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$f_\epsilon=\inf\{f(y):|y-x|<\epsilon\}$ is measurable Borel [closed]

I found this problem I have tried but it has been a bit complicated for me, Let $f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ a bounded function. For each $\epsilon>0$, let $f_\epsilon (x)=\inf\{f(y):|y-x|<\...
Zaragosa's user avatar
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Nontrivial signed measure on Lebesgue measurable sets being trivial on Borel sets

Let $\mathfrak{L}(\mathbb{R})$ be the collection of Lebesgue measurable sets and $\mathfrak{B}(\mathbb{R})$ be the Borel sets. Question: Is there a nontrivial signed measure on $\mathfrak{L}(\mathbb{R}...
Zhang Yuhan's user avatar
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Borel $\sigma$-algebra on the space of Hölder continuous functions

Let $(M,d)$ be a separable metric space $E$ be a $\mathbb R$-Banach space $\alpha\in(0,1]$ Moreover, let $$\left\|f\right\|_{C^{0+\alpha}(K,\:E)}:=\sup_{x\in K}\left\|f(x)\right\|_E+\sup_{\substack{...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Is the domain of symmetric derivative borel set?

Let $\mu$ be the $n$-dimensional Lebesgue measure and $\lambda$ be a complex Borel measure on $\mathbb{R}^n$. Let $S$ be the set of points $x\in \mathbb{R}^n$ where $\lim_{r\to 0} \frac{\lambda (B(x,...
Rubertos's user avatar
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Possible subsets of reals that equal the set of continuity of a function

This should be an easy question, but I don't quite know how to approach it. It may be somewhat related to the concepts mentioned in the context of this past question, though it was motivated mainly by ...
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