Questions tagged [binomial-distribution]

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20 votes
8 answers

Lower bound for sum of binomial coefficients?

Hi! I'm new here. It would be awesome if someone knows a good answer. Is there a good lower bound for the tail of sums of binomial coefficients? I'm particularly interested in the simplest case $\...
user13006's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Bounding the probability that two binomials are equal

Note: This question was migrated from this earlier post, where it initially appeared. Following suggestions, I moved this into its own question. Let $B_{n,p}$ denote the usual binomial random ...
Pat Devlin's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to prove that these partial binomial sums are zero?

I am trying to prove that the following equation is equal to zero. $$ 0= \sum_{j=J+1}^N \Big(j (1-q)+ (j-J) (q N-j) \Big) \cdot q^{j} (1-q)^{N -j} \binom{N}{j} \label{zero1}$$ Where $J,N \in \...
Silvester's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Inequality for difference of consecutive atom probabilities for binomial distribution

Edit: This post was originally two questions, the first of which has been answered, but a reference would still be appreciated if existent. The second question has been removed and migrated to its ...
Pat Devlin's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Proving convexity of the expected logarithm of binomial distribution

I would like to prove that the following function, for an arbitrary integer $n$: \begin{equation} \begin{split} f(x) & =x\cdot E \ \log(1+\text{Binomial(n,x)}) \\ & = x \cdot \sum_{k=0}^{n} \...
RotemBZ's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Sum of squares of middle binomial sums or 'Truncated mean' of binomial coefficients under binomial distribution

$\mu=1+\epsilon$ where $\epsilon>0$ holds. 1.Is there a good bound for $$T=\frac{\sum_{i=-\sqrt{\mu n\ln n}}^{\sqrt{\mu n\ln n}}\binom{n}{\frac n2 +i}^2}{2^n}?$$ This quantity can be ...
VS.'s user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

A conjecture on 'truncated joint moments' of binomial coefficients under binomial distribution

This is similar in spirit to Sum of squares of middle binomial sums or 'Truncated mean' of binomial coefficients under binomial distribution but gives some total estimates. Though the other ...
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