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4 answers

Radon-Nikodým property of $\ell^\infty$

I am wondering whether $\ell^\infty(\mathbb N)$ has the Radon-Nikodým property. Of course $\ell^1(\mathbb N)$ does, but I was unable to find out whether (e.g.) duals of spaces with the R-N property ...
Delio Mugnolo's user avatar
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Using the Stone-Weierstrass theorem to solve an integral limit

The following question was posted on math stack exchange here but it got no answers Let $c\in (1, +\infty)$ and $f \colon [0, c] \to \mathbb{R}$ be a continuous and monotonically increasing function ...
Shthephathord23's user avatar
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Cartesian product of Banach spaces: all norms such that the inclusion is an isometry are equivalent?

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an arbitrary (typically infinite-dimensional) Banach space with norm $\|\cdot\|_{\mathcal{A}}$ and let $\mathcal{A}^{n}$ be its Cartesian product. I came across the following ...
Peter's user avatar
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Preduals of B(E)

For a Hilbert space $H$ it is well known that the algebra $B(H)$ has a unique predual; the Banach space of trace class operators. If $E$ is a Banach space then is it known whether $B(E)$ is always a ...
Ollie's user avatar
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Converse of closed graph theorem

Suppose $X$ is a normed linear space. If for every Banach space $Y$ and for every linear operator $T:X\to Y$, graph of $T$ is closed implies $T$ is continuous, then can we prove that $X$ is a Banach ...
Anupam's user avatar
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Completeness of coefficient functionnals

My questions is about Schauder bases and more specifically about coefficient functionals. Let $(x_n)$ be a Schauder basis of a Banach space $X$. Thus for all $x$ in $X$, $x = \sum f_n(x) x_n$. The $...
jvc's user avatar
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Duality between Banach spaces and compact convex spaces

I always had the impression that there was a duality (i.e. a contravariant equivalence of categories) between Banach spaces and certain notion of pointed compact convex set (something like algebras ...
Simon Henry's user avatar
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If $H$ is a separable Hilbert space, is $L^2(H)$ separable?

Let $H$ be a separable Hilbert space, and let $\gamma$ be a Radon probability measure on $H$ with mean zero and covariance operator the identity $I$. Is the Hilbert space $L^2(H,\gamma)$ separable?
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Which C*-algebras are complemented in their bidual?

Every von Neumann algebra is 1-complemented in its bidual, and so is every injective C*-algebra. Also, if $C_0(X)$ is infinite-dimensional and separable then it is not complemented in its bidual, and $...
Cameron Zwarich's user avatar
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Non-Borel subspace of Banach space

Let $X$ be a separable Banach space, $M \subset X$ a linear subspace. Must $M$ be a Borel set in $X$? I believe the answer is "no," since I have seen authors who are careful to talk about "Borel ...
Nate Eldredge's user avatar
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Existence of spectral gap

I would like to start by saying that any comment or idea is highly appreciated. Let us observe that for Hilbert-Schmidt operators $H_1,H_2$ on an infinite-dimensional separable complex Hilbert space $...
Dixmier's user avatar
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On operator ranges in Hilbert & Banach spaces

Lemma 1 from Anderson & Trapp's Shorted Operators, II isLet $A$ and $B$ be bounded operators on the Hilbert space $\mathcal H$. The following statements are equivalent: (1) ran($A$) $\subset$ ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Complemented subspaces constructed from finite pieces- part II

This is a follow up to: Complemented subspace constructed from finite pieces Suppose $Y=\overline{\cup E_n}$ is a closed subspace of a separable Banach space X, where each $E_n$ is a $n$-dimensional ...
user129564's user avatar
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Embedding of real trees into $\ell_1(\Gamma)$

It seems plausible that any real tree or ${\mathbb{R}}$-tree in the sense of the definition in admits an isometric embedding into the Banach space $\ell_1(\...
Mikhail Ostrovskii's user avatar
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Non strictly-singular operators and complemented subspaces

If $T$ is a bounded operator which is not strictly singular, acting on a separable Banach space $X$, can one always find an infinite dimensional, closed and complemented, subspace $Y$ such that $T$ ...
Markus's user avatar
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$c_0$-direct sum of $\mathcal{K}(\mathcal{H})$

Let $\mathcal{K}(\mathcal{H})$ be the C*-algebra of compact operators on a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$. I am interested in the ($c_0$-)sum $A=\sum \mathcal{K}(\mathcal{H})$ of countably many ...
Habujew's user avatar
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Is a subspace with a certain property dense in the dual of a vector space?

Suppose we have a normed vector space $V$ and its dual $V^*$, and suppose that $X \subseteq V^*$ has the property that for every $v \in V$, there is some $\phi \in X$ with $\Vert \phi \Vert = 1$ such ...
Alden Walker's user avatar
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Does separability of the strong operator topology imply separability of the underlying space?

Let $X$ be a Banach space and $B(X)$ be the space of bounded operators on $X$. Suppose that the strong operator topology on $B(X)$ is separable and that the cardinal number of $B(X)$ is continuum. ...
ABB's user avatar
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Best constant in comparison between Rademacher and gaussian averages?

Let $(g_k)$ be a sequence of independent standard gaussians variables on a fixed probability space $\Omega$. Let $(\epsilon_k)$ be a sequence of independent rademacher variables. What is the best ...
BigBill's user avatar
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Tangent space to infinite dimensional manifolds

In finite dimensional geometry, there is a single invariant of a vector space - its dimension. This characterizes finite dimensional manifolds as being glued from Euclidean balls. This situation is ...
0x11111's user avatar
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Integral means vs infinite convex combinations

Let $(X,\mathcal A, \mu)$ be a probability space, $\mathbb E$ a Banach space, and $f:X\to\mathbb E$ a Bochner integrable function. Does there exist a sequence $(x_k)_{k\ge 1} $ in $X$, and a ...
Pietro Majer's user avatar
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Weak*-closed and complemented subspaces of dual Banach spaces

We consider a Banach space $X$ and its dual $X^*$. Let $Q\colon X^\ast \to X^\ast$ be an idempotent operator. Question: Can we find an idempotent operator $P\colon X^\ast \to X^\ast$ which is weak$...
Jan Vardøen's user avatar
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weak*-closed subspaces

Recall that a closed subspace $Y$ of a Banach space $X$ is weakly complemented if the set $$Y^{\bot}:= \{ f\in X^*| f(y) = 0 \forall y\in Y\}$$ is a complemented subspace of $ X^*$. For example, $c_0$ ...
Denis Poulin's user avatar
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Is there a “Closure-of-Range Theorem” for Banach spaces?

The classic Closed Range theorem states that for a linear bounded operator $T:X\to Y$ between Banach spaces, and its transpose $T^*:Y^*\to X^*$, the four conditions: $T(X)$ is $s$-closed; $T(X)$ is $...
Pietro Majer's user avatar
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Can the Banach algebra structure on $B(E)$ be (almost) retrieved from its Banach space structure?

This is basically just out of curiosity. Also, since my research area is in von Neumann algebras and my knowledge of general Banach algebras as well as general Banach spaces is somewhat limited, I ...
David Gao's user avatar
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Containment of $c_0$ in projective tensor products

Let $X$ and $Y$ be Banach spaces and denote by $X\hat{\otimes}_\pi Y$ the projective tensor product. Question: If $X\hat{\otimes}_\pi Y$ contains an isomorphic copy of $c_0$, must then $X$ or $Y$ ...
Johann Langemets's user avatar
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Spectrum of unitary elements of a Banach algebra

Unitary elements of a Banach space have been defined in this paper as follows: Let $A$ be a Banach space and $a\in A, \|a\|=1$. Let $S_{a}=\{f\in A':\|f\|=1=f(a)\}$. Then $a$ is said to be (...
Arundhathi's user avatar
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Subspaces isomorphic to $C[0, \omega_1]$

Let $\omega_1$ be smallest uncountable ordinal. I am trying to understand the possible "large" subspaces of $C[0,\omega_1]$, namely those which are isomorphic to the whole space. Therefore I have the ...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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Reflexive subspaces of bidual Banach spaces

The answer to the question is almost surely negative (as almost always in Banach space theory) but I cannot find a relevant example. Is there an example of an infinite-dimensional Banach space $X$ ...
user32141's user avatar
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Weak compactness in the James space and its dual

It is known that there are characterizations of weak compactness in most of classical non-reflexive spaces (e.g. $L_{1}$-spaces and $C(K)$-spaces). I wonder whether there are characterizations of weak ...
Dongyang Chen's user avatar
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When $C(X)$ is an injective $C(X)$-module? Current answer is erroneous

It is an old question if every injective Banach space is isomorphic as Banach space to $C(X)$-space. I would like to know if the weakened module version of this question is answered. More precisely: ...
Norbert's user avatar
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Extending compact operators

Let $X$ be a separable, infinite-dimensional complex Banach space and $Y\subseteq X$ an infinite-dimensional closed subspace. Suppose $K:Y\to X$ is an arbitrary compact operator. I would like to ...
Ben W's user avatar
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A characterization of Hilbert spaces by norm one projections

Suppose a (separable) Banach space $X$ has the following property: If $P:X\to X$ is a bounded projection different from $I$ such that $\|P\|=1$, then $\|I-P\|=1$. Does this imply that $X$ is a Hilbert ...
Markus's user avatar
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Subspaces of $\ell_\infty^3$

