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Questions tagged [borel-sets]

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75 votes
4 answers

Non-Borel sets without axiom of choice

This is a simple doubt of mine about the basics of measure theory, which should be easy for the logicians to answer. The example I know of non Borel sets would be a Hamel basis, which needs axiom of ...
Anweshi's user avatar
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An example of a Deligne–Lusztig variety for a general linear group

Take $G=\operatorname{GL}_3$, defined over the algebraic closure of a finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$ and let $X$ be the set of Borel subgroups of $G$. The Frobenius morphism $F:G\to G$ induces a map $F:...
EJB's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

Projection of Borel set from $R^2$ to $R^1$

This should be easy to prove but I have no idea how to do it: If $X \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2$ is borel then $f(X)$ is borel where $f(x,y) = x$ Thanks Tobias
Tobias Neukom's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Filling $\mathbb{R}^3$ with skew lines

I would like to know if it is possible to fill $\mathbb{R}^3$ with lines with the following two properties: (1) Every point $x \in \mathbb{R}^3$ is contained in precisely one line. (2) Every ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

A G-delta-sigma that is not F-sigma?

A subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$ is $G_\delta$ if it is the intersection of countably many open sets $F_\sigma$ if it is the union of countably many closed sets $G_{\delta\sigma}$ if it is the union of ...
Julián Aguirre's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Radon-Nikodym derivatives as limits of ratios

Let $\mu_1$ and $\mu_2$ be measures with $\mu_1 \ll \mu_2$. Suppose we can characterize (a version of) their Radon-Nikodym derivative this way: $$\frac{d\mu_1}{d\mu_2}(x) = \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{\...
Neil Toronto's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

VC dimension of Borel sets [duplicate]

Can there be an uncountable set $S\subseteq\mathbb R$ such that for each subset $D\subseteq S$, there is a Borel set $U$ with $D=S\cap U$? I'm asking merely out of curiosity, but I'll mention that ...
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Do continuous maps factor through continuous surjections via Borel maps?

Let $f \colon X \twoheadrightarrow Y$ be a continuous surjection between compact Hausdorff spaces, and $g \colon \mathbb{R} \to Y$ a continuous function. Can you always find a Borel-measurable ...
Chris Heunen's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

When do Borel $\sigma$-algebras generated by the total variation norm and the weak* topology coincide?

I am almost certain that I read somewhere that the following is true, but I cannot seem to locate the reference. I would be most appreciative if someone could point me to a reference. The result was ...
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6 votes
1 answer

Set of integral curves of a vector field

Let $V \colon [0,1]\times \mathbb R^d \to \mathbb R^d$ be a Borel vector field which is globally bounded, $V \in L^\infty$. I am looking for a reference for the following result (which I suppose it ...
Romeo's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Boolean algebra of ambiguous Borel class

Suppose $X$, $Y$ are uncountable compact metric spaces and $\Delta^0_\xi(X)$, $\Delta^0_\xi(Y)$ ($2\le\xi\le\omega_1$) are the Boolean algebras of Borel sets of ambiguous class $\xi$. So for $\xi=2$ ...
Fred Dashiell's user avatar
4 votes
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Is every element of $\omega_1$ the rank of some Borel set?

It is well known that we can obtain the $\sigma$-algebra of Borel subsets of $2^{\omega}$ in the following way: Let $B_0$ be the collection of all open subsets of $2^{\omega}$. For $\alpha=\beta+1$, ...
Hannes Jakob's user avatar
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2 answers

Product of locally Borel sets locally Borel

Let $X$ be a locally compact Hausdorff space with a fixed Radon measure (= Borel measure that is finite on compact subsets, inner regular on open subsets and outer regular on Borel sets) $\mu$ . A ...
Andromeda's user avatar
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1 vote
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Open set of geodesics implies the set of starting points is open

Let $X$ be a complete and separable metric space, let $G(X) \subset C([0,1],X)$ be the space of continuous curves from $[0,1]$ to $X$ with constant speed, i.e. $$ d(f(t),f(s)) = |t-s| d(f(0), f(1)). $$...
User11111's user avatar