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When can an affine functional on the dual be represented as an element of a Banach space?

In Measures Which Agree on Balls by Hoffmann-Jørgenson, we are given a functional $\varphi: T(x_0)\to (-\infty, \infty]$, which is a lower semicontinuous, affine, Baire function on a subspace $T(x_0)$ ...
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Finding set of best approximations from a point in $c_0$ to its subspace

Given $X$=$c_0$, null sequence space with sup norm. Consider a subspace $Y$ of $c_0$ consisting of elements of $c_0$ as, $Y=\{x\in c_0 : x_{2i}=i.x_{2i-1}, i \geq 1\}$. I need to find the set of best ...
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