $M := \mathbb{R}^3 \setminus B_1$ where $B_1$ is the unit ball. It is known that for every $g \in H^{\frac{1}{2}} (\partial M)$, and for an appropriate $\delta$, there exists a unique solution $u$ ...
Laithy's user avatar
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Green function of symmetric stable process in dimension 1 and 2

Are the results in this paper on the Green function of a symmetric stable process available also in space dimension $d =1$ and $d=2$? The main theorems here are stated only for $d \ge 3$.
user173196's user avatar
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Existence and uniqueness for the equation $u_t + \nabla |u| = 0$

How does one prove the existence, uniqueness, and regularity for the equation $$u_t + \nabla_x |u| = 0 $$ with initial data $u(0,x) = u_0(x)$ and where the unknown function is $u:\mathbb (0,\infty)\...
rick23's user avatar
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Existence and regularity for fractional elliptic problem with gradient term: $ (-\Delta)^s u + v\cdot \nabla u = 0$ with $v \in \dot H^s$

Let us consider the problem $$ (-\Delta)^s u + v\cdot \nabla u = 0 \quad \text{ in } \mathbb R^n, $$ where $s \in (0,1)$, $(-\Delta)^s$ is the fractional Laplace operator and $v:\mathbb R^n \to \...
user173196's user avatar
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A scaled fractional ''Sobolev inequality''

Does a fractional interpolation inequality similar to $$ \int_{B_R(0)} |u| dx \le C R^{2} \sqrt{\log(2R)} \Big( \int_{\mathbb R^2}\int_{\mathbb R^2} \frac{|u(x)-u(y)|^2}{|x-y|^{2+2s}} dxdy + \int_{B_1(...
Jay's user avatar
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Prove Liouville theorem without using mean value property

How can I prove the following Liouville theorem without using the mean value property? If $u$ is harmonic on $\mathbb{R}^n$ and $\int_{\mathbb{R}^n}|\nabla u|^2 dx \leq C$ for some $C > 0$, then $...
Lao's user avatar
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Recommendation for books on boundary-value problems that include perturbed boundaries and many solved problems

I am looking for a book or resource that contains applied math analytical methods and a lot of solved problems in Boundary-Value Problems for second-order PDEs, and if it could be related to wave-...
user135626's user avatar
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Non-trivial examples of regular Lagrangian flow in BV case

What is a concrete example of BV vector field $v$ with $\mathrm{div}\, v = 0$ that makes Ambrosio's theory of regular Lagrangian flow relevant? With concrete I mean that we can compute the flow ...
Riku's user avatar
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Relationship between three different definitions of solutions for ODE with irregular coefficient

What is the difference between the notions of Regular Lagrangian flow Filippov solution Caratheodory solution of an ODE $\dot \Phi(t,x) = b(t,\Phi(t,x))$, with initial condition $\Phi(0,x) = x$, ...
Riku's user avatar
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Regular Lagrangian flow for the problem $\frac{d}{dt} X(t,x) = \chi_{\{x>0\}}(X(t,x))$

Consider the problem $$(\star) \quad \begin{cases} \frac{d}{dt} X(t,x) = \chi_{\{x>0\}}(X(t,x)), &t \in [0,T],\\ X(0,x) = x, &x \in \mathbb R \end{cases} $$ where $\chi$ denotes the ...
Riku's user avatar
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Entropy solution for linear transport equation

Consider the transport equations $$ (1) \qquad \partial_t u + \operatorname{div}(bu) = 0$$ and $$ (2) \qquad \partial_t u + b \cdot \nabla u= 0$$ Can we define a notion of entropy solutions for (1) ...
Riku's user avatar
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Difference quotient for solutions of ODE and Liouville equation

Suppose that $\Phi$ is the solution of $$\begin{cases} \frac{d}{dt}\Phi(x,t) = f(\Phi(x,t),t) \quad t >0 \\ \Phi(x,0) = x \quad x \in \mathbb{R}^N \end{cases}$$ How does one prove that $$\...
Riku's user avatar
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Role of absolute continuity of divergence of BV function in proof of renormalization property

