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Kodaira dimension of spaces of rational curves in hypersurfaces

Let $X\subset\mathbb{P}^n$ be a general hypersurface of degree $d\leq n$, and $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{0,0}(X,a)$ the Kontsevich space of degree $a$ rational curves in $X$. Does there exist an ...
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Sheaves on families of genus 2 curves in Hassett's paper

Sorry for a maybe stupid long question but I'm reading the paper "Classical and minimal models of the moduli space of curves of genus two" by Brendan Hassett and I'm not able to unravel a ...
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Parameter spaces for conic bundles

A conic bundle over $\mathbb{P}^n$ is a morphism $\pi:X\rightarrow\mathbb{P}^n$ with fibers isomorphic to plane conics. A conic bundle $\pi:X\rightarrow\mathbb{P}^n$ is minimal if it has relative ...
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Moduli spaces of horizontal curves

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a morphism of projective varieties. We may assume that $X$ and $Y$ are smooth, and $f$ is flat of relative dimension one. Fix an ample divisor $A$ on $X$. I would like to ask ...
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Moduli spaces and conic bundles

The moduli space $A_2(1,8)^{\operatorname{lev}}$ of $(1,8)$-polarized abelian surfaces with canonical level structure has a structure of conic bundle over $\mathbb{P}^2$ with a curve of degree $4$ as ...
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Cohomology of normal bundle and tangent bundle on Gushel-Mukai threefold

Let $X$ be a smooth general ordinary Gushel-Mukai threefold. There is an embedding $X\rightarrow\mathrm{Gr}(2,5):=G$. Consider the normal bundle $\mathcal{N}_{X|G}$, how to compute cohomology of this ...
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Non-uniruled connected smooth fibers implies flat

Let $f:X\to Y$ be a surjective morphism of connected smooth projective varieties over an algebraically closed field. Assume all fibers are connected smooth and none are uniruled. Is $f$ flat? In ...
Nguyen's user avatar
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Unirationality of universal Jacobian over special strata of moduli space of pointed genus 3 curves

Let $M_{3,1}$ be the (coarse, non-compactified) moduli space of genus $3$ curves with a marked point over a field $k$ of characteristic zero. Throwing away the hyperelliptic curves, take the open ...
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Progress on Bondal–Orlov derived equivalence conjecture

In their 1995 paper, Bondal and Orlov posed the following conjecture: If two smooth $n$-dimensional varieties $X$ and $Y$ are related by a flop, then their bounded derived categories of coherent ...
mathphys's user avatar
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Applications of derived categories to "Traditional Algebraic Geometry"

I would like to know how derived categories (in particular, derived categories of coherent sheaves) can give results about "Traditional Algebraic Geometry". I am mostly interested in classical ...
4 votes
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How to split a Multi-section into finitely many Sections via base-change?

Let $:f:X\to Y$ be a projective surjective morphism between two normal varieties over $\mathbb{C}$. Assume that $f$ has only $1$-dimensional fibers. Let $D$ be a multi-section of $f$, i.e., $D$ is a ...
Omprokash Das's user avatar
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Intermediate moduli spaces of stable maps

In the following paper: A. Mustata, M. A. Mustata, "Intermediate moduli spaces of stable maps", Invent. math. 167, 47–90 (2007) the authors introduced a variation on moduli spaces of stable maps ...
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Blowing-up projective spaces of parametrized rational curves

Consider the projective space $\mathbb{P}^N$ parametrizing morphisms $f:\mathbb{P}^1\rightarrow\mathbb{P}^n$, $f(x,y) = [f_0(x,y):\dots:f_n(x,y)]$ of degree $d$. Let $Z_i\subset\mathbb{P}^N$ be the ...
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Compactifications of spaces of morphisms

Let us denote by $Mor_3(\mathbb{P}^1,\mathbb{P}^3)$ the spaces of degree three morphisms $f:\mathbb{P}^1\rightarrow\mathbb{P}^3$, $$f(x_0,x_1)=[f_0(x_0,x_1):f_1(x_0,x_1):f_2(x_0,x_1):f_3(x_0,x_1)]$$ ...
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Linear systems on moduli spaces of stable maps

I am studying the general theory of moduli spaces of stable maps, in particuar of the moduli spaces $\overline{M}_{0,n}(\mathbb{P}^r,d)$ of degree $d$ stable maps from a rational curve with $n$ marked ...
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Psi-classes on moduli spaces of weighted curves

Let $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,A[n]}$ be the stack of weighted genus $g$ curves with weights $A[n]=(a_1,...,a_n)$, and let $\pi:\mathcal{C}\rightarrow \overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,A[n]}$ be the universal ...
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A moduli problem inspired by Stein factorization

Let $f:X \to Y$ be a proper, birational morphism with connected fibers, $X$ is non-singular and $Y$ is normal. Does there exist a moduli space parametrizing all invertible sheaves $\mathcal{L}$ on $X$ ...
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Rationality of moduli spaces of rational curves

Let $\overline{M}_{0,n}$ be the moduli space of Deligne-Mumford stable pointed rational curves, and let us consider the quotient $\widetilde{M}_{0,n} = \overline{M}_{0,n}/S_n$. Clearly, there is a ...
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Moduli spaces admitting birational morphisms over moduli spaces of curves

There are many alternative compactifications of $M_{g,n}$ which live naturally under the classical Deligne-Mumford compactification $\overline{M}_{g,n}$. For instace the moduli spaces of weighted ...
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Canonical bundle of the moduli space of curves

By the pointed canonical bundle formula the canonical bundle of $\overline{M}_{g,n}$ is given by $$K_{\overline{M}_{g,n}} = 13\lambda+\psi-2\delta-\sum_{I}\delta_{1,I}$$ where $\lambda$ is the Hodge ...
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F-curves and divisors on $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$

It is conjectured that a divisor on $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$ would be ample if $D\cdot C >0$ for all F-curves $C\subset \overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$. Does the intersection degree with all F-...
IMeasy's user avatar
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Applications of the boundedness of birational automorphisms

Recently the paper by Hacon, McKernan and Xu appeared on the arXiv. There the authors prove that the number of birational automorphisms of a ...
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Why is the Hodge class of \bar{M_g} big and nef?

Let pi: \bar{Mg,1} \to \bar{M_g} be natural projection of compactified moduli stacks of curves and let omega be the relative dualizing sheaf. Then the Hodge class \lambda of \bar{M_g} is the first ...
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