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6 votes
2 answers

Can I relate the L1 norm of a function to its Fourier expansion?

I would like to express the integral of the absolute value of a real-valued function $f$ (over a finite interval) in terms of the Fourier coefficients of $f$. Failing that, I would like to know of any ...
Gregory Putzel's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Minimizing |FT(X)|_{\infty} by permutation of X_i - question on Fourier transform related to engineering problem (peak factor of OFDM system)

Consider vector X =( X_1 ... X_N), consider the discrete Fourier transform $Y=F(X)$. I am interested to minimize $|Y|_{\infty}$, by permutation of numbers X_i, how to do it ? Here $|Y|_{\infty}$ is ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar