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3 answers

Does the generator of a 1-parameter group of Banach space isometries know which elements are entire?

Let $X$ be a complex Banach space. Let $(\sigma_t)_{t \in \mathbb{R}}$ be a 1-parameter group of linear isometries of $X$ which is strongly continuous i.e. $t \mapsto \sigma_t(x)$ is continuous for ...
Michael's user avatar
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Transpose of unbounded operators between Banach spaces.

Let $X$ and $Y$ be Banach spaces, and let $L : X \rightarrow Y$ be a unbounded operator with dense domain $\operatorname{dom}(L)$. We can then talk about the transposed operator $L' : \operatorname{...
shuhalo's user avatar
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Closable unbounded operators and Banach space adjoints

For an unbounded operator $T:\mathcal{H}_1 \to \mathcal{H}_2$, if its adjoint $T^*$ is densely defined, then we know that $T$ is closable. What happens if we replace $\mathcal{H}_1$ or $\mathcal{H}_2$ ...
Dave Shulman's user avatar
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Are $\| \Delta u \|_{L^p(\Bbb R^d)} + \| u \|_{L^p(\Bbb R^d)}$ and $\| u \|_{W^{2,p}(\Bbb R^d)}$ equivalent norms?

Is it true that $$\| \Delta u \|_{L^p(\Bbb R^d)} + \| u \|_{L^p(\Bbb R^d)}\quad\text{and}\quad\| u \|_{W^{2,p}(\Bbb R^d)}$$ are equivalent norms? This results is pretty easy and straightforward for $...
Guy Fsone's user avatar
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Example of a linear operator whose graph is not closed

I want an example of a linear operator $T:X\to Y$ such that graph of $T$ is not closed. My thoughts: $T$ must be unbounded. Again by closed graph theorem any unbounded linear map from a Banach space $...
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