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7 votes
2 answers

Local positivity of solutions to linear differential inequalities (Chaplygin's theorem)

According to the entry "Differential inequality" of the Encyclopedia of Mathematics the following result is due to Chaplygin (1919)...
Ettore Minguzzi's user avatar
7 votes
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A criterion on a vector field for its flow to extend continuously at $t=\infty$

In my work in algebraic topology I need to build a special homotopy and I came up with a construction based on some ordinary differential equation in which I am not an expert. I miss some argument to ...
Pascal Lambrechts's user avatar
6 votes
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Gronwall's inequality for higher order derivatives

Gronwall's inequality says that solutions to the initial value problem $u'(t) \leq \beta(t)u(t)$ with $u(0)=u_0$ are bounded by solutions to the problem with inequality replaced with equality for $t\...
H_R's user avatar
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Controlling subsolutions of a second order linear ODE

Let $f:[0,\infty) \to \mathbb{R}$ obey the differential inequality $$f'' - 2\alpha f' + 2\alpha f \leq 0$$ where $0 < \alpha < 2$ is some constant. If $f(0) = 0$ and $f'(0) = 1$, can I say that $...
H_R's user avatar
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On Wazewski's theorem on system of differential inequalities

According to Springer's Encyclopedia of Math entry on differential inequalities, T. Wazewski proved in 1950 the following theorem: Consider the system of differential inequalities given by $$ \...
Tadashi's user avatar
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A bound on an oscillatory solution of an ODE

This question was restated as follows: Let $V\colon[a,b]\to\mathbb{R}$ be smooth, strictly decreasing and $V(b) = 0$. Suppose that $f\colon[a,b]\to\mathbb{R}$ is smooth and satisfies $f''(x)+V(x) f(x)...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
2 votes
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The blow-up rate of a nonlinear oscillator

(Related to this Math.SE question.) For $p>1$, let $u$ be a solution to $$\tag{1}\frac{d^2 u}{dt^2} + u = |u|^{p-1}u$$ that blows up at $T>0$, that is $$\lim_{t\nearrow T}u(t)=+\infty.$$ ...
Giuseppe Negro's user avatar
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Differential inequalities for a strictly diagonal dominant system of linear ODEs

Let $A$ be a real $d\times d$ matrix. The diagonal elements are strictly negative ($a_{ii}<0$) and the off-diagonal elements are non-negative ($a_{ij}\geq 0$ for $i\neq j$). $A$ is strictly column ...
Antony's user avatar
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Bound on $L^1$ norm of solution of two-point boundary value problem

This has to be known, but I have not been able to find it in the literature (probably due to not being too familiar with two-point boundary value problems). I have a function $u:[0,1]\to\mathbb{R}$ ...
gmvh's user avatar
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how to solve a singular integral equation involving the kernel $1/x$

Dear all, Suppose we know that $f(x)$ is nonnegative and Hölder continuous at zero with exponents $1/2$. We also know that $$ f(x) \le g(x) + \int_0^x \frac{f(y)}{y} d y,\quad\forall x>0, $$ ...
Anand's user avatar
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One inequality connected with the linear second order ODE

Is the following statement true? Let $ a>0, b>0, h>0 $, $x(t)$ be the solution of the differential equation $ \ddot{x}+a \dot{x}+bx=h$ with initial conditions $x(0)=u<0 , \dot{x}(0)...
A.Frumkin's user avatar
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Controlling solutions of a second order linear differential inequality

A slightly less general version of this question was asked, in a subsequent comment, by the OP of the question at Controlling subsolutions of a second order linear ODE Let $f:[0,\infty) \to \mathbb{...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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Polynomial / quadratic autonomous system of ODEs – proving monotonicity / convexity

Problem: Consider the autonomous ODE system \begin{align*} \dot{x} &= (1-x) (z-xy)\\ \dot{y} &= \tfrac 1 2 y^2 - (a+xy)(1-y) \\ \dot{z} &= \tfrac 1 2 z^2 - \tfrac 1 2 y^2 + (a+xy)z \end{...
Pavel Kocourek's user avatar