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Bounds on dimension of a subspace

Let $I=(0,1)$ and let $C>1$ be a constant. Let $L^2(I)$ and $H^1(I)$ be the standard Sobolev spaces on $I$. Suppose that $U$ is a subspace of $H^1(I)$ with the additional property that: $$ \| u\|_{...
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Regularity of superposition operator generated by function between Banach spaces

Let $E$, $F$ be Banach spaces, $D$ be open in $E$, and $K=[0,1]$. Given $\varphi\colon K\times D\to F$ I call $$ \varphi^\sharp\colon D^K\to F^K,\quad u\mapsto \varphi(\cdot,u(\cdot)) $$ the ...
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Finite dimensionality of a subspace

Let $c>0$ and let $Y$ be the space of all distributions of compact support in $(-1,1)$ with singular support at $\{0\}$. Let $X$ be subspace of $Y$ such that for any $\phi \in X$ there holds: $$ \...
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