Let $a,b\in\mathbb C$ be suc that $\max\{|a+b|,|a-b|\}\leq 1$ but $|a|+|b|>1.$ According to this paper by Arias, Figiel, Johnson and Schechtman
A beginner mathmatician's user avatar
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Self-dual Orlicz sequence spaces

Suppose that $\ell_\phi$ is a reflexive Orlicz sequence space such that its dual space $\ell_\phi^*$ is isomorphic to $\ell_\phi$. Is $\ell_\phi$ isomorphic to $\ell_2$?
M.González's user avatar
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series representation in injective tensor products

All books on tensor products of Banach spaces contain the well-known theorem of Grothendieck that every element of the completed projective tensor product $X \tilde{\otimes}_ \pi Y$ has a ...
Jochen Wengenroth's user avatar
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Extension of weakly compact operators from $\ell_1$ into $c_0$

Is every weakly compact operator from $\ell_1$ into $c_0$ extendible to any larger space? Equivalently, is every weakly compact operator from $\ell_1$ into $c_0$ extendible to $\ell_\infty$?
Joaquin M. Gutierrez's user avatar
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Projective tensor product of injective operators

I've seen claims that it is known that for a pair of bounded injective linear operators $T\colon X\to Y, S\colon W\to V$, their tensor product $T\otimes S\colon X \otimes_\pi W\to Y \otimes_\pi V$ ...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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Do the operators in $B(E,F)$ separate points on the projective tensor product $F' \mathop{\tilde\otimes_\pi} E$?

Let $E$ and $F$ be Banach spaces, and let $\mathfrak L_{co}(E,F)$ denote the space of bounded linear operators $E \to F$ equipped with the topology of uniform convergence on the absolutely convex ...
J. van Dobben de Bruyn's user avatar
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Davis, Figiel, Johnson and Pełczyński factorization through spaces with a bases

Davis, Figiel, Johnson and Pełczyński's Factorization Theorem states that each weakly compact operator $T:X \to Y$ between Banach spaces $X$ and $Y$ factors through a reflexive Banach space $Z$. In ...
Kevin Beanland's user avatar
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Banach spaces with no reflexive complemented subspaces

If $X$ is a Banach space with the Dunford Pettis Property (DPP), then no infinite reflexive subspace can be complemented. Suppose now that the Banach space has the property, that no infinite reflexive ...
user44155's user avatar
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Yet more on distortion

I would like to elaborate a little bit on my previous question which can be found here. Firstly, let me recall that a separable Banach space $(X, \| \cdot \|)$ is said to be arbitrarily distortable ...
Pandelis Dodos's user avatar
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A notion of restricted injectivity for Banach spaces

I apologize in advance if this is well-known. Let $X$ be a Banach space. Let's call only for this post that $X$ is self-injective if for every closed subspaces \begin{equation} A\subseteq B\subseteq X ...
Onur Oktay's user avatar
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On norming weakly$^*$ sequences in the dual of the Banach space $c_0$

A bounded subset $B$ of the dual $X^*$ of a Banach space $X$ is called norming if the formula $\|x\|:=\sup\{|x^*(x)|:x^*\in B\}$ determines an equivalent norm on $X$. Observe that the sequence $(e_n^*...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Banach spaces with a certain separability property

In Ledoux and Talagrand's "Probability in Banach Spaces", for technical reasons they frequently assume that a Banach space $B$ has the property that the unit ball of $B^*$ contains a countable subset $...
Mark Meckes's user avatar
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Extremal problem for 2-dimensional lattices

Given a lattice $L$ in a Banach space $(B,\|\;\|)$, one denotes by $\lambda_1(L)$ the least norm of a nonzero element in $L$, and by $\lambda_k$ the least $\lambda$ such that there is a linearly ...
Mikhail Katz's user avatar
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An equivalent condition for separability of $X^*$

Let $X$ be a Banach space. By the weak operator topology on $B(X)$, we mean the locally convex topology implemented by the following semi-norms: $$B(X)\to[0,\infty) : T\to|\langle Tx,x^*\rangle|$$ ...
ABB's user avatar
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Is $L_q(X^*)$ complemented in $(L_p(X))^*$?

Let $X$ be a Banach space and let $p\in (1,\infty)$. If $q$ denotes the conjugate exponent to $p$, then $L_q(X^*)$ is easily seen to be isometric to a subspace of $(L_p(X))^*$ via the map $$f\mapsto \...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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A counterexample showing $BV_p \neq AC_p$

I am trying to work through a supposedly simple counterexample given in papers by Love and Gehring regarding a $p$-power generalization of bounded variation and absolute continuity. Let $p > 1$. ...
maxematician's user avatar
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Can one show that the dual of a quasi-Banach space separates points without explicitly identifying the dual?

I'm interested in a question regarding the identification of some duals of quasi-Banach spaces. However, I'm not familiar with the quasi-Banach literature, so I'm hoping somebody can point me in the ...
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