In the paper, the author proves the renormalization property for the flow generated by a vector field $a(t,\cdot) \in BV(\mathbb{R}^N; \mathbb{R}^N)$. Heuristically, ...
Riku's user avatar
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system of Euler like ode's

I am interested in solving some linear elliptic system like $$ -\Delta \phi(x) + \frac{C_1 \psi(x)}{|x|^\beta} =f(x)$$ $$ -\Delta \psi(x) + \frac{C_2 \phi(x)}{|x|^\alpha} =g(x)$$ in $B_1$ (the ...
Math604's user avatar
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Elliptic interface problem without conditions on the interface

Consider an open domain $U$ split in two non-overlapping subdomains: $U = U_1 \cup U_2$. For a model case, consider a ball split in a smaller ball and an anulus. Consider the following elliptic ...
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History of ODE and PDE reference request

Is there any reference (book or articles) which made the history (up to the modern times) and the conceptual development of Ordinary Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations? It will ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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Proof of Green's formula for rectifiable Jordan curves

$\newcommand{\Ga}{\Gamma}$ I am trying to find a proof of Green's formula for rectifiable Jordan curves $\Ga$ (and the corresponding interior regions $R$). There is a proof by Ridder, followed by ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
7 votes
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Collections of examples and counterexamples in (real, complex, functional) analysis, ODEs and PDEs

What books collect examples and counterexamples (or also "solved exercises", for some suitable definition of "exercise") in real analysis, complex analysis, functional analysis, ODEs, PDEs? The ...
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Solution to semilinear heat equation at $t=0$: $u_t(0,x) - \Delta u(0,x) + f(x,u,u_x)= 0 \ ?$

Consider the following Cauchy problem $$u_t - \Delta u + f(x,u,u_x) = 0, \quad (t,x) \in (0,T) \times \mathbb{R}^n,$$ with initial condition $u(0,x) = g(x), \ x \in \mathbb{R}^n.$ Suppose that $u \...
Jun's user avatar
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Reference for PDE problem book

What I need is a source of solved exercises, problems in Partial Differential Equations; to be hard enough (olympiad style) and in areas like Calderon-Zygmund theory and applications, Paley-Littlewood ...
Eddy's user avatar
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Literature on ZS-AKNS systems with independent potentials

For those with some familiarity with integrable systems, I'll summarize my question as such: Where can I find literature on ZS-AKNS systems, and their solution via the inverse scattering transform, ...
Semiclassical's user avatar
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methods for situations where well-posedness criteria hold but global solutions do not exist

I have been learning PDEs (more specifically, nonlinear dispersive equations (Schrödinger/wave/ Klein-Gordan equations etc...)) through the harmonic analysis methods. And I have read a couple of ...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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Uniqueness of solution of elliptic equation with exponential nonlinearity

Consider the following equation $$\Delta v + p(r)e^v = 0$$ on $\mathbb{R}^n$ where $p(r)$ is a polynomial in $r = |(x_1,..., x_n)|$. I want to understand when equations like these have unique ...
gideon's user avatar
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PDEs on torus $\mathbb T$

(Hope this question is o.k. for MO) I have been learning PDE(non linear dispersive equations) techniques, mainly using harmonic analysis(kind of Strichartz estimates, estimates for unimodular ...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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Variational Principle for a System of Differential Equations

I am studying a differential operator of the form $$ L\left(\begin{array}{c} u \\ v \end{array}\right) = -\Delta \left(\begin{array}{c} u \\ v \end{array}\right) + V(x)\left(\begin{array}{c} u \\ v \...
k3thomps's user avatar
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vector valued BVP for ODE's

I am dealing with a vector valued second order homogeneous BVP: $\ddot u(t) = A(t)\dot u(t) + B(t)u(t)$ with $u(0)=u(1)=0.$ where $A$ and $B$ are $n \times n$ matrices with smooth coefficients and $...
Hammerhead's user avatar
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What would the best treatment of Gehring's lemma look like?

In a course about elliptic regularity probably one sooner or later stubles into the reverse Holder inequalities, and has to introduce the Gehring lemma, which in one of its many versions improves a ...